(saveFormat "2.3") (date "Thu 12/Sep/2002 18:29:09 ") (veerev "6.0") (platform "PC") (execMode v6) (filterNAN 0) (workspaceStackingOrder M) (sysconfig (iodevice "Oscope" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 14) (subchannel 7) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (idFileName "hp54504a.cid") (idn "hp54504a") (ppAddr "GPIB0::7::INSTR") (eoiEnabled 1) (model "hp54504a" (standard 488))) (iodevice "PwrSupply" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 14) (subchannel 5) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (ppFile "HP66XX") (ppAddr "GPIB0::5::INSTR") (eoiEnabled 1) (model "hp6632a" (standard 488))) (iodevice "funGen" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 14) (subchannel 16) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (idFileName "hp8116a.cid") (idn "unknown") (ppAddr "GPIB0::16::INSTR") (eoiEnabled 1) (model "hp8116a" (standard 488))) (iodevice "newInstrument" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 14) (subchannel 1) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (idn "unknown") (ppAddr "GPIB0::1::INSTR") (eoiEnabled 1) (model "unknown" (standard 488))) (iodevice "DMM" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 14) (subchannel 22) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (idFileName "hp34401a.cid") (ppFile "HP34401") (ppAddr "GPIB0::22::INSTR") (eoiEnabled 1) (model "hp34401a" (standard 488))) (iodevice "newInstrument2" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 7) (subchannel 5) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (idn "hpe3631a") (ppFile "HPE3631A") (ppAddr "GPIB0::5::INSTR") (eoiEnabled 1) (model "hpe3631a" (standard 488))) (iodevice "newInstrument3" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 7) (subchannel 7) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (idn "ag54624a") (ppAddr "GPIB0::7::INSTR") (eoiEnabled 1) (model "ag54624a" (standard 488))) (iodevice "newInstrument4" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 7) (subchannel 10) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (idn "ag33250a") (ppFile "AG33250A") (ppAddr "GPIB0::10::INSTR") (eoiEnabled 1) (model "ag33250a" (standard 488))) (iodevice "newInstrument5" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 7) (subchannel 20) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (idFileName "hp33120a.cid") (idn "hp33120a") (ppFile "HP33120A") (ppAddr "GPIB0::20::INSTR") (eoiEnabled 1) (model "hp33120a" (standard 488))) (iodevice "newInstrument6" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 7) (subchannel 22) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (idFileName "hp34401a.cid") (idn "hp34401a") (ppFile "HP34401") (ppAddr "GPIB0::22::INSTR") (eoiEnabled 1) (model "hp34401a" (standard 488)))) (SaveCF no) (device 0 ROOTCONTEXT (properties (trigMode deg) (nextID 89) (popupTitleText "Untitled") (popupMoveable 1) (deleteGlobals 0)) (deviceList (device 6 FORRANGE (properties (name "Vcc (V)") (from 0) (thru 10) (step 0.25)) (interface (output 1 (name "Data") (lock name constraints)))) (device 15 CONSTANT (properties (name "Resistor Value (ohms)")) (interface (output 1 (name "Real64") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (value Real (data 20000)) (initValue Real (data 0)))) (device 16 FORMULA (properties (name "Calculate Ic (A)") (expr 1 "(Vcc-Vc)/Rc")) (interface (input 1 (name "Vcc") (optional yes)) (input 2 (name "Vc") (optional yes)) (input 3 (name "Rc") (optional yes)) (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 17 XYPLOT (properties (name "Phototransistor I-V Curves")) (interface (input 1 (name "XData") (lock constraints)) (input 2 (name "Ic (A)") (lock constraints)) (input 3 (type control) (name "Next Curve") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)) (input 