XDEF Entry ; export 'Entry' symbol ABSENTRY Entry ; for absolute assembly: mark this as application entry point ; include derivative specific macros ORG $3800 result_sum: ds.w 1 ORG $4000 Entry: ;Example of a subroutine that adds 3 words ;Whose addresses are pushed on the stack, ;returning result in register X lds #$3f00 ldx #$1234 pshx ldx #$4321 pshx ldx #$1212 pshx jsr add3wordsub leas 6,sp ;clean the 3 input words ;(6 bytes) off of the stack! stx result_sum done: bra done ;*****Subroutine "add3wordsub" starts here. add3wordsub:pshd ;save D register, as it is altered ldd #0 ;Stack Map: 3f00 -- addd 8,SP ;(after pshd)3eff 34 addd 6,SP ; SP+8-> 3efe 12 addd 4,SP ; 3efd 21 ; SP+6-> 3efc 43 ; 3efb 12 ; SP+4-> 3efa 12 ; 3ef9 PClow tfr d,x ; 3ef8 PChigh puld ; 3ef7 Dlow (b) rts ; SP-> 3ef6 Dhigh (a) ;************************************************************** ;* Interrupt Vectors * ;************************************************************** ORG $FFFE fdb Entry ; Reset