(saveFormat "2.3") (date "Tue 03/Sep/2002 16:52:13 ") (veerev "6.0") (platform "PC") (execMode v6) (filterNAN 0) (workspaceStackingOrder M) (sysconfig (iodevice "newInstrument3" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 14) (subchannel 7) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (idFileName "hp54504a.cid") (idn "hp54504a") (ppAddr "GPIB0::7::INSTR") (eoiEnabled 1) (model "hp54504a" (standard 488))) (iodevice "funGen" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 14) (subchannel 16) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (idFileName "hp8116a.cid") (idn "unknown") (ppAddr "GPIB0::16::INSTR") (eoiEnabled 1) (model "unknown" (standard 488))) (iodevice "DMM" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 14) (subchannel 22) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (idFileName "hp34401a.cid") (idn "hp34401a") (ppFile "HP34401") (ppAddr "GPIB0::22::INSTR") (eoiEnabled 1) (model "hp34401a" (standard 488))) (iodevice "Scope" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 7) (subchannel 7) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (idn "ag54624a") (ppFile "AG5462XX") (ppAddr "GPIB0::7::INSTR") (eoiEnabled 1) (model "ag54624a" (standard 488))) (iodevice "PowerSupply" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 7) (subchannel 5) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (idn "hpe3631a") (ppFile "HPE3631A") (ppAddr "GPIB0::5::INSTR") (eoiEnabled 1) (model "hpe3631a" (standard 488))) (iodevice "Multimeter" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 7) (subchannel 22) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (idFileName "hp34401a.cid") (idn "hp34401a") (ppFile "HP34401") (ppAddr "GPIB0::22::INSTR") (eoiEnabled 1) (model "hp34401a" (standard 488))) (iodevice "Fgen" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 7) (subchannel 10) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (idn "ag33250a") (ppFile "AG33250A") (ppAddr "GPIB0::10::INSTR") (eoiEnabled 1) (model "ag33250a" (standard 488))) (iodevice "fungen1" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 7) (subchannel 20) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (idFileName "hp33120a.cid") (idn "hp33120a") (ppFile "HP33120A") (ppAddr "GPIB0::20::INSTR") (eoiEnabled 1) (model "hp33120a" (standard 488)))) (SaveCF no) (device 0 ROOTCONTEXT (properties (trigMode deg) (nextID 171) (popupTitleText "Untitled") (popupMoveable 1) (deleteGlobals 0)) (deviceList (UserFunctions (nextID 1) (context 0 (properties (name "UserFunction1") (trigMode deg) (nextID 0) (popupMoveable 1)) (deviceList (configuration)) (contextCarrier (active detail) (detail (extent 644 426) (anchorPt 0 0) (configuration))))) (device 3 FORRANGE (properties (name "Frequency Range (Hz)") (from 500) (thru 10000) (step 500)) (interface (input 1 (name "From") (tag "From") (requires (datatype Real64) (shape "Scalar")) (lock constraints) (optional yes) (buffer YES)) (input 2 (name "Thru") (tag "Thru") (requires (datatype Real64) (shape "Scalar")) (lock constraints) (optional yes) (buffer YES)) (input 3 (name "Step") (tag "Step") (requires (datatype Real64) (shape "Scalar")) (lock constraints) (optional yes) (buffer YES)) (output 1 (name "Data") (lock name constraints)))) (device 10 XYPLOT (properties (name "Insertion Loss") (variableName "Gain")) (interface (input 1 (name "XData") (lock constraints)) (input 2 (name "gain") (lock constraints)) (input 3 (type control) (name "Clear") (lock name constraints) (optional yes))) (implementation (tracePin 2) (graphMode rectangular) (autoAutoX) (autoAutoY))) (device 13 COLLECTOR (properties (name "Collect Frequency")) (interface (input 1 (name "Data") (tag "Data")) (input 2 (type control) (name "Clear") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)) (input 3 (type trigger) (name "XEQ") (lock name constraints)) (output 1 (name "Array") (tag "Array")))) (device 14 COLLECTOR (properties (name "Collect Gain")) (interface (input 1 (name "Data") (tag "Data")) (input 2 (type control) (name "Clear") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)) (input 3 (type trigger) (name "XEQ") (lock name constraints)) (output 1 (name "Array") (tag "Array")))) (device 55 DECLVAR (properties (name "Declare range1") (scope glob) (globalName "range1")) (implementation (value Object (data "ANY ")))) (device 56 DECLVAR (properties (name "Declare range2") (scope glob) (globalName "range2")) (implementation (value Object (data "ANY ")))) (device 57 DECLVAR (properties (name "Declare sheet") (scope glob) (globalName "sheet")) (implementation (value Object (data "ANY ")))) (device 60 BEEP (properties (frequency 1000) (duration 0.1) (volume 80)) (implementation)) (device 64 FORMULA (properties (name "Fill in Cells") (expr 3 "range1 =transpose([A]);" "range2=transpose([B]);" "")) (interface (input 1 (name "A") (optional yes)) (input 2 (name "B") (optional yes)))) (device 65 FORMULA (properties (name "Fill in Titles") (expr 5 "sheet.Range(\"A1:A1\") = \"ECE300 Frequency Response Data\";" "sheet.Range(\"A3:A3\") = \"Frequency\";" "sheet.Range(\"A4:A4\") = \"Hz\";" "sheet.Range(\"B3:B3\") = \"Vout/Vin\";" "sheet.Range(\"B4:B4\") = \"V\";")) (interface (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 66 FORMULA (properties (name "Set up Excel Worksheet") (expr 12 "set sheet = CreateObject(\"Excel.Sheet\").worksheets(1);" "sheet.Application.Visible = TRUE;" "sheet.Application.Visible = TRUE;" "sheet.Application.Windows(1).Caption = \"Test Results\";" "" "set range1 = sheet.Range(\"A5:A105\");" "set range2 = sheet.Range(\"B5:B105\");" "" "" "" "" ""))) (device 67 NOTE (properties (text2 8 "" " Frequency Response Data Acquisition System" " ECE 300 Signals and Systems" "" " Bruce Ferguson Aug 2002" " Amanda Martin Jul 2002 " " Fred Berry/Bruce Ferguson Dec 2001" ""))) (device 68 NOTE (properties (text2 32 "" "Instructions" "" "1. Turn on the AG 33120 Function Generator and AG 34401 DMM. Once this program starts, control of these two lab units is " "taken away from their front panels - the unit must be turned off and back on to access front panel settings (such as when " "using the instrument for stand-alone measurements)." "" "2. Connect FG output to circuit input, and circuit output to DMM input. Check that appropriate power has been supplied to the circuit" "if applicable. Be sure you have connected the circuit output correctly to the DMM!" "" "3. Set the FG amplitude using the sliding scale or number box in the \"Amplitude\" box in this program. This is a 0-Peak " "amplitude setting and is sent to the FG as such. Keep in mind that the DMM is reading RMS voltage." "" "4. Set the appropriate frequency sweep range in the \"Frequency Range\" box. The number of points is found by calculating " "(Thru-From)/Step. This program is set to write up to one hundred data points to an Excel file. If you need more points, change " "the settings for range1 (freq) and