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Equivalent resistance

Circuit Schematic Problem Statement Professor Solution Answer
equiv 1 Find the equivalent resistance seen by the 60-volt source. 28k / 128k 30 ohms
equiv 2 Find the equivalent resistance seen by the 50-volt source. 28k / 128k 10 ohms


Node voltage analysis

Circuit Schematic Problem Statement Professor Solution Answer
nodal 1 Find the currents i1 and i2 using the node voltage method. 28k / 128k 2A, 4A
nodal 2 Find the current i using the node voltage method. 28k / 128k 1.5A
nodal 3 Find the current i using the node voltage method. 28k / 128k 4 A
nodal 4 Find the power delivered by the 17-volt source and the 2-amp source using the node voltage method. 28k / 128k 51 W, 4 W
nodal 5 Find the current i and the voltage v using the node voltage method. 28k / 128k 1 A, 6 V
nodal 6 Find all node voltages using nodal analysis. 28k / 128k 30 V, -8 V,
7 V, -20 V
nodal 7 Find all node voltages using nodal analysis. 28k / 128k 40 V, -280 V
nodal 8 Find the currents i1 and i2 using the node voltage method. 28k / 128k 8 A, -4 A
nodal 9 Find I and V using nodal analysis. 28k / 128k -2 A, -8 V
nodal 10 Find the gain of the circuit using nodal analysis. 28k / 128k -0.5



Circuit Schematic Problem Statement Professor Solution Answer
super 1 Find the voltage V. 28k / 128k 6.67 volts
super 2
Find the voltage V. 28k / 128k 8 volts
super 3
Find the voltage V when R is 2 ohms 28k / 128k 8 volts
super 4
Find i using superposition. Hint: Find the currents i1 and i2 first. 28k / 128k 3 amps



Circuit Schematic Problem Statement Professor Solution Answer
prop 1 Find the voltage Vo. 28k / 128k 3.75 volts
prop 2 Find the current i using the proportionality method. 28k / 128k 714 mA
prop 3 Find the voltage v using the proportionality method. 28k / 128k 8 V
prop 4 Find the current I using the proportionality method. 28k / 128k 313 uA


Source transformations

Circuit Schematic Problem Statement Professor Solution Answer
source 1
Find the voltage V using repeated source transformations. 28k / 128k 48 volts
source 2
Find the power associated with the 6-mA source using repeated source transformations. 28k / 128k -12 mW
source 3
Find i using source transformations. 28k / 128k 1 A


Thevenin / Norton equivalents

Circuit Schematic Problem Statement Professor Solution Answer
thev 1
Find the Thevenin equivalent circuit as seen to the left of terminals a-b, then find the current i. 28k / 128k 28 V, 8 ohms
2 amps
thev 2
Find the Thevenin equivalent circuit as seen by the 4-ohm resistor, then find v. 28k / 128k 6 V, 8 ohms
2 V
thev 3
Find the Norton equivalent as seen by the 4-ohm resistor, then find i. 28k / 128k 17.5 V, 10 ohm
1.25 A


Mutual inductance

Circuit Schematic Problem Statement Professor Solution Answer
mutual 1
Find the AC steady-state currents i1 and i2. 28k / 128k 15sin(8t-37deg) A,
3sin(8t) A
mutual 2
Find the AC steady-state current i(t). 28k / 128k 3.29cos(4t+9.5deg) amps
mutual 3
Find the AC steady-state voltage v(t). 28k / 128k 3.88cos(4t-166deg) volts


s-domain analysis

For each of the problems in this section: Transform the circuit to the s-domain, use circuit analysis to solve for the desired result in the s-domain, then use the inverse Laplace transform to obtain the time-domain result.

Circuit Schematic Problem Statement Professor Solution Answer
s-domain 1
Find the equation for vC(t) that is valid for all time t, and sketch a graph of the equation. 28k / 128k click to reveal answer click to reveal answer
s-domain 2
Find equations for i1(t) and i2(t) that are valid for all time t, and sketch a graph of the equation. 28k / 128k click to reveal answer click to reveal answer
s-domain 3
Find the equation for vC(t) that is valid for all time t, and sketch a graph of the equation. 28k / 128k click to reveal answer click to reveal answer
s-domain 4
Find the equation for vo(t) that is valid for all time t, and sketch a graph of the equation for t = 0 to 8 seconds. 28k / 128k click to reveal answer click to reveal answer
s-domain 5
Plot vo(t) for time t = 0 to 10 seconds. 28k / 128k click to reveal answer
s-domain 6
Plot vo(t) for time t = 0 to 15 seconds. 28k / 128k click to reveal answer


Driving point impedance

For each of the problems in this section: Express all results as a ratio of polynomials in s, using a unit coefficient for the highest order denominator term.

