Laboratory Procedures

ECE 4437


Project Development Environment:

Each project team will be checked out an MCU Student Learning Kit (MCUSLK) consisting of:

·             MCU Development Module (CSM12C32), a small board containing a MCS912C32 microcontroller.

·             MCU Project Board, into which the MCU Module is inserted.  The Project Board provides power, I/O connections, and solderless breadboard area, and a BDM debug pod for debugging the MCU Module.

·             Power supply, serial cables, BDM cable.

·             Freescale/Metrowerks CodeWarrior Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for a Windows PC.  CodeWarrior provides project management, source file editing, and assembly of programs, plus debugging services via the BDM on the project board (which connects to the MCU Module).

In addition, teams will be provided various other parts that will help in their assignments.

Laboratory computers available for use in this course are those in the Robotics Lab, N3xx.  Each computer has a copy of Metrowerks CodeWarrior installed.

Obtaining your own Hardware/Software:

1. You can purchase a complete Student Learning Kit from Freescale for $224.40 plus tax and shipping.  It’s the PBS12C32SLK. 

The kit includes the MCU Development Module, MCU Project Board, and power supply.

Or you can get just the MCU Module and power supply without the Project Board for $49.21.  It’s the APS12C32SLK.

For information and to order online:

2. You can obtain CodeWarrior by downloading a free Special Edition for the HCS12 from Freescale:

All students should also have a copy of CodeWarrior installed on their own computers for project development work outside the laboratory.


Before you come to Lab:

Read relevant sections of notes and books.

Write the program source file using CodeWarrior or a text editor.  DO NOT write the initial source file in the laboratory!

Using your own copy of CodeWarrior, compile/assemble the program until there are no compilation errors.  Inspect the assembled code in the listing to see if it looks correct.

Analyze your program and create a debugging plan.  This plan should include your planned test procedure, expected results, and debugging steps you will immediately take if the program does not meet expectations.

Bring to Lab:

Your project directory, with source files (and object files if already assembled) should simply be in your Windows network home directory, to which you can connect from the laboratory computer.  NEVER leave any files on the local hard disk of the lab computers!

Turn in:

Turn in your Assignment Folder to the DropFolders.  Instructions for doing so are in the document, "Turning in Programming Assignments."

Your Assignment Folder should contain:

CodeWarrior project folder (named Lab1, Lab2, etc.) containing all relevant files

Any other files called for by the assignment

The assignment folder would then look like, for example, the following:

          SmithJonesLab1\                                            assignment folder

                   Lab1\                                                                CodeWarrior project folder

                   Other files or directories



Turn When you have turned in your project and you are ready for your demonstration and oral exam, sign up for a time slot on the sign-up sheet posted on Dr. Glover's door.  At the appointed time, bring your project board and MCU kit to Dr. Glover's office.  Be prepared to explain/show how and why you wrote the program the way you did.  Remember that all members of the team must be present and participate in the demonstration and questions.  Questions may relate to the program, the approach to the solution, debugging techniques, … anything about the lab.  When you come for your appointment, bring a hard copy printout of the main.c source file.   If necessary, print it in landscape format so that the comments do not wrap to the next line.