range2 (voltage) in the \"Set Up Excel Worksheet\" box." "" "5. Press the OK button to start the automated measurement program. " "" "6. The program will execute by looping through the frequency values. For each value, the FG frequency is set, the DMM reads " "the output voltage level, the data point is collected and displayed, and the process repeats. Once this process is complete, " "the data is put into arrays and prepared for exporting to the Excel spreadsheet." "" "7. Before working with the Excel data, get back to the VEE window and answer the program questions. You will be asked for a" "filename to save the spreadsheet under (file placed on desktop). The program will automatically save and close the excel" "file. If you get a question about overwriting an existing file in VEE, you will also get it in Excel, so you need to answer the question " "in both program windows." "" "" "" "" ""))) (device 69 JUNCTION (properties (name "JCT")) (interface (input 1 (name "A")) (input 2 (name "B")) (output 1 (name "Data")))) (device 70 FORMULA (properties (name "Save Worksheet") (expr 1 "sheet.SaveAs(filename)")) (interface (input 1 (name "filename") (optional yes)) (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 71 FILESELECT (properties (name "File Name Selection") (prompt "Enter File Name:") (initialDirectory "C:\\WINDOWS\\Desktop") (initialFile "labdata.xls") (dialogMode Writing)) (interface (input 1 (name "Initial File") (tag "Initial File") (requires (datatype Text) (shape "Scalar")) (lock constraints) (optional yes) (buffer YES)) (output 1 (name "File Name") (lock name constraints)) (output 2 (name "Cancel") (lock name constraints))) (implementation)) (device 72 LITERALCONSTANT (properties (name "Initial Filename")) (interface (output 1 (name "Text") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (value Text (data "labdata.xls")) (initValue Text (data "")))) (device 74 FORMULA (properties (name "peak2rms") (expr 1 "A/sqrt(2)")) (interface (input 1 (name "A") (optional yes)) (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 92 IFTHENELSE (properties (cases 2 "0==choice" "2==choice")) (interface (input 1 (name "choice") (optional yes)) (output 1 (name "Then") (lock name constraints)) (output 2 (name "Else If") (lock name constraints)) (output 3 (name "Else") (lock name constraints)))) (device 94 DLISTBOX (properties (popupTitle "Make A Selection")) (interface (output 1 (name "Text") (lock name constraints)) (output 2 (name "Index") (lock name constraints)) (output 3 (name "Cancel") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (itemList (numDims 1) (size 3) (data [ "Save data to excel" "Restart Program" "Stop Program" ])) (defaultValue "Save data to excel"))) (device 98 PNPTRANS (properties (name "To/From fungen1") (transactions 2 "hp33120a_volt(instrHandle, volt)" "hp33120a_freq(instrHandle, freq)") (parmInfo 4 "0" "2" "T 5000" "T 0")) (interface (input 1 (name "freq") (requires (datatype Real64)) (lock name constraints) (optional yes)) (input 2 (name "volt") (requires (datatype Real64)) (lock name constraints) (optional yes))) (implementation (prefix "HP33120A") (ioDev "fungen1"))) (device 106 GATE (interface (input 1 (name "A") (tag "InData")) (output 1 (name "X")))) (device 107 GATE (interface (input 1 (name "A") (tag "InData")) (output 1 (name "X")))) (device 114 PNPTRANS (properties (name "To/From Multimeter") (transactions 2 "hp34401_dcl(instrHandle)" "hp34401_reset(instrHandle)") (parmInfo 