(saveFormat "2.3") (date "Tue 22/Apr/1997 13:37:44 ") (veerev "4.0") (platform "PC") (execMode fast) (filterNAN 0) (workspaceStackingOrder M) (SaveCF no) (device 0 ROOTCONTEXT (properties (trigMode deg) (nextID 10) (popupTitleText "Untitled") (popupMoveable 1)) (deviceList (device 1 CONSTANT (properties (name "Integer")) (interface (output 1 (name "Int32") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (value Int32 (data 42)) (initValue Int32 (data 0)))) (device 2 CONSTANT (properties (name "Integer")) (interface (output 1 (name "Int32") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (value Int32 (numDims 1) (size 4) (data [ 0 1 2 3 ])) (initValue Int32 (data 0)))) (device 3 LITERALCONSTANT (properties (name "Text")) (interface (output 1 (name "Text") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (value Text (data "test")) (initValue Text (data "")))) (device 4 TOSTRING (properties (transactions 4 "WRITE TEXT a EOL" "WRITE TEXT b EOL" "WRITE TEXT c EOL" "WRITE TEXT d EOL")) (interface (input 1 (name "A") (optional yes)) (input 2 (name "B") (optional yes)) (input 3 (name "C") (optional yes)) (input 4 (name "D") (optional yes)) (input 5 (name "E") (optional yes)) (output 1 (name "result") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (attr iopath string write "string" (readTerm "\n") (fs " ") (eol "\n") (multiField fullSyntax) (arrayFormat block)))) (device 6 RECCONST (properties (name "Record")) (interface (output 1 (name "Record") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (value Record (schema (numFields 2) (fieldName "A" (type Text)) (fieldName "B" (type Real))) (data (record ("A" "Text field") ("B" 1.25)))))) (device 7 LABEL (properties (name "VEE 4.0 Line Colors") (labelValue "VEE 4.0 Line Colors")) (implementation)) (device 9 NOTE (properties (text2 17 "\t" "VEE 4.0 Line Colors / v1.0 / 22 apr 97 / gvg" "" "* This little demo program shows off the new VEE line colors" "capability:" "" " % Blue line for numeric." " % Double line for arrays." " % Black line for records and unknown." " % Orange line for strings." " % Gray for sequence pins." "" "You can change the line color assignments through File ->" "Edit Default Preferences." "" "[<>]" ""))) (configuration (connect D0:1 D3:1) (connect D1:1 D3:2) (connect D4:1 D3:3) (connect D2:1 D3:4) (connect D2:0 D3:5))) (contextCarrier (wndOrigin 4 5) (wndState res) (active detail) (detail (extent 630 437) (anchorPt -2 0) (configuration (devCarrierFor 1 (active open) (icon) (open (extent 104 31) (showFormat int)) (pinCenter 80 40)) (devCarrierFor 2 (active open) (icon) (open (extent 109 82) (showFormat int)) (pinCenter 80 130)) (devCarrierFor 3 (active open) (icon (extent 31 16)) (open (extent 102 34)) (pinCenter 80 380)) (devCarrierFor 4 (active open) (icon (extent 63 16)) (open (extent 212 117)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 410 360)) (devCarrierFor 6 (active open) (icon) (open (extent 169 109) (formatters)) (pinCenter 110 270)) (devCarrierFor 7 (active open) (icon (extent 139 0)) (open (extent 215 38) (just c)) (title off) (font "Arial" 22 bold) (pinCenter 440 50)) (devCarrierFor 9 (active icon) (icon (extent 68 52) (iconImage "notepad.icn")) (open (extent 534 245) (editing enabled)) (pinCenter 410 150)) (connect D0:1 D3:1 (points 4 134 40 240 40 240 320 271 320)) (connect D1:1 D3:2 (points 4 137 130 230 130 230 340 271 340)) (connect D4:1 D3:3 (points 4 197 270 220 270 220 360 271 360)) (connect D2:1 D3:4 (points 2 133 380 271 380)) (connect D2:0 D3:5 (points 5 80 399 80 420 150 420 150 400 271 400))) (stackingOrder 0 4 2 1 5 3 6)) (numberFormats (realFormat standard) (realSigDigits 4) (realRadixSpec 4) (integerBase decimal))))