4 (type control) (name "Clear") (lock name constraints) (optional yes))) (implementation (tracePin 2) (graphMode rectangular) (autoAutoX) (autoAutoY))) (device 18 COLLECTOR (properties (name "Collect Vc")) (interface (input 1 (name "Data") (tag "Data")) (input 2 (type trigger) (name "XEQ") (lock name constraints)) (output 1 (name "Array") (tag "Array")))) (device 19 COLLECTOR (properties (name "Collect Ic")) (interface (input 1 (name "Data") (tag "Data")) (input 2 (type trigger) (name "XEQ") (lock name constraints)) (output 1 (name "Array") (tag "Array")))) (device 21 MESSAGEBOX (properties (message "Another Curve?") (symbol Question)) (interface (output 1 (name "Yes") (lock name constraints)) (output 2 (name "No") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (customButtons 0) (displayMode 3) (buttons "Yes No") (buttonLabel1 "Yes") (buttonLabel2 "No") (buttonLabel3 "") (bdefault "Yes"))) (device 43 PNPTRANS (properties (name "To/From Power Supply") (transactions 3 "hpe3631a_dcl(instrHandle)" "hpe3631a_reset(instrHandle)" "hpe3631a_outputOn(instrHandle, hpe3631a_OUTPUT_ON)") (parmInfo 7 "1" "T 5000" "1" "T 5000" "2" "T 5000" "T 0")) (implementation (prefix "HPE3631A") (ioDev "newInstrument2"))) (device 44 PNPTRANS (properties (name "To/From DMM") (transactions 4 "hp34401_dcl(instrHandle)" "hp34401_reset(instrHandle)" "hp34401_voltDcRang(instrHandle, hp34401_VOLT_RANG_10V)" "hp34401_voltDcRes(instrHandle, hp34401_VOLT_DC_RES_3_MICRO)") (parmInfo 10 "1" "T 5000" "1" "T 5000" "2" "T 5000" "T 0" "2" "T 5000" "T 0")) (implementation (prefix "HP34401") (ioDev "newInstrument6"))) (device 58 PNPTRANS (properties (name "To/From DMM") (transactions 1 "hp34401_measure_Q(instrHandle, hp34401_CONF_VOLT_DC, 20.003, 0.001, reading)") (parmInfo 6 "5" "T 5000" "T 0" "T 0" "T 0" "T 0")) (interface (output 1 (name "reading") (optional yes))) (implementation (prefix "HP34401") (ioDev "newInstrument6"))) (device 59 PNPTRANS (properties (name "To/From Power Supply") (transactions 1 "hpe3631a_voltage(instrHandle, hpe3631a_VOLT_INST2, voltage)") (parmInfo 4 "3" "T 5000" "T 0" "T 0")) (interface (input 1 (name "voltage") (requires (datatype Real64)) (lock name constraints) (optional yes))) (implementation (prefix "HPE3631A") (ioDev "newInstrument2"))) (device 61 EXITPROCESS (properties (code 0))) (device 63 NEXT) (device 64 EXITPROCESS (properties (code 0))) (device 65 JUNCTION (properties (name "JCT")) (interface (input 1 (name "A")) (input 2 (name "B")) (output 1 (name "Data")))) (device 67 DLISTBOX (properties (popupTitle "Make A Selection")) (interface (output 1 (name "Text") (lock name constraints)) (output 2 (name "Index") (lock name constraints)) (output 3 (name "Cancel") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (itemList (numDims 1) (size 2) (data [ "Stop Program" "Take more data (restart)" ])) (defaultValue "Stop Program"))) (device 68 IFTHENELSE (properties (cases 2 "0==choice" "1==choice")) (interface (input 1 (name "choice") (optional yes)) (output 1 (name "Then") (lock name constraints)) (output 2 (name "Else If") (lock name constraints)) (output 3 (name "Else") (lock name constraints)))) (device 69 BEEP (properties (frequency 1000) (duration 0.1) (volume 80)) (implementation)) (device 70 FILESELECT (properties (name "File Name Selection") (prompt "Enter File Name:") (initialDirectory "C:\\") (initialFile "*.