4 "1" "T 5000" "1" "T 5000")) (interface (output 1 (name "reading") (optional yes))) (implementation (prefix "HP34401") (ioDev "Multimeter"))) (device 119 INPUTDLG (properties (name "Int32 Input") (popupTitle "Int32 Input") (showTitle 0) (position 280 47) (prompt "Enter start frequency:") (initialValue "500") (valueConstraint "0<=value") (vErrorMessage "You must enter a value greater than 0 and 10.")) (interface (output 1 (name "Value") (lock name constraints)) (output 2 (name "Cancel") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (inputType "integer"))) (device 120 INPUTDLG (properties (name "Int32 Input") (popupTitle "Int32 Input") (showTitle 0) (position 279 48) (prompt "Enter stop frequency:") (initialValue "10000") (valueConstraint "0<=value") (vErrorMessage "You must enter a value greater than 0 and 10.")) (interface (output 1 (name "Value") (lock name constraints)) (output 2 (name "Cancel") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (inputType "integer"))) (device 121 INPUTDLG (properties (name "Int32 Input") (popupTitle "Int32 Input") (showTitle 0) (position 280 48) (prompt "Enter frequency step:") (initialValue "500") (valueConstraint "0<=value") (vErrorMessage "You must enter a value greater than 0 and 10.")) (interface (output 1 (name "Value") (lock name constraints)) (output 2 (name "Cancel") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (inputType "integer"))) (device 129 EXITPROCESS (properties (code 0))) (device 133 NEXT) (device 134 REPEATUNTILBREAK (interface (output 1 (name "Continuous") (lock name constraints)))) (device 142 SLIDER (properties (name "FG Signal Amplitude") (range 0 1) (detents 0.001)) (interface (output 1 (name "Real64") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (value Real64 (data 1)) (initValue Real (data 0)))) (device 158 CONFIRM25 (properties (name "BEGIN")) (interface (output 1 (name "Go") (lock name constraints))) (implementation)) (device 162 LABEL (properties (name "Set amplitude and press BEGIN") (labelValue "Set amplitude and press BEGIN")) (implementation)) (device 163 PNPTRANS (properties (name "To/From Multimeter") (transactions 1 "hp34401_defaultMeasure_Q(instrHandle, hp34401_CONF_VOLT_AC, reading)") (parmInfo 4 "3" "T 5000" "F" "T 0")) (interface (output 1 (name "reading") (optional yes))) (implementation (prefix "HP34401") (ioDev "Multimeter"))) (device 164 PNPTRANS (properties (name "To/From fungen1") (transactions 4 "hp33120a_dcl(instrHandle)" "hp33120a_reset(instrHandle)" "hp33120a_funcShap(instrHandle, hp33120a_OUTPUT_FUNC_SIN)" "hp33120a_outpLoad(instrHandle, hp33120a_OUTPUT_LOAD_50)") (parmInfo 8 "0" "0" "2" "T 5000" "T 0" "2" "T 5000" "T 0")) (implementation (prefix "HP33120A") (ioDev "fungen1"))) (device 165 FORMULA (properties (name "lin2dBV") (expr 1 "20*log10(A)")) (interface (input 1 (name "A") (optional yes)) (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 166 FORMULA (properties (name "Normalize") (expr 1 "A/B")) (interface (input 1 (name "A") (optional yes)) (input 2 (name "B") (optional yes)) (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 170 FORMULA (properties (name "0-P to P-P") (expr 2 "2*A" "")) (interface (input 1 (name "A") (optional yes)) (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (configuration (connect D26:0 D0:0) (connect D24:1 D0:1) (connect D25:1 D0:2) (connect D26:1 D0:3) (connect D0:1 D1:1) (connect D35:1 D1:2) (connect D18:3 D1:3) (connect D0:1 D2:1) (connect