From: Hoover, Keith E Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 3:10 PM To: Crosby, Mark A Cc: '' Subject: ECE331 Parts Order for Fall 2008/09 Dear Mark and Ben, Thanks for discovering the change in the 68HC12 processor board! I am relieved to hear that the new APS12C32SLK boards should be compatible with what we have been using, and that that they will have MORE MEMORY on board! That is good news! Here is the additional parts list needed for ECE331 this fall: Currently there are 8 students signed up to take this course, so at least 8 kits need to be made (one kit per student). I suggest that you make sure that there are at least enough parts for 12 kits on hand, in order to be safe, as more may add at the last minute! Each kit should consist of 1.. 1 - APS12C32SLK processor board kit from FreeScale 2.. 2 - 74HC595 Serial In-Parallel Out Shift Registers (Note that TWO of these chips are needed per kit) 3.. 1 - 74HC14 Hex Schmitt Inverter 4.. 1 - 2 x 16 character LCD Display Panel (Preferably just like those we used last year) The panel must have a 14-pin Hitachi (HD44780) Interface, with a flat cable that can plug into a breadboard via a 14-pin DIP plug (as you provided last year) (This item can be checked out from instrument room, if you desire.) 5.. 1 - 10 kilohm linear pot 6.. 1 - Dual 7-segment Common Cathode display (LC5652 or equivalent) 7.. 1 - 4 x 4 keypad (This item can be checked out from instrument room, just as we did last year) The students may need to buy assorted resistors, depending on what they already have. Also many of the students will probably need to buy wire strippers. A kit of wires came with each project board last year, but I suspect that many of these wire kits have been decimated, and the students will need to cut their own wires this year for many of the projects. The students will need to debug their projects using Logic Probes. I would appreciate your checking to see that we have at least 10 working logic probes available for checkout from the instrument room. Finally, each student will need to check out a project board (PBMCUSLK) for the duration of the course. I believe that we have 29 working project boards (in their original cardboard boxes) that were checked in last quarter. Please make sure that each project board also has a USB cable before checking it out. These boards are expensive, so it is important to get the board number and the student signature on the sign out form. The 30th project board is still in the possession of Mr. Evan Parker who is making up the course this summer, and this board should be returned before the end of the summer. Thanks much for all of your help! ---Keith -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Crosby, Mark A Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 1:44 PM To: Hoover, Keith E Subject: FW: APS12C32SLK Keith, Here is the email from Freescale. Andy is saying that the new part is compatible. Thanks,Mark CrosbySenior TechnologistElectrical and Computer Engineering DepartmentRose-Hulman Institute of Technology(812) 877-8469 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mastronardi Andy [] Sent: Wed 8/13/2008 1:33 PM To: Crosby, Mark A Subject: RE: APS12C32SLK Mark, We enhanced the HCS12 "C" family offering to a new more robust part. The replacement part is the APS12C128SLK. It is a little more expensive. Let me know what you need and I can help with price. Andy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Crosby, Mark A [] Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 12:28 PM To: Mastronardi Andy Subject: APS12C32SLK Andy, We are gearing up for school and need to order the parts. I have noticed that the APS12C32SLK is ify. Is there a replacement? What do we need to do? Thanks,Mark CrosbySenior TechnologistElectrical and Computer Engineering DepartmentRose-Hulman Institute of Technology(812) 877-8469