;ECE331 Quiz 7 10/1/2009 Name:__________________________________ CM#______ ;Fill in the missing blanks in the program below that uses the hardware timer ; in interrupt-driven fashion to produce a 1 Hz square wave on PT5, ; assuming a 2 MHz bus clock (as on our laboratory microcontroller modules.) XDEF Entry ; export 'Entry' symbol ABSENTRY Entry ; for absolute assembly: mark this as application entry point INCLUDE 'mc9s12c128.inc' ORG $4000 Entry: LDS #$1000 ; Initialize the stack pointer MOVB _______________________ ; Make Timer Tick Interval = 64/(2MHz) = 32 microsec BSET _______________________ ; Make TC5 an output compare register BSET _______________________ ; Enable TC5 interrupts MOVB _______________________ ; Make Channel 5 Output Compare Event Toggle PT5 BSET ________________________ ; Enable Timer LDD _________________________ ; ADDD TCNT STD _______________________ ; Schedule first output compare interrupt ; to occur in 500 ms. MOVB _______________________ ; Clear TC5 interrupt flag _______________ ; Globally enable interrupts LoopHere: BRA LoopHere ; Loop here while timer periodically interrupts ;*********** Interrupt Service Routine Starts Here ************* TC5ISR MOVB _______________________ ; Clear TC5 interrupt flag LDD ________________________ ADDD _______________________ STD _______________________ ;Schedule next output compare event in 0.5 s RTI ORG $FFFE ; DC.W Entry ; Reset Vector ORG $FFE4 DC.W TC5ISR ;TC5 Interrupt Vector