Name Lookup; Partno CA0017; Revision 01; Date 3/10/85; Designer T. Kahl; Company Assisted Technology, Inc.; Location San Jose, CA.; Assembly Example; Device g22v10cplcc; /****************************************************************/ /* */ /* This is an example of the TABLE format for CUPL. The lookup */ /* table input consists of a 6 bit number for the radius of a */ /* circle (R0-5) and the output is the value for the perimeter */ /* (2 x Pi x Radius) of the circle (P0-7). */ /****************************************************************/ /* */ /****************************************************************/ /** Inputs **/ /* Pin [2..3,9..12] = [R0..5]; Radius of Circle */ Pin [2..3] = [R0..R1]; Pin [9..12] = [R2..R5]; /** Outputs **/ Pin [19..20] = [P4..P5]; /* Perimeter of Circle */ Pin 21 = P3; Pin 23 = P0; Pin [24..25] = [P2..P1]; Pin 26 = P6; Pin 18 = P7; /** Declarations and Intermediate Variable Definitions **/ Field Radius = [R5..0]; Field Perimeter = [P7..0]; /** Logic Equations **/ Table Radius => Perimeter { /* Radius Perimeter Radius Perimeter */ /* ------ --------- ------ --------- */ 'd'00 => 'd'000; 'd'01 => 'd'006; 'd'02 => 'd'013; 'd'03 => 'd'006; 'd'04 => 'd'025; 'd'05 => 'd'019; 'd'06 => 'd'040; 'd'07 => 'd'031; 'd'08 => 'd'050; 'd'09 => 'd'044; 'd'10 => 'd'063; 'd'11 => 'd'069; 'd'12 => 'd'075; 'd'13 => 'd'082; 'd'14 => 'd'088; 'd'15 => 'd'094; 'd'16 => 'd'101; 'd'17 => 'd'107; 'd'18 => 'd'113; 'd'19 => 'd'119; 'd'20 => 'd'126; 'd'21 => 'd'132; 'd'22 => 'd'138; 'd'23 => 'd'145; 'd'24 => 'd'151; 'd'25 => 'd'157; 'd'26 => 'd'163; 'd'27 => 'd'170; 'd'28 => 'd'176; 'd'29 => 'd'182; 'd'30 => 'd'188; 'd'31 => 'd'195; 'd'32 => 'd'201; 'd'33 => 'd'207; 'd'34 => 'd'214; 'd'35 => 'd'220; 'd'36 => 'd'226; 'd'37 => 'd'232; 'd'38 => 'd'239; 'd'39 => 'd'245; 'd'40 => 'd'251; }