*") (dialogMode Writing)) (interface (output 1 (name "File Name") (lock name constraints)) (output 2 (name "Cancel") (lock name constraints))) (implementation)) (device 71 TOFILE (properties (transactions 1 "WRITE TEXT a REAL64 STD")) (interface (input 1 (name "A") (optional yes)) (input 2 (type control) (name "File Name") (requires (datatype Text) (shape "Scalar")) (lock name constraints) (optional yes))) (implementation (attr iopath file write "C:\\Documents and Settings\\ferguson\\Desktop\\vee.txt" (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\r\n") (multiField fullSyntax) (arrayFormat block)))) (device 72 GATE (interface (input 1 (name "A") (tag "InData")) (output 1 (name "X")))) (device 73 FORMULA (properties (expr 1 "transpose([a,b])")) (interface (input 1 (name "A") (optional yes)) (input 2 (name "B") (optional yes)) (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 74 GATE (interface (input 1 (name "A") (tag "InData")) (output 1 (name "X")))) (device 76 NOTE (properties (text2 8 "" " Phototransistor Characteristic Curves" " Data Acquisition System" " ECE 310 Communication Systems" "" " Bruce Ferguson Sept 2002" " Bruce Black < Aug 2001 " ""))) (device 77 CONFIRM25 (properties (name "BEGIN") (escapeButton 0)) (interface (output 1 (name "Go") (lock name constraints))) (implementation)) (device 78 REPEATUNTILBREAK (interface (output 1 (name "Continuous") (lock name constraints)))) (device 80 EXITPROCESS (properties (code 0))) (device 81 NEXT) (device 82 IFTHENELSE (properties (cases 2 "0==choice" "2==choice")) (interface (input 1 (name "choice") (optional yes)) (output 1 (name "Then") (lock name constraints)) (output 2 (name "Else If") (lock name constraints)) (output 3 (name "Else") (lock name constraints)))) (device 83 BEEP (properties (frequency 1000) (duration 0.1) (volume 80)) (implementation)) (device 84 DLISTBOX (properties (popupTitle "Make A Selection")) (interface (output 1 (name "Text") (lock name constraints)) (output 2 (name "Index") (lock name constraints)) (output 3 (name "Cancel") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (itemList (numDims 1) (size 3) (data [ "Save data to file (csv)" "Take new data (restart)" "Stop Program" ])) (defaultValue "Save data to file (csv)"))) (device 88 LABEL (properties (name "Set Values and Press Begin") (labelValue "Set Values and Press Begin")) (implementation)) (configuration (connect D7:0 D0:0) (connect D0:1 D2:1) (connect D9:1 D2:2) (connect D1:1 D2:3) (connect D9:1 D3:1) (connect D2:1 D3:2) (connect D6:1 D3:3) (connect D16:2 D3:4) (connect D9:1 D4:1) (connect D0:0 D4:2) (connect D2:1 D5:1) (connect D0:0 D5:2) (connect D0:0 D6:0) (connect D8:0 D7:0) (connect D24:0 D8:0) (connect D10:0 D9:0) (connect D0:1 D10:1) (connect D14:1 D11:0) (connect D16:2 D12:0) (connect D18:2 D13:0) (connect D16:1 D14:1) (connect D16:3 D14:2) (connect D17:0 D15:0) (connect D15:2 D16:1) (connect D19:0 D17:0) (connect D28:1 D18:0) (connect D18:0 D19:0) (connect D21:1 D19:1) (connect D18:1 D19:2) (connect D28:1 D20:0) (connect D5:1 D20:1) (connect D22:1 D21:1) (connect D20:1 D21:2) (connect D28:1 D22:0) (connect D4:1 D22:1) (connect D25:1 D24:0) (connect D28:2 D26:0) (connect D28:3 D27:0) (connect D30:2 D28:1) (connect D6:2 D29:0) (connect D29:0 D30:0)) (ShowOnExecPanel)) (contextCarrier (wndRestoredOrigin 2 2) (wndRestoredExtent 879 586) (wndState max) (active detail) (panel (extent 980 625) (widget 3 detail (relativeOrigin 320 30) (title on) (borderStyle convex) (extent 527 279) (displayMode 47) (graphType cartesian) (gridType grid) (scale 0 (name "CharacteristicCurves") (domainName "Vc (V)") (Yspacing 1) (Xspacing 2) (pen 9) (show 1) (range -0.0005 0.0001 4 linear)) (domain 0 10 4 linear) (trace 0 onScale 0 (name "Ic (A)") (pen 4) (lineType 1) (pointType 0)) (markerPenColor 1)) (widget 0 detail (relativeOrigin 70 140) (title on) (borderStyle convex) (extent 99 79)) (widget 31 detail (relativeOrigin 70 30) (fg "Med Dark Blue") (font "Arial" 12 bold) (title off) (borderStyle none) (extent 187 27) (just l)) (widget 1 detail (relativeOrigin 70 280) (title on) (borderStyle convex) (extent 172 29) (showFormat real)) (widget 24 detail (relativeOrigin 120 