--- Saving session to: ECE481_23-Apr-2002.txt --- Processed startup.m --- ; ; ; ; ; ; ; fs = 10e3; dur = 1; ss=randn(1,dur*fs); [a b] =nres(500,100,fs); soundsc(filter(b,a,ss),fs) [a b] =nres(500,100,fs); soundsc(filter(b,a,ss),fs) [a b] =nres(300,100,fs); soundsc(filter(b,a,ss),fs) [a b] =nres(1000,100,fs); soundsc(filter(b,a,ss),fs) [a b] =nres(1000,10,fs); soundsc(filter(b,a,ss),fs) [a b] =nres(500,10,fs); soundsc(filter(b,a,ss),fs) [a b] =nres(500,1,fs); soundsc(filter(b,a,ss),fs) [a b] =nres(500,0.1,fs); soundsc(filter(b,a,ss),fs) edit vowel1 vowel1 fschange('c:\personal\class\2001-02\spring\ece481\matlab\vowel1.m'); clear vowel1 vowel1 fschange('c:\personal\class\2001-02\spring\ece481\matlab\vowel1.m'); clear vowel1 vowel1 fschange('c:\personal\class\2001-02\spring\ece481\matlab\vowel1.m'); clear vowel1 vowel1 fschange('c:\personal\class\2001-02\spring\ece481\matlab\vowel1.m'); clear vowel1 vowel1 fschange('c:\personal\class\2001-02\spring\ece481\matlab\vowel1.m'); clear vowel1 vowel1 fschange('c:\personal\class\2001-02\spring\ece481\matlab\vowel1.m'); clear vowel1 vowel1 fschange('c:\personal\class\2001-02\spring\ece481\matlab\vowel1.m'); clear vowel1 vowel1 fschange('c:\personal\class\2001-02\spring\ece481\matlab\vowel1.m'); clear vowel1 vowel1 fschange('c:\personal\class\2001-02\spring\ece481\matlab\vowel1.m'); clear vowel1 vowel1 fschange('c:\personal\class\2001-02\spring\ece481\matlab\vowel1.m'); clear vowel1 fschange('c:\personal\class\2001-02\spring\ece481\matlab\vowel1.m'); clear vowel1 vowel1 type vowel1 % Vowel simulator (p. 292 of Moore) % Sampling frequency and duration fs=10e3; dur=1; f0=100; % Define the wideband source %ss=randn(1,dur*fs); ss=blp(40,f0,f0,dur,fs); % Shape the signal with an envelope env=gen4([0 0 -1; 0.1 1 0; 0.9 1 -1; 1 0 0],dur,fs); ss=env.*ss; % Define 3 filters for each of the formants (see Table 3-10 on p. 292 of Moore) f=[730 1090 2440]; % /a/ as in "hot" %f=[520 1190 2390]; % /uh/ as in "hut" %f=[270 2290 3010]; % /iy/ as in "beet" %f=[300 870 2240]; % /oo/ as in "boot" [a1 b1]=nres(f(1), 0.05*f(1), fs); [a2 b2]=nres(f(2), 0.04*f(2), fs); [a3 b3]=nres(f(3), 0.03*f(3), fs); % Apply the three filters in parallel; apply weights, too y=filter(b1,a1,ss) + (1/2)*filter(b2,a2,ss) + (1/3)*filter(b3,a3,ss); % Listen to the result soundsc(y,fs) exit