Agilent IntuiLink PSA/ESA

Connectivity Software for Agilent PSA and ESA E/L/EMC-series Spectrum Analyzers 
Frequently Asked Questions, Trouble Shooting Guide, and Release Notes
for Version 2.4

Copyright (c) Agilent Technologies 1999-2003

What models are supported by IntuiLink PSA/ESA 2.4?
"Not Enough Memory" error in Excel 97
Is Segmented Sweep supported in Microsoft Excel?
Excel displays an "Invalid .DOT file" message when it starts.  How do I fix this?
Excel displays an "Invalid .XLA file" message when it starts.  How do I fix this?
Why can't other users of the same computer see the toolbar in Excel?
I uninstalled IntuiLink, but other users of the computer still see the toolbar in Excel. How do they get rid of it?
Why does the ToolBar pop up in Outlook?
Why does the captured display image look different than the instrument display?
Why aren't the colors inverted on the display images I capture?
RS-232 Communications
RS-232 Considerations with One-Button Measurements, Measurement Personalities and Long Sweep Times
Windows 95 and Agilent SICL F.01.01 and Earlier
Windows 95 and Agilent SICL 'Options' Menu
Unable to find BenchLink XL/ESA shortcut when Excel opens 

What models are supported by IntuiLink PSA/ESA 2.4? 

The following ESA and PSA Spectrum Analyzer models are supported:
Model E4401B                  

Model E4402B                  

Model E4403B                  

Model E4404B                  

Model E4405B                  

Model E4407B                  

Model E4408B                  

Model E4411B                  

Model E7401A      

Model E7402A

Model E7403A

Model E7404A

Model E7405A

Model E4440A

Model E4443A

Model E4445A

Model E4446A

Model E4448A

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"Not Enough Memory" error in Excel 97 

You might get a "Not Enough Memory" error in Excel if you create too many charts with the "get repeated measurement" option. It usually fails on the 62nd chart. The error is related to automatic scaling of fonts in Excel.  There is a MS Knowledge base article about this problem in Excel: Q168650 that states it is fixed in Excel SR-2, but it is not fixed.

To resolve the problem, you can add an entry to the registry that disables automatic font scaling for charts. 
WARNING: Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

To do this:

1.      Quit all running programs

2.      Click the Start button, and then click Run.

3.      In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK.

4.      Go to the following registry subkey (folder):

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Excel\Microsoft Excel

5.      Point to New on the Edit menu, and then click String Value. Type AutoChartFontScaling, and then press ENTER.

6.      Click Modify on the Edit menu. Type 0, in the Value Data box, and then click OK.

7.      Click Exit on the File menu to quit the Registry Editor

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Is Segmented Sweep supported in Microsoft XL?

The ESA analyzer's Segmented Sweep function (providing discontinuous spans in one sweep) is not currently supported when transferring trace data into MS Excel.  Although the y-axis amplitude values will be correct, the x-axis frequency and time values will be incorrect. The transfer of screen images is fully supported.


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Why does the ToolBar pop up in Outlook and how can I remove it?

If Microsoft Word is your designated editor, then the toolbar will appear in Outlook when the editor is invoked.

You cannot remove the toolbar, but you can dock it and it will stay docked. It will not affect Outlook.

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Why does the captured display image look different than the instrument display?

Because the displays of ESA and PSA instruments have black backgrounds, when the display image is captured to a worksheet or document and then printed, the result is a "wet square" because so much ink is used to create the black background. To make the captured image more "printer friendly," IntuiLink inverts the colors of the display image so that the background is white. Aside from the color changes, the image is the same as that on the instrument display at the moment the display image was captured.

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Why aren't the colors inverted on the display images I capture?

In order for IntuiLink PSA/ESA to produce "printer friendly" display images, the instrument being used must be an ESA-E/L/EMC with firmware A.08.00 and above. Due to an issue concerning the ability of users to place the instrument display in full screen mode, IntuiLink can only produce the exact screen images (with black backgrounds) of PSA instruments and ESA instruments with versions of firmware earlier than A.08.00. This issue is resolved with ESA firmware A.08.00.

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Excel gives an "Invalid .DOT file" message when it starts. How do I fix this?


Install process warns of Word and Excel startup paths being the same. What do I do?

