Name Shift16; Partno ; Revision 01; Date 8/11/95; Designer PLD Expert; Company Atmel Corp.; Location None; Assembly None; Device F1500; /* 16-Bit Loadable Shift Register */ /* Block Diagram --------- | | Load ------>| |-----> Ser_out | | D0..D15 --->| | | | CLK ------->|> | | | --------- When Load is TRUE, D0..D15 data is loaded into the shift register. Once Load is FALSE, the data is shifted to the right (D15 -> D0). A '0' is loaded into the D15 during the shifting process. The last bit of the shift register, Ser_out shifts the data out. */ /* Inputs */ pin 43 = CLK; pin 1 = Load; pin 2 = RES; pin [41..36,34..31,29..24] = [D0..15]; /* Outputs */ pin 21 = Ser_out; /* Q Nodes */ pinnode = [Q1..15]; Field Qnodes = [Q15..1,Ser_out]; /* Q nodes */ Field Qshift = ['b'0,Q15..1]; /* Shifting input */ Field Din = [D15..0]; /* Data input */ /* EQUATIONS */ = CLK; = RES; Qnodes.d = Load & Din /*Load in the data*/ # !Load & Qshift; /*Shifts the data*/