; This file is for use as the automatic startup file on a CD. [Background] ; Bitmaps may be a .bmp, .wmf .ico or .RLE files BackgroundBitmap=setup.bmp TextFontColor =&Hffffff TextWithFocusFontColor =&HFFFF SideBarColor =&H00FDDC77& ; &H0 Black ; &HFF Red ; &HFF00 Green ; &HFFFF Yellow ; &HFF0000 Blue ; &HFF00FF Magenta ; &HFFFF00 Cyan ; &HFFFFFF White ; &H00D58500 Agilent Blue [Attributes] ; Set FourButton to false if just using the standard 3-button splash screen ; Set FourButton to true if wanting to use the optional 4th button FourButton = true ; Set the titlebar string Title = "Agilent IntuiLink Software" ; Set the label strings for the buttons, TextOptionalButton ignored if FourButton is false TextTopBtn = "Install IntuiLink" TextMidBtn = "Overview" TextBottomBtn = "Exit" TextOptionalBtn = "Supported Models" ; Set the file filenames to open, OptionalFile ignored if FourButton is false HelpFile = esaover.hlp OptionalFile = models.txt