?_q’’’’hŃaXl!•A::PSA/ESA E/L/EMC-series Spectrum Analyzer Toolbar in Excel&Copyright © 2000 Agilent TechnologiesZ{main {ė4d’’ąZ{second ××d’’’’’ą  īĢ”¢±²ŗī/&;)z4’’A’’’’|CONTEXTCŖ|CTXOMAPC|FONT$Ž|KWBTREE¶‘|KWDATAę|KWMAPŸ‘|SYSTEM|TOPIC |TTLBTREEå|VIOLA¦|bm0r²|bm11³|bm25¹|bm