Design Flow for CPLD / Verilog / VeriLogger


CPLD | MACH4 64/32 | Vantis ISP Board | Vantis Design Direct | Verilog | VeriLogger

Step 7: Follow the design flow below, or go back to previous step:

[NOTE: Click on each block in the flow diagram to watch the step-by-step process of a complete design example]


formulate_concept_gal.gif (1542 bytes)paper_and_pencil.gif (1267 bytes)
down_arrow.gif (1122 bytes)space.gif (986 bytes)
develop_specs_gal.gif (1617 bytes)paper_and_pencil.gif (1267 bytes)
down_arrow.gif (1122 bytes)space.gif (986 bytes)
create_architecture_gal.gif (1557 bytes)paper_and_pencil.gif (1267 bytes)
down_arrow.gif (1122 bytes)space.gif (986 bytes)
describe_arch_gal.gif (1748 bytes)verilogger.gif (1397 bytes)
contd.gif (1048 bytes)space_small.gif (931 bytes)
down_arrow.gif (1122 bytes)space.gif (986 bytes)
verify_functionality_gal.gif (1765 bytes)verilogger.gif (1397 bytes)
down_arrow.gif (1122 bytes)space.gif (986 bytes)
synthesize_hardware.gif (1734 bytes)designdirect.gif (1441 bytes)
down_arrow.gif (1122 bytes)space.gif (986 bytes)
map_design_gal.gif (1727 bytes)designdirect.gif (1441 bytes)
down_arrow.gif (1122 bytes)space.gif (986 bytes)
configure_device_gal.gif (1626 bytes)designdirect.gif (1441 bytes)
down_arrow.gif (1122 bytes)space.gif (986 bytes)
verify_insystem_gal.gif (1764 bytes)instrumentation.gif (1473 bytes)

Supplements to the design flow example:

pattgen.jed -- JEDEC file produced as final product of the design flow example

pattgen.v -- Verilog source file


Page last updated December 21, 1999. Feedback goes to Ed.Doering@Rose-Hulman.Edu.