; export symbols XDEF Entry ; export 'Entry' symbol ABSENTRY Entry ; for absolute assembly: mark this as application entry point ; include derivative specific macros INCLUDE 'mc9s12c32.inc' ; variable/data section ORG RAMStart ; Insert here your data definition. For demonstration, temp_byte is used. temp_byte ds.b 1 ; code section ORG ROMStart Entry: LDAA #4 LDAB #6 MUL ;D = A*B = 24 LDX #10 IDIV ;D = Rmdr(D/X) = 4 ;X = D/X = 2 ; ;Note dividing by 10 ;breaks an 8-bit binary ;number up into its two ;decimal digits! LDD #4 LDX #10 FDIV ;X extracts first 16 bits ;of FRACTIONAL part of D/X ;Note 4/10 = %010.0110011001100110...... ;(0.4 = 1/4+1/8+1/64+1/128 = 0.3987) ;Result of FDIV is X = 0110011001100110 LDD #$FFFF LDY #4 EMUL ;Y*D-> Y:D (unsigned numbers) ;65535*4 = 262140 =>Y = $3, D = $FFFC LDD #$FFFF LDY #4 EMULS ;Y*D -> Y:D (signed numbers) ;-1 * 4 = -4 => Y = $FFFF, D = $FFFC done: BRA done ;************************************************************** ;* Interrupt Vectors * ;************************************************************** ORG $FFFE fdb Entry ; Reset