D18:3 D2:2) (connect D0:0 D2:3) (connect D35:1 D3:1) (connect D18:3 D3:2) (connect D0:0 D3:3) (connect D13:1 D7:0) (connect D9:0 D8:0) (connect D21:1 D8:1) (connect D22:1 D8:2) (connect D10:0 D9:0) (connect D18:1 D10:0) (connect D14:0 D13:1) (connect D15:2 D13:2) (connect D15:1 D14:1) (connect D16:1 D15:1) (connect D8:0 D16:0) (connect D37:1 D17:1) (connect D19:2 D18:1) (connect D3:0 D19:0) (connect D0:1 D20:1) (connect D37:1 D20:2) (connect D18:1 D21:0) (connect D2:1 D21:1) (connect D18:1 D22:0) (connect D3:1 D22:1) (connect D34:0 D23:0) (connect D31:0 D24:0) (connect D24:0 D25:0) (connect D25:0 D26:0) (connect D18:2 D27:0) (connect D18:3 D28:0) (connect D29:1 D31:0) (connect D20:0 D33:0) (connect D26:0 D34:0) (connect D36:1 D35:1) (connect D33:1 D36:1) (connect D17:1 D36:2) (connect D30:1 D37:1)) (ShowOnExecPanel)) (contextCarrier (wndRestoredOrigin 2 5) (wndRestoredExtent 587 561) (wndState max) (active detail) (panel (extent 910 625) (widget 0 detail (relativeOrigin 50 340) (title on) (borderStyle convex) (extent 170 79)) (widget 31 detail (relativeOrigin 110 60) (title off) (borderStyle none) (extent 47 22)) (widget 30 detail (relativeOrigin 50 90) (title on) (borderStyle flat) (extent 167 222) (layout vertical) (fastmode off) (extratics)) (widget 32 detail (relativeOrigin 50 20) (title off) (borderStyle none) (extent 187 27) (just l)) (widget 1 detail (relativeOrigin 280 30) (title on) (borderStyle convex) (extent 617 389) (displayMode 47) (graphType cartesian) (gridType grid) (scale 0 (name "Gain (dB)") (domainName "Frequency (Hz)") (Yspacing 1) (Xspacing 2) (pen 9) (show 1) (range -60 20 4 linear)) (domain 0 10000 4 linear) (trace 0 onScale 0 (name "gain") (pen 4) (lineType 1) (pointType 0)) (markerPenColor 1))) (detail (extent 932 654) (anchorPt 152 725) (configuration (devCarrierFor 3 (active open) (icon (extent 134 51) (iconImage "loop.icn")) (open (extent 170 79)) (pinCenter 130 -50)) (devCarrierFor 10 (active open) (icon (extent 86 0) (iconImage "display.icn")) (open (extent 355 347) (displayMode 47) (graphType cartesian) (gridType grid) (scale 0 (name "Gain (dB)") (domainName "Frequency (Hz)") (Yspacing 1) (Xspacing 2) (pen 9) (show 1) (range -60 20 4 linear)) (domain 0 10000 4 linear) (trace 0 onScale 0 (name "gain") (pen 5) (lineType 1) (pointType 0)) (markerPenColor 1)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 850 80)) (devCarrierFor 13 (active icon) (icon (extent 107 34)) (open (extent 96 54)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 490 170)) (devCarrierFor 14 (active icon) (icon (extent 73 34)) (open (extent 96 54)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 490 220)) (devCarrierFor 55 (active icon) (icon (extent 93 15)) (open (extent 344 121)) (pinCenter 190 720)) (devCarrierFor 56 (active icon) (icon (extent 93 15)) (open (extent 344 121)) (pinCenter 190 750)) (devCarrierFor 57 (active icon) (icon (extent 84 15)) (open (extent 388 126)) (pinCenter 190 690)) (devCarrierFor 60 (active icon) (icon (extent 33 15)) (open (extent 162 79)) (pinCenter 760 1210)) (devCarrierFor 64 (active open) (icon (extent 74 0)) (open (extent 325 57)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 530 1030)) (devCarrierFor 65 (active open) (icon (extent 68 15)) (open (extent 415 97)) (pinCenter 530 880)) (devCarrierFor 66 (active open) (icon (extent 165 0)) (open (extent 385 87)) (pinCenter 530 740)) (devCarrierFor 67 (active open) (icon (iconImage "notepad.icn")) (open (extent 355 145) (editing disabled)) (title off) (bg "Teal") (font "Arial" 12) (titleBg "Teal") (pinCenter 220 -590)) (devCarrierFor 68 (active icon) (icon (extent 68 51) (iconImage "notepad.icn")) (open (extent 745 175) (editing enabled)) (title off) (font "Arial" 12) (pinCenter 540 -580)) (devCarrierFor 69 (active icon) (icon (extent 26 25)) (open) (terminals on) (pinCenter 660 1190)) (devCarrierFor 70 (active open) (icon (extent 114 0)) (open (extent 199 36)) (pinCenter 630 1130)) (devCarrierFor 71 (active icon) (icon (extent 137 25)) (open (extent 308 110)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 410 1120)) (devCarrierFor 72 (active icon) (icon (extent 103 16)) (open (extent 139 30)) (pinCenter 270 1120)) (devCarrierFor 74 (active icon) (icon (extent 61 15)) (open (extent 71 31)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 430 -140)) (devCarrierFor 92 (active open) (icon) (open (extent 87 82)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 410 380)) (devCarrierFor 94 (active open) (icon (extent 47 51) (iconImage "question.gif")) (open (extent 255 115)) (title off) (pinCenter 170 370)) (devCarrierFor 98 (active icon) (icon (extent 103 25)) (open (extent 455 177)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 300 -50)) (devCarrierFor 106 (active icon) (icon (extent 30 15)) (open) (terminals on) (pinCenter 310 570)) (devCarrierFor 107 (active icon) (icon (extent 30 15)) (open) (terminals on) (pinCenter 410 570)) (devCarrierFor 114 (active icon) (icon (extent 116 15)) (open (extent 229 74)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 240 -140)) (devCarrierFor 119 (active icon) (icon (extent 65 25)) (open (extent 381 103)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 90 -350)) (devCarrierFor 120 (active icon) (icon (extent 65 25)) (open (extent 381 103)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 90 -310)) (devCarrierFor 121 (active icon) (icon (extent 65 25)) (open (extent 381 103)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 90 -270)) (devCarrierFor 129 (active open) (icon (iconImage "stop.icn")) (open (extent 65 31)) (pinCenter 740 440)) (devCarrierFor 133 (active icon) (icon (extent 28 15)) (open) (terminals on) (pinCenter 640 450)) (devCarrierFor 134 (active icon) (icon (extent 68 51) (iconImage "loop.icn")) (open (extent 12 30)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 90 -480)) (devCarrierFor 142 (active open) (icon (extent 123 0)) (open (extent 135 177) (layout vertical) (fastmode off) (extratics)) (pinCenter 310 -360)) (devCarrierFor 158 (active open) (icon (extent 41 0)) (open (extent 47 22)) (title off) (pinCenter 90 -410)) (devCarrierFor 162 (active open) (icon (extent 192 0)) (open (extent 187 27) (just l)) (title off) (fg "Med Dark Blue") (font "Arial" 12 bold) (pinCenter 300 -490)) (devCarrierFor 163 (active icon) (icon (extent 115 14)) (open (extent 229 74)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 300 20)) (devCarrierFor 164 (active icon) (icon (extent 103 25)) (open (extent 455 177)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 240 -180)) (devCarrierFor 165 (active icon) (icon (extent 46 15)) (open (extent 71 31)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 540 50)) (devCarrierFor 166 (active icon) (icon (extent 61 25)) (open (extent 71 42)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 460 50)) (devCarrierFor 170 (active icon) (icon (extent 60 15)) (open (extent 71 