If the Microsoft Office 97 installation on your system is configured to use the same folder as the Word Startup folder and Excel Alternate startup file location, Excel attempts to load the Word .DOT template files which are located in that folder, putting up an error message that it could not load an invalid .DOT file. This is a bug in Excel that has been reported to Microsoft and is fixed in Office 2000.

There are three options to deal with this: ignore the error message every time Excel starts, change the Excel Alternate startup file location, or change the Word Startup path. Below are detailed the last two options.

For changing the Excel Alternate startup file location (recommended):

1.      In Excel, click the Tools menu, then click Options. 

2.      Select the General tab. Note the location specified in the Alternate startup file location.

3.      Using Windows Explorer, check to see whether any Excel files (i.e. .XLA, .XLS files) are located in the folder specified in that location. If not delete the contents of the Alternate startup file location field in Excel. If so, continue with step 4.

4.      Move all Excel files (i.e. .XLA and .XLS) from the Alternate startup file location to a new folder.

5.      Change the Alternate startup file location field to the new folder location.

For changing the Word Startup file location:

1.      In Word, click the Tools menu, then click Options.

2.      Select the File Locations tab. Note the location specified in the Startup location

3.      Using Windows Explorer, open the location you noted in step 2, and move all Word files and shortcuts (i.e. .DOT, .DOC files) to a new location.

4.      Returning to Word, modify the Startup file location to refer to the new location used in step 3.

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I re-installed IntuiLink to a different drive than last time, now I get an error message from Excel about an "invalid XLA" file. How do I correct this?

1.      In Excel, click on the Tools menu, then click on Add-Ins.

2.      From the Add-Ins available list, click on ESA or ESA Spectrum Analyzer.

3.      Excel will then show an error message stating that you selected an invalid XLA and do you want to delete it. Click Yes. This will delete the reference to the previous installation location and stop any further error messages.

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I installed IntuiLink and it works fine for me, but when other users on the same computer start Excel, the IntuiLink toolbar is not available. Why?

When IntuiLink is installed, the toolbar add-in for Excel gets registered in Excel for that user only. Other users with different logons on the same computer will not have the toolbar automatically registered when they use Excel.

In order for other users to have access to the toolbar in Excel, they will need to log on to the computer as they normally do and then go to the Start menu and click on

Programs|Agilent IntuiLink|PSA-ESA|Start Excel Toolbar Add-in

This will start Excel and load the IntuiLink toolbar. After this has been done once, Excel will have the toolbar registered and it will be available to that user every time Excel is opened.

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I uninstalled IntuiLink, but other users of the computer still see the toolbar in Excel. How do they get rid of it?

1.      Start Excel, Click on the View menu, then click on Toolbars, then on Customize...

2.      In the Customize dialog box, choose the Toolbars tab.

3.      In the Toolbars list, find the toolbar name (PSA/ESA Spectrum Analyzer), click on it to highlight it, and then click on the Delete command button to the right of the Toolbars list. When asked if you are sure that you want to delete the toolbar, click OK. The toolbar name will be removed from the Toolbars list.

4.      Click the Close button to close the Customize dialog. The toolbar should now be removed from Excel.

NOTE: This procedure may need to be performed for every user of the same computer who registered the IntuiLink Excel toolbar add-in for their login name.

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RS-232 Communications

Please note: The E4440A PSA does not support RS232 communications. Attempting to communicate to the E4440A PSA may result in an application and/or instrument error.

For proper RS-232 communications between your ESA E/L/EMC-series instrument and Agilent IntuiLink PSA/ESA, it is important that the correct RS-232 cable is used. Please refer to the on-line help system for RS-232 cable selection and pin information.

It is also important that the baud rate set within Agilent IntuiLink PSA/ESA and the baud rate set on your ESA E/L/EMC-series instrument are in agreement.  Ensure that Agilent IntuiLink PSA/ESA's baud rate matches that of your ESA E/L/EMC-series instrument.  If the ToolBar "Connect" dialog box attempts to communicate with the ESA E/L/EMC using a mismatched baud rate (you will get an error), it may be necessary to cycle power on the ESA E/L/EMC to enable communication using the correct baud rates.

If you are using DCOM to connect to a remote computer, you might find that Excel will give you a warning message such as "Microsoft Excel is waiting for another application to complete an OLE action".  This generally means that the I/O operation has taken too long.  Try changing the baud rate to a faster rate on the ESA E/L/EMC, reconnect to the instrument and rerun the Excel operation.