80) (title off) (borderStyle none) (extent 47 22))) (detail (extent 1013 654) (anchorPt 287 91) (configuration (devCarrierFor 6 (active open) (icon (extent 68 51) (iconImage "loop.icn")) (open (extent 94 79)) (pinCenter -130 140)) (devCarrierFor 15 (active open) (icon (extent 136 0)) (open (extent 172 29) (showFormat real)) (pinCenter -130 370)) (devCarrierFor 16 (active open) (icon (extent 90 34)) (open (extent 95 77)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 200 330)) (devCarrierFor 17 (active open) (icon (extent 157 51) (iconImage "display.icn")) (open (extent 318 279) (displayMode 47) (graphType cartesian) (gridType grid) (scale 0 (name "Ic (A)") (domainName "Vc (V)") (Yspacing 1) (Xspacing 2) (pen 9) (show 1) (range -0.0005 0.0001 4 linear)) (domain 0 10 4 linear) (trace 0 onScale 0 (name "Ic (A)") (pen 4) (lineType 1) (pointType 0)) (markerPenColor 1)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 585 140)) (devCarrierFor 18 (active icon) (icon (extent 59 25)) (open (extent 96 54)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 340 400)) (devCarrierFor 19 (active icon) (icon (extent 55 25)) (open (extent 96 54)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 340 460)) (devCarrierFor 21 (active icon) (icon (extent 85 25)) (open (extent 219 126)) (terminals on) (pinCenter -130 220)) (devCarrierFor 43 (active icon) (icon (extent 136 15)) (open (extent 229 74)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 20 50)) (devCarrierFor 44 (active icon) (icon (extent 83 15)) (open (extent 229 74)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 20 10)) (devCarrierFor 58 (active icon) (icon (extent 83 15)) (open (extent 229 74)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 70 230)) (devCarrierFor 59 (active icon) (icon (extent 136 15)) (open (extent 229 74)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 70 200)) (devCarrierFor 61 (active open) (icon (iconImage "stop.icn")) (open (extent 65 31)) (pinCenter 450 1150)) (devCarrierFor 63 (active icon) (icon (extent 28 15)) (open) (terminals on) (pinCenter 370 1140)) (devCarrierFor 64 (active open) (icon (iconImage "stop.icn")) (open (extent 65 31)) (pinCenter 430 840)) (devCarrierFor 65 (active icon) (icon (extent 36 37)) (open (extent 12 50)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 410 1080)) (devCarrierFor 67 (active open) (icon (extent 47 51) (iconImage "question.gif")) (open (extent 255 115)) (title off) (pinCenter 10 1080)) (devCarrierFor 68 (active open) (icon) (open (extent 87 82)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 250 1080)) (devCarrierFor 69 (active icon) (icon (extent 33 15)) (open (extent 162 79)) (pinCenter 10 1000)) (devCarrierFor 70 (active icon) (icon (extent 122 25)) (open (extent 438 106)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 200 780)) (devCarrierFor 71 (active open) (icon (extent 41 34)) (open (extent 231 127)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 220 900)) (devCarrierFor 72 (active icon) (icon (extent 30 15)) (open) (terminals on) (pinCenter -170 920)) (devCarrierFor 73 (active open) (icon) (open (extent 71 42)) (terminals on) (pinCenter -70 890)) (devCarrierFor 74 (active icon) (icon (extent 30 15)) (open) (terminals on) (pinCenter -170 860)) (devCarrierFor 76 (active open) (icon (iconImage "notepad.icn")) (open (extent 355 145) (editing disabled)) (title off) (bg "Teal") (font "Arial" 12) (titleBg "Teal") (pinCenter 220 -170)) (devCarrierFor 77 (active open) (icon (extent 41 0)) (open (extent 47 22)) (title off) (pinCenter -110 0)) (devCarrierFor 78 (active icon) (icon (extent 68 51) (iconImage "loop.icn")) (open (extent 12 30)) (terminals on) (pinCenter -110 -70)) (devCarrierFor 80 (active open) (icon (iconImage "stop.icn")) (open (extent 65 31)) (pinCenter 