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Each student is expected to have a lab kit consisting of (at least) one prototyping breadboard, wire stripper, screwdriver (for removing ICs from the breadboard), long nose pliers (for stripping short wires and for placing wires neatly and firmly in the breadboard), and assorted resistors, capacitors, LEDs, and other electronic components. What you do not have can be bought (at cost) from the ECE supply room. Assorted ICs, capacitors, resistors, transistors, LEDs, LED displays, etc., will have to be bought from the equipment room as needed, if not already in your lab kit. The total cost of these parts should not exceed $40.00 per lab team. Each student is expected to bring a Rose-Hulman Institute-standard laptop PC to lab, on which he will load the Metrowerks CodeWarrior software that is required in this course. Course Description: Upon completion of this course, the computer engineering student will be conversant with the 9S12-family microcontroller architecture, machine language, assembly language, programming embedded systems in the C programming language, and real-time event timing, event (pulse) generation, and interrupt-driven input/output. Although Motorola's 9S12C32 CISC (complex instruction set) microcontroller will be the focus of this course, the knowledge gained by programming this specific microcontroller (in both the C programming language and assembly language) should be easily transferable to other microprocessors and microcontrollers. Topics: Motorola 9S12C32 assembly language and architecture, I/O peripheral programming and interfacing, handshaking and interrupts, real-time programming, high-level programming, bus timing. Skills: Formal reports and presentations. Working in teams. Use of computers and instruments. Tentative Schedule of Lecture Topics and Lab Projects Week 1. MC9S12C32 Architecture and Assembly Programming 1. Block Diagram Overview and Programmers Register Model 2. Instruction Set 3. Non-handshaked Parallel I/O (Ports T, AD, M) Lab Period #1: Assembler/Debugger/Simulator Familiarization - Die Tosser Week 2. MC9S12C32 Architecture and Assembly Programming (Continued) Addressing Modes I Addressing Modes II Example Programs Lab Period #2: C Compiler - Double Click Detector C Program Week 3. MC9S12C32 Programmable Timer (Input Capture and Output Compare Pins) 1. MC9S12C32 Timing Chain Block Diagram. Output Compare Mechanism. 2. Input Capture Mechanism. 3. Lab 3 Preparation. Example programs. Lab Period #3: Start Keyswitch Matrix Debouncing/Decoding and Asynchronous Serial Transmission Project. Week 4. MC9S12C32 A/D Converter, SCI (UART Serial Port) 1 Serial Communications Interface block (SCI) 2 Reset and Interrupt Vectors 3. Interrupt Processing Lab Period #4: Finish Keyswitch Matrix Debouncing/Decoding and Serial Transmission Project. Week 5. Interrupts Output Compare Interrupts Input Capture Interrupts and Other Interrupt Sources Midterm Examination (In class, Friday of 5th week) Lab Period #5: Interrupt-Driven Combination Lock and Instrument Tuner. Week 6. Serial Port (Asynchronous Serial Interface and Serial Peripheral Interface) A/D Converter and Serial Asynchronous Transmission SPI Port timing and programming considerations. Example SPI Port programs. Lab Period #6: Add Interrupt-Driven Digital Voltmeter using SPI Port Week 7. Interfacing to the CAN, 1-wire, and USB busses Lab Period #7: Bus interfacing experiment Week 8. Interfacing to LCD display Lab Period #8: LCD display experiment Week 9. Embedded Control Project 1. Project examples 2. Typical input devices used in embedded designs 3. More input devices. Laboratory Period #9: Embedded Design Project. Week 10. Embedded Control Project 1. Typical input devices used in embedded designs. 2. Driving high current dc loads (Power Darlington BJTs, VMOSFETs, relays) 3. Driving ac loads (SCRs and Triacs) Lab Period #10: Finish Embedded Design Project. Project demonstrations and final reports due at this time. There will only be two tests in the class, a midterm and a final, given during the regularly scheduled final exam period. Both tests will be closed Book/Open MC9S12C32 manuals. Basis for Grading Homework Assignments (about 5) 10 points each Laboratory Assignments (6) (1-week labs 10 pts, 2-week labs 20 pts) Midterm Exam 100 points Final Exam (Cumulative) 150 points Project Demo and Oral Presentation 20 points Project Formal Written Report 20 points Your cumulative score is simply the sum of the points received on all graded work. You should save all returned work in order to document your grade. At the end of the course, your final grade will be determined based on where your score falls on the standard percentage scale shown below: 94 - 100% A 73 - 77% C 89 - 93 B+ 68 - 72 D+ 83 - 88 B 60 - 67 D 78 - 82 C+ 0 - 60 F With this fixed grading scale, you can calculate your present grade in this class at any time. Course Policies 1. Programming assignments will be given as both lab and homework. Both lab and homework assignments must be done individually. 