; export symbols (to be referenced outside of this file) XDEF Entry XDEF Timer_word ; import symbols (defined outside of this file) XREF __SEG_END_SSTACK XREF WAITMS XREF INIT_PLL INCLUDE 'mc9s12c32.inc' MY_EXTENDED_RAM: SECTION Timer_word ds.w 1 MyCode: SECTION Entry: LDS #__SEG_END_SSTACK ; Initialize the stack pointer BSET DDRT,$02 ; Make PT1 AN OUTPUT (LED on PT1) JSR INIT_PLL ; Routine INIT_PLL is in another file MOVW #1000,Timer_word FLASHAGN: BSET PTT,$02 ; TURN ON LED JSR WAITMS ; Routine WTMS is in another file ; Waits number of ms in location BCLR PTT,$02 ; Timer_word JSR WAITMS BRA FLASHAGN ; TURN OFF LED END