440 700)) (devCarrierFor 81 (active icon) (icon (extent 28 15)) (open) (terminals on) (pinCenter 380 700)) (devCarrierFor 82 (active open) (icon) (open (extent 87 82)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 220 640)) (devCarrierFor 83 (active icon) (icon (extent 33 15)) (open (extent 162 79)) (pinCenter -30 550)) (devCarrierFor 84 (active open) (icon (extent 47 51) (iconImage "question.gif")) (open (extent 255 115)) (title off) (pinCenter -30 640)) (devCarrierFor 88 (active open) (icon (extent 169 0)) (open (extent 187 27) (just l)) (title off) (fg "Med Dark Blue") (font "Arial" 12 bold) (pinCenter -100 -150)) (connect D7:0 D0:0 (points 6 20 60 20 80 -60 80 -60 60 -130 60 -130 80)) (connect D0:1 D2:1 (points 6 -81 140 -60 140 -60 220 -10 220 -10 310 120 310)) (connect D9:1 D2:2 (points 6 114 230 120 230 120 250 100 250 100 330 120 330)) (connect D1:1 D2:3 (points 4 -42 370 -10 370 -10 350 120 350)) (connect D9:1 D3:1 (points 4 114 230 160 230 160 30 343 30)) (connect D2:1 D3:2 (points 4 300 330 310 330 310 100 343 100)) (connect D6:1 D3:3 (points 6 -85 210 -70 210 -70 190 -50 190 -50 170 343 170)) (connect D16:2 D3:4 (points 8 346 1080 380 1080 380 1040 500 1040 500 320 320 320 320 240 343 240)) (connect D9:1 D4:1 (points 6 114 230 120 230 120 250 100 250 100 390 308 390)) (connect D0:0 D4:2 (points 7 -130 182 -130 200 -190 200 -190 320 0 320 0 410 308 410)) (connect D2:1 D5:1 (points 6 300 330 320 330 320 380 290 380 290 450 310 450)) (connect D0:0 D5:2 (points 9 -130 182 -130 200 -190 200 -190 320 0 320 0 410 280 410 280 470 310 470)) (connect D0:0 D6:0 (points 2 -130 182 -130 205)) (connect D8:0 D7:0 (points 2 20 20 20 40)) (connect D24:0 D8:0 (points 6 -110 13 -110 30 -60 30 -60 -20 20 -20 20 0)) (connect D10:0 D9:0 (points 2 70 210 70 220)) (connect D0:1 D10:1 (points 4 -81 140 -60 140 -60 200 -1 200)) (connect D14:1 D11:0 (points 3 430 1080 450 1080 450 1114)) (connect D16:2 D12:0 (points 5 346 1080 360 1080 360 1110 370 1110 370 1130)) (connect D18:2 D13:0 (points 5 263 790 280 790 280 780 430 780 430 804)) (connect D16:1 D14:1 (points 4 346 1060 370 1060 370 1070 389 1070)) (connect D16:3 D14:2 (points 4 346 1100 370 1100 370 1090 389 1090)) (connect D17:0 D15:0 (points 2 10 1010 10 1020)) (connect D15:2 D16:1 (points 2 140 1080 154 1080)) (connect D19:0 D17:0 (points 6 200 966 200 990 50 990 50 980 10 980 10 990)) (connect D28:1 D18:0 (points 5 316 620 340 620 340 700 200 700 200 765)) (connect D18:0 D19:0 (points 2 200 795 200 816)) (connect D21:1 D19:1 (points 6 18 890 30 890 30 880 20 880 20 870 32 870)) (connect D18:1 D19:2 (points 6 263 770 270 770 270 750 10 750 10 930 32 930)) (connect D28:1 D20:0 (points 11 316 620 340 620 340 700 200 700 200 740 -170 740 -170 830 -200 830 -200 890 -170 890 -170 910)) (connect D5:1 D20:1 (points 6 370 460 380 460 380 490 -220 490 -220 920 -188 920)) (connect D22:1 D21:1 (points 6 -153 860 -140 860 -140 870 -150 870 -150 880 -138 880)) (connect D20:1 D21:2 (points 6 -153 920 -140 920 -140 910 -150 910 -150 900 -138 900)) (connect D28:1 D22:0 (points 7 316 620 340 620 340 700 200 700 200 740 -170 740 -170 850)) (connect D4:1 D22:1 (points 6 372 400 390 400 390 500 -210 500 -210 860 -188 860)) (connect D25:1 D24:0 (points 5 -74 -70 -50 -70 -50 -30 -110 -30 -110 -14)) (connect D28:2 D26:0 (points 3 316 640 440 640 440 664)) (connect D28:3 D27:0 (points 3 316 660 380 660 380 690)) (connect D30:2 D28:1 (points 2 100 640 124 640)) (connect D6:2 D29:0 (points 5 -85 230 -20 230 -20 410 -30 410 -30 540)) (connect D29:0 D30:0 (points 2 -30 560 -30 580))) (stackingOrder 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 30 29 4 5 25 24 13 23 31 0 8 7 14 11 10 2 1 6 3 9)) (numberFormats (realFormat standard) (realSigDigits 4) (realRadixSpec 4) (integerBase decimal))))