61)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 430 -200)) (connect D26:0 D0:0 (points 6 90 -255 90 -240 180 -240 180 -200 130 -200 130 -110)) (connect D24:1 D0:1 (points 6 125 -360 160 -360 160 -220 30 -220 30 -70 42 -70)) (connect D25:1 D0:2 (points 6 125 -320 170 -320 170 -210 10 -210 10 -50 42 -50)) (connect D26:1 D0:3 (points 6 125 -280 150 -280 150 -230 20 -230 20 -30 42 -30)) (connect D0:1 D1:1 (points 6 217 -50 230 -50 230 -80 370 -80 370 -30 620 -30)) (connect D35:1 D1:2 (points 4 565 50 590 50 590 80 620 80)) (connect D18:3 D1:3 (points 4 506 400 590 400 590 190 620 190)) (connect D0:1 D2:1 (points 8 217 -50 230 -50 230 -80 370 -80 370 -10 400 -10 400 160 434 160)) (connect D18:3 D2:2 (points 6 506 400 540 400 540 300 400 300 400 170 434 170)) (connect D0:0 D2:3 (points 3 130 -8 130 180 434 180)) (connect D35:1 D3:1 (points 6 565 50 590 50 590 130 420 130 420 210 451 210)) (connect D18:3 D3:2 (points 6 506 400 540 400 540 300 400 300 400 220 451 220)) (connect D0:0 D3:3 (points 5 130 -8 130 180 410 180 410 230 451 230)) (connect D13:1 D7:0 (points 5 675 1190 690 1190 690 1170 760 1170 760 1200)) (connect D9:0 D8:0 (points 2 530 931 530 981)) (connect D21:1 D8:1 (points 6 327 570 350 570 350 600 300 600 300 1010 335 1010)) (connect D22:1 D8:2 (points 6 427 570 450 570 450 610 290 610 290 1050 335 1050)) (connect D10:0 D9:0 (points 2 530 786 530 811)) (connect D18:1 D10:0 (points 3 506 360 530 360 530 676)) (connect D14:0 D13:1 (points 3 630 1150 630 1180 644 1180)) (connect D15:2 D13:2 (points 8 481 1130 490 1130 490 1140 500 1140 500 1160 620 1160 620 1200 644 1200)) (connect D15:1 D14:1 (points 4 481 1110 500 1110 500 1130 528 1130)) (connect D16:1 D15:1 (points 2 324 1120 339 1120)) (connect D8:0 D16:0 (points 4 530 1061 530 1080 270 1080 270 1109)) (connect D37:1 D17:1 (points 6 462 -200 480 -200 480 -170 380 -170 380 -140 397 -140)) (connect D19:2 D18:1 (points 2 300 370 314 380)) (connect D3:0 D19:0 (points 4 490 239 490 260 170 260 170 310)) (connect D0:1 D20:1 (points 4 217 -50 230 -50 230 -60 246 -60)) (connect D37:1 D20:2 (points 8 462 -200 480 -200 480 -170 380 -170 380 -110 240 -110 240 -40 246 -40) ) (connect D18:1 D21:0 (points 7 506 360 530 360 530 440 410 440 410 530 310 530 310 560)) (connect D2:1 D21:1 (points 6 546 170 570 170 570 450 270 450 270 570 292 570)) (connect D18:1 D22:0 (points 5 506 360 530 360 530 440 410 440 410 560)) (connect D3:1 D22:1 (points 6 529 220 550 220 550 460 370 460 370 570 392 570)) (connect D34:0 D23:0 (points 2 240 -165 240 -150)) (connect D31:0 D24:0 (points 2 90 -397 90 -365)) (connect D24:0 D25:0 (points 2 90 -335 90 -325)) (connect D25:0 D26:0 (points 2 90 -295 90 -285)) (connect D18:2 D27:0 (points 3 506 380 740 380 740 404)) (connect D18:3 D28:0 (points 3 506 400 640 400 640 440)) (connect D29:1 D31:0 (points 5 126 -480 150 -480 150 -430 90 -430 90 -424)) (connect D20:0 D33:0 (points 2 300 -35 300 10)) (connect D26:0 D34:0 (points 4 90 -255 90 -240 240 -240 240 -195)) (connect D36:1 D35:1 (points 2 493 50 514 50)) (connect D33:1 D36:1 (points 4 360 20 380 20 380 40 427 40)) (connect D17:1 D36:2 (points 6 463 -140 480 -140 480 -110 410 -110 410 60 427 60)) (connect D30:1 D37:1 (points 6 380 -360 400 -360 400 -250 380 -250 380 -200 397 -200))) (stackingOrder 9 13 7 14 15 8 16 5 10 4 6 21 22 18 11 27 29 12 23 3 36 31 32 30 0 35 33 17 34 20 37 24 25 26 28 2 19 1)) (numberFormats (realFormat standard) (realSigDigits 4) (realRadixSpec 4) (integerBase decimal))))