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RS-232 Considerations with One-Button Measurements, Measurement Personalities and Long Sweep Times

Please note: The E4440A PSA does not support RS232 communications. Attempting to communicate to the E4440A PSA may result in an application and/or instrument error.

Certain built-in one-button measurements and Agilent Measurement Personalities on Agilent spectrum analyzers are performance-optimized within the instrument such that the instrument may ignore RS-232 command inputs and queries while measurement personalities are running. 

As a result, while one-button measurements and measurement personalities are in use, Agilent IntuiLink PSA/ESA may be blocked from RS-232 communications with the ESA E/L/EMC-series instrument. It, therefore, may be unable to find instruments during search operations or to acquire screen images, trace data or save/restore instrument states.

Examples of such built-in one-button measurements are as follows:

10 Peak Table 
N dB points 
Marker Count Mode (with high counter resolution)
Percent AM 
Channel Power 
Third Order Intermodulation 
Occupied Bandwidth 
Adjacent Channel Power


Examples of such Agilent measurement personalities are as follows:

Link measurements personality
EMC measurements personality
Digital radio measurements personality
Scalar measurements personality
GSM900 measurements personality with modulation accuracy
CT2-CAI measurements personality
NADC/PCS-TDMA measurements personality
Noise figure measurements personality
PDC measurements personalities 
Cable TV measurements personality with video tests
DCS1800 measurements personality with modulation accuracy
DECT measurements personality
Broadcast measurements personality
CDMA measurements personalities
PHS measurements personalities

This same situation occurs with long sweep times, where RS-232 communications with the instrument may be temporarily blocked. 

To transfer information to Agilent IntuiLink PSA/ESA while one-button measurements, Agilent Measurement Personalities or long sweep times are in use, it may be necessary to either 1) acquire the data after executing a single sweep, 2) stop the measurement then acquire the data, or 3) use GP-IB, rather than RS-232, to connect to your ESA E/L/EMC-series instrument.

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Windows 95 and Agilent SICL F.01.01 and Earlier

Windows 95 32-bit Agilent SICL and VISA versions F.01.01 and earlier will, by default, yield the CPU during I/O operations. Agilent IntuiLink requires that the CPU not be yielded during I/O operations. This is the default operation for Agilent SICL versions F.01.02 and later.

For Agilent SICL versions F.01.01 and earlier, add a registry entry which instructs SICL not to yield during I/O operations. 

Add the following key:


Under this key, add a string entry "Yield" with a value "false".

To get an updated I/O library, go to the web site and search for the words "io libraries download".  Download and install the latest version available.

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Windows 95 and Agilent SICL 'Options' Menu

In the I/O Configuration program, the following selections are available in the 'Options' menu:

SICL Yield (Win95 only)
- False (Default) * SICL does not yield the CPU during I/O
- True * SICL yields the CPU during I/O

Note: SICL Yield must be 'False' for proper operation of some Plug&Play drivers. This will prevent a potential deadlock from within a Windows message handler.

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Unable to find BenchLink XL/ESA shortcut when Excel opens 

WARNING: Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

If you get an error when Excel opens stating that it is unable to find the shortcut or program for BenchLink XL ESA, there is most likely a registry entry or two that still point to BenchLink XL ESA, even though it was previously uninstalled. To check, run REGEDIT (click Start->Run and then type regedit in the text box and click OK). Look for the value

"<drive>:\Program Files\Agilent\BenchLink XL\ESA\ESA.xla" (where <drive> is the drive letter to which BenchLink XL ESA was installed)

under the key

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Excel\Add-in Manager (for Office 97 users)


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\9.0\Excel\Add-in Manager (for Office 2000 users)

If the value exists, delete it by highlighting it and pressing delete.

Also, check under the following registry key

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Excel\Microsoft Excel (for Office 97 users)


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\9.0\Excel\Options (for Office 2000 users)

for values that are named OPENx (OPEN, OPEN1, OPEN2, etc.). If any of these values has the following data entry, delete that value:

"<drive>:\Program Files\Agilent\BenchLink XL\ESA\ESA.xla" (where <drive> is the drive letter to which BenchLink XL ESA was installed)

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