Start Keil tools (Keil uVision2) Project | New Project... | name for your project Select Generic, 8031 File | New (to create new source code file) File | Save As, then specify .c extension (when you do this first, then color-coding becomes enabled when you type your C code) Enter your C file Editing Tips: right-click in editor window to open the "Go to Line" window... comes in handy when debugging; use Ctrl-] to go to matching brace Project | Options for 'Target 1' Select Output tab Enable "Create HEX file" option Expand "Target 1" hierarchy in files window on left side (click the + symbol) Right-click "Source Group 1" and select "Add Files to Group" Select your .c file and click "Add", then click "Close" (expand the hierarchy for "Source Group 1" and ensure that your .c file is listed) Select Project | Build target (or press F7)