--- Saving session to: ECE481_04-Apr-2002.txt --- Processed startup.m --- doc ; ; ; ; ; ; ; trumpet1 Sum of partials 1 to 1,... Error in ==> c:\personal\class\2001-02\spring\ece481\matlab\trumpet1.m On line 63 ==> pause trumpet1 Sum of partials 1 to 1,... Error in ==> c:\personal\class\2001-02\spring\ece481\matlab\trumpet1.m On line 63 ==> pause trumpet1 Sum of partials 1 to 1,... Sum of partials 1 to 2,... Sum of partials 1 to 3,... Sum of partials 1 to 4,... Sum of partials 1 to 5,... Sum of partials 1 to 6,... Sum of partials 1 to 7,... Sum of partials 1 to 8,... Sum of partials 1 to 9,... Sum of partials 1 to 10,... Sum of partials 1 to 11,... Sum of partials 1 to 12,... Complete sound fschange('c:\personal\class\2001-02\spring\ece481\matlab\trumpet1.m'); clear trumpet1 trumpet1 Sum of partials 1 to 1,... Sum of partials 1 to 2,... Sum of partials 1 to 3,... Sum of partials 1 to 4,... Sum of partials 1 to 5,... Sum of partials 1 to 6,... Sum of partials 1 to 7,... Sum of partials 1 to 8,... Sum of partials 1 to 9,... Sum of partials 1 to 10,... Sum of partials 1 to 11,... Sum of partials 1 to 12,... Complete sound trumpet1 Sum of partials 1 to 1,... Sum of partials 1 to 2,... Sum of partials 1 to 3,... Sum of partials 1 to 4,... Sum of partials 1 to 5,... Sum of partials 1 to 6,... Sum of partials 1 to 7,... Sum of partials 1 to 8,... Sum of partials 1 to 9,... Sum of partials 1 to 10,... Sum of partials 1 to 11,... Sum of partials 1 to 12,... Complete sound soundsc(y,fs*2(0/12)) ??? soundsc(y,fs*2(0/12)) | Error: ")" expected, "(" found. soundsc(y,fs*2^(0/12)) soundsc(y,fs*2^(1/12)) soundsc(y,fs*2^(-1/12)) soundsc(y,fs*2^(-12/12)) soundsc(y,fs*2^(-24/12)) soundsc(y,fs*2^(24/12)) exit