2. You may work in the microcomputer laboratory during normal school hours on a "first-come, first-served basis" during times when no other lab is scheduled. 3. All programming assignments (homework or labs) must be completed within one week of the day on which they were assigned. Otherwise NO CREDIT can be given. This rule forces the procrastinator to keep up, and eliminates laboratory-use bottlenecks toward the end of the term. 4. All programming assignments (both lab and homework) must be run on a simulator or the microcontroller itself, and must be written up in memo format (one report per lab team). Your memo header must include the following: Date, Project Number and Title, Lab Station Number, Team Names, Initials, and the campus mailbox to which the report should be returned. Your report memo should be 1 3 pages in length, and it must provide: introductory comments that describe what will be learned in the lab project and refer to various attachments listed below, which must be neatly numbered and captioned. (Example: Attachment 1. Diagram of D/A converter driving an audio amplifier that was interfaced through Port B of the MC9S12C32 Microcontroller Module.): Diagrams (if relevant) of any hardware circuits that you built for the lab project. All schematic diagrams must be drafted using Orcad Lite 9.2. Flow Chart Description of your program(s). Adequately -commented source code program listing(s). Presentation of the test procedures used to verify operation of the project, and, where relevant, the test cases and results used to verify operation of your program. A sufficient number of test cases must be presented to completely validate your software. Date and sign your names at the end of your test data section. Your signatures certifies that your truly did independently write, run, debug, and test this program. 5. Your project proposal is due by the end of the 8th week of lab. Your proposal should be "word-processed", and it must consist of the following specifically labeled sections: REQUIRED PROJECT PROPOSAL FORMAT A. INTRODUCTION Brief description of the microcomputer-based product and an explanation of why it is worth creating. B. EXTERNAL SPECIFICATIONS: USER MANUAL Include front- and rear-panel pictorial layout sketches of your proposed product. Your sketches should show all indicators, controls, and connectors, etc. These sketches must be accompanied by complete operating instructions for your product. (The operating instructions must refer to your layout sketches). Your instructions should be understandable by a non-technical user of this product, yet they must be complete and specific enough to suffice as a user's manual for the finished product. Of course, the purpose of each indicator, connector, and control should be clearly explained. The student may feel that it is rather premature and perhaps unreasonable to expect that the user manual (product specifications) be fleshed out in such complete and excruciating detail before the project physically exists. However, most "real", well-engineered products are indeed created in this fashion. IMPORTANT COMMENT This preliminary user manual requirement is very much akin to the requirement that you write an outline before you write a term paper in an English class. Writing outlines (or writing preliminary engineering specification "user" manuals) is often a painful process. Outlining runs counter to natural human behavior! We want to impatiently plunge right into a task with only a vague idea of what is needed. Sometimes we are "lucky", with the results being just what we needed. More often, however, we find that we must hack away at our initial design until it becomes suitable (though by this time the design is rather battered and bruised!). Clearly, detailed initial planning permits us to proceed more directly to our goals, resulting in a far better-structured and a far "cleaner" result. C. HARDWARE BLOCK DIAGRAM Include a simplified hardware block diagram of the proposed project and a brief textual explanation of the internal functioning of the hardware. D. BUDGET Generate a price list for those major components that the team will have to buy in order to complete the project. Some of these parts can be bought (at