Mini-Project 2

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MIDI File Interpretation

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MIDI files consist of three types of data: (1) MIDI events, (2) timing information, and (3) file structure information (file header and track headers). Your task in this mini-project is to decode (interpret) a MIDI file by examining the individual bytes of the file.

Part 1

Determine the following information for this MIDI file listing:

  1. File format (Type 0, 1, or 2)

  2. Number of tracks

  3. Number of ticks per quarter note

  4. Shortest non-zero delta time, reported both in ticks and in microseconds (hint: the timing information you need here is derived from information  in two distinct places)

  5. Top two longest delta times, both in ticks and in microseconds

Part 2

Interpret each part of the file. Use a tabular format like this:

 Byte Number         Description

1 – 4                        Header chunk ID

5 – 8                        Header chunk length = 6 bytes


Demonstrate that you understand variable-length format by decoding several of the delta times in detail. You do not need to decode all the delta times, just indicate their byte numbers.

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 ECE481: Electronic Music Synthesis (S 2002-03)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

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Last updated: 03/10/05.