#! D:\VW/vee -r (saveFormat "1.2") (date "Sun 31/Aug/1997") (SaveCF "no") (filterNAN 0) (component 0 "ROOTCONTEXT" (name "Untitled") (interface ) (implementation (locked no) (trigMode deg) (nextID 10) (component 2 "FORCOUNT" (interface (sequence in) (sequence out) (output 1 (name "Count") (lock name constraints) ) ) (implementation (component count 10) ) (views (icon (iconImage "loop.icn") ) (detail (origin 17 254) (extent 106 32) ) (active detail) ) ) (component 3 "FORCOUNT" (interface (sequence in) (sequence out) (output 1 (name "Count") (lock name constraints) ) ) (implementation (component count 10) ) (views (icon (iconImage "loop.icn") ) (detail (origin 97 354) (extent 106 32) ) (active detail) ) ) (component 4 "FORMULA" (interface (sequence in) (sequence out) (input 1 (name "A") (optional yes) ) (output 1 (name "Result") (lock name constraints) ) ) (implementation (component expr 1 "\"data\"+A+\".txt\"") ) (views (icon ) (detail (origin 196 254) (extent 148 32) ) (terminals on) (active detail) ) ) (component 5 "RANDOMNUMBER" (interface (sequence in) (sequence out) (output 1 (name "Rand Val") (lock name constraints) ) ) (implementation (component lowerLimit -100) (component upperLimit 100) ) (views (icon (origin 171 407) (extent 119 27) ) (detail (origin 127 302) (extent 147 57) ) (terminals on) (active icon) ) ) (component 6 "TOFILE" (interface (sequence in) (sequence out) (input 1 (name "A") (optional yes) ) (input 2 (type control) (name "File Name") (requires (datatype Text) (shape "Scalar") ) (lock name constraints) (optional yes) ) ) (implementation (attr iopath file write "G:\\data9.txt" (readTerm "\n") (fs "\r\n") (eol "\r\n") (multiField fullSyntax) (arrayFormat block) ) (procedure WRITE TEXT asInt32(a) INT EOL ) ) (views (icon ) (detail (origin 500 163) (extent 240 134) ) (terminals on) (active detail) ) ) (component 7 "COLLECTOR" (interface (sequence in) (sequence out) (input 1 (name "Data") (tag "Data") ) (input 2 (type trigger) (name "XEQ") (lock name constraints) ) (output 1 (name "Array") (tag "Array") (lock constraints) ) ) (implementation (component clearAtPrerun 1) (component clearAtActivate 1) (component output1D NO) ) (views (icon (origin 320 438) (extent 61 25) ) (detail ) (terminals on) (active icon) ) ) (component 8 "LABEL" (name "Generating A Set of Files") (interface (sequence in) (sequence out) ) (implementation (component labelValue "Generating A Set of Files") ) (views (icon (extent 174 0) ) (detail (origin 45 60) (extent 331 41) (just c) ) (title off) (active detail) (font "Arial" 26 bold) ) ) (component 9 "NOTE" (interface ) (implementation (component text 13 5 Generating A Set of Files / v1.1 / 31 aug 97 / gvg * This simple demo program generates a set of files with sequential names: "data0.txt", "data1.txt", ... , "data9.txt". Each file contains ten random numbers in the range of -100 to +100. * Revision history: v1.0 / 28 jul 96 / gvg v1.1 / 31 aug 97 / gvg / Got rid of Start button. [<>] ) ) (views (icon (origin 296 164) (extent 68 52) (iconImage "notepad.icn") ) (detail (origin 31 111) (extent 578 298) (editing enabled) ) (active icon) ) ) (configuration (connect D0:1 D1:0) (connect D0:1 D2:1) (connect D1:1 D3:0) (connect D5:1 D4:1) (connect D2:1 D4:2) (connect D3:1 D5:1) (connect D1:0 D5:2) ) ) (views (detail (origin 0 24) (extent 640 418) (configuration (connect D0:1 D1:0 (Point 125 270) (Point 150 270) (Point 150 333) ) (connect D0:1 D2:1 (Point 125 270) (Point 163 270) ) (connect D1:1 D3:0 (Point 205 370) (Point 230 370) (Point 230 404) ) (connect D5:1 D4:1 (Point 383 450) (Point 410 450) (Point 410 190) (Point 427 190) ) (connect D2:1 D4:2 (Point 396 270) (Point 427 270) ) (connect D3:1 D5:1 (Point 292 420) (Point 310 420) (Point 310 440) (Point 317 440) ) (connect D1:0 D5:2 (Point 150 388) (Point 150 460) (Point 317 460) ) ) (stackingOrder 0 5 3 1 2 4 6 7) ) (active detail) (numberFormats (realFormat standard) (realSigDigits 4) (realRadixSpec 4) (integerBase decimal) ) ) )