cost) from our equipment room. 6. The final written report on the term project is due by Friday 5 PM of the end of the 10th week of class. Your written report should be "word processed" and must consist of the following five specifically labeled sections: REQUIRED FORMAT OF FINAL PROJECT WRITTEN REPORT A. INTRODUCTION (From proposal) B. EXTERNAL SPECIFICATIONS: USER MANUAL (From proposal, with any appropriate changes) C. INTERNAL OPERATION Present a hardware block diagram and a high-level (relatively simple) software flowchart that shows how the software has been modularized. Use these to explain (at a high level) the internal operation of your system. Next progress to a more detailed description of your circuitry and software. Provide a chip-level description of your circuit by referring to a detailed schematic circuit diagram. Describe the function of each of your software modules. Refer to the actual (commented) program listing and individual module flowcharts. Be sure to also include any necessary design calculations, K-map work, McBoole listings, or additional design information, such as CUPL listings for GAL designs, ASM charts of finite-state machine controllers, etc. D. TESTING PROCEDURES and RESULTS Describe the procedures and tests that you have used to evaluate the finished product and to determine the degree to which the preliminary design specifications have been met. Show summarized results of these tests. If certain specifications were not met, explain why they were not met. E. BILL OF MATERIALS Unlike the budget section in your proposal, this section should estimate the total parts cost for the entire product. Both single-unit and an estimated "1000-unit production quantity" cost estimate must be included. Include prices found in current electronics distributor's catalogs.) Projects that have been successfully completed in the past are listed below. Due to extremely tight time constraints (3 weeks), limited parts availability, and (your) limited pocketbook, you should choose a project that does not require many I/O lines or additional parts. You should NOT pick a project that requires additional parts that are not readily available on campus, in town, or "off-the-shelf" from some mail order vendor. I suggest the following mail order vendors, all of which have on-line catalogs: Electronics Goldmine (online catalog:  HYPERLINK "http://sales.goldmine-elec.com/index.asp" WWW.SALES.GOLDMINE-ELEC.COM) Digikey (online catalog:  HYPERLINK http://WWW.DIGIKEY.COM WWW.DIGIKEY.COM) JDR Microdevices (online catalog:  HYPERLINK http://WWW.JDR.COM) WWW.JDR.COM), JAMECO Electronics (online catalog:  HYPERLINK http://WWW.JAMECO.COM WWW.JAMECO.COM) BG Micro (bargain surplus parts!) (online catalog:  HYPERLINK http://WWW.BGMICRO.COM) WWW.BGMICRO.COM). Dont forget our local merchants (Radio Shack and the Electronics Depot)! LIST OF SUGGESTED FINAL PROJECTS Morse Code "SENDER" Key paddle input: pressing one paddle emits dit string; pressing other paddle emits dah string; squeezing both paddles at same time emits alternating dits and dahs. Audio tone output. Several record/playback message memories. Self-completing dits and dahs. Keypad Combination Lock Software-scanned keypad allows sequential entry of 8-digit combination to operate solenoid to open lock. Provision for changing combination via same keypad. Talking Clock Uses speech synthesis chip to announce time every hour, or any time that a button is pressed. Programmable Incandescent Light Dimmer/Brightener Allows preselected starting and stopping light levels and brightness change rate of a flashlight bulb using a switching transistor and duty-cycle pulse-width modulation. Musical Instrument Tuner Microphone input. Must display how flat or sharp an instrument is from a preset ``target'' note. Message Wand Consists of 8 closely-spaced LEDs, such that when the wand is waved in a darkened room, a message will be read! Reaction Timer Turns on a light at a random time and measures how long a subject takes to hit a pushbutton after the light comes on. (This might be a good test for fitness of a driver before allowing the ignition switch to be enabled on a car.) 8. Attendance Policy: Good class and laboratory attendance is considered mandatory. Attendance may be taken at the beginning of each class and lab. One-half letter grade deduction will be made per every three classes or each lab session that you miss without a pre-excused absence. You will fail the class if you miss (excused or unexcused) a total of ten classes or three lab sessions during the course of the 10-week quarter.     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