Circuit Schematic Problem Statement Professor Solution Answer
imped 1
Find the driving point impedance Z(s) at terminals A-B, C-D, and A-C. Comment on any patterns you see in your results. 28k / 128k click to reveal answer
imped 2
Find the driving point impedance Z(s) at terminals A-B, C-D, A-C, and B-D. Comment on any patterns you see in your results. 28k / 128k click to reveal answer


Transfer function of a circuit

For each of the problems in this section: Express all results as a ratio of polynomials in s, using a unit coefficient for the highest order denominator term.

Circuit Schematic Problem Statement Professor Solution Answer
transfer 1
Find the transfer function H(s) for for terminals A-B as input and terminals C-D as output. 28k / 128k click to reveal answer
transfer 2
Find the transfer function H(s) for for terminals C-D as input and terminals A-B as output. 28k / 128k click to reveal answer
transfer 3
Find the transfer function H(s) using the proportionality method. 28k / 128k click to reveal answer


Pole-zero diagrams

Circuit Schematic Problem Statement Professor Solution Answer
pzd 1
Draw the pole-zero diagram
of F(s).
28k / 128k click to reveal answer
pzd 2
Draw the pole-zero diagram of F(s) given the time-domain form f(t). 28k / 128k click to reveal answer
pzd 3
Find the pole-zero diagram for each transfer function. 28k / 128k click to reveal answer
pzd 4
Find the pole-zero diagrams for:
H(s) = Vout(s) / Vin(s),
Zin(s), and Zout(s).
28k / 128k click to reveal answer
pzd 5
For each pole-zero diagram, find
H(s) expressed as a ratio of two polynomials in s, with the highest order denominator coefficient as unity; find H(s) expressed as a sum of basic terms (do partial fraction expansion)
28k / 128k click to reveal answer click to reveal answer


Transfer function realization

Circuit Schematic Problem Statement Professor Solution Answer
tfr 1
Find four different circuits to realize H(s) as follows:

Passive network: resistor(s) and inductor(s)


Active network: resistor(s) and inductor(s)


Passive network: resistor(s) and capacitor(s)


Active network: resistor(s) and capacitors(s)

Use "reasonable" component values.

Verify your finished circuits by evaluating their responses at H(0) (DC) and H(¥) (high frequency).

28k / 128k click to reveal answer

There are several possible circuit topologies, and the component values are not unique.

tfr 2
Design a circuit based on resistor(s), capacitor(s), and op amp(s) that realizes H(s).

Use "reasonable" component values.

Verify your finished circuits by evaluating their responses at H(0) (DC) and H(¥) (high frequency).

28k / 128k click to reveal answer

There are several possible circuit topologies, and the component values are not unique.


s-plane and AC steady state

Circuit Schematic Problem Statement Professor Solution Answer
s-plane 1

Plot the magnitude of the sinusoidal steady state response H(jw) for w = 0 to 100 rad/s.


Draw the pole zero diagram of H(s).


Comment on the relationship between your two previous results.

28k / 128k click to reveal answer click to reveal answer
s-plane 2



Plot the magnitude of the sinusoidal steady state response H(jw) for w = 0 to 200 rad/s.


Draw the pole zero diagram of H(s).


Comment on the relationship between your two previous results.

28k / 128k  
s-plane 3
Given the transfer function of a circuit and its sinusoidal input excitation, find the output signal in the sinusoidal steady state. 28k / 128k click to reveal answer
s-plane 4
Given the transfer function of a circuit, determine the frequency (or frequencies) at which the gain is 25. 28k / 128k 29 and 45 rad/s

Bode plots

Circuit Schematic Problem Statement Professor Solution Answer
bode 1

Construct the Bode straight-line approximation magnitude and phase plots of H(s) using the paper-and-pencil method.


Make computer-generated plots of magnitude and phase response of H(s).


Compare and comment on your results.

Part 1 - magnitude plot:
28k / 128k

Part 2 - phase plot:
28k / 128k

click to reveal answer click to reveal answer

click to reveal answer click to reveal answer

bode 2

Construct the Bode straight-line approximation magnitude and phase plots of H(s) using the paper-and-pencil method.


Make computer-generated plots of magnitude and phase response of H(s).


Compare and comment on your results.


Part 1 - magnitude plot:
28k / 128k

Part 2 - phase plot:
28k / 128k


click to reveal answer click to reveal answer

click to reveal answer click to reveal answer

bode 3

Find a transfer function H(s) whose Bode magnitude plot matches the given straight-line approximation.


Check your work by making a computer-generated plot of the magnitude response of your H(s).


Compare and comment on your results.

28k / 128k click to reveal answer

horizontal rule

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 ECE200: Circuits and Systems (S 2001-02)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

For questions or comments regarding this web contact:
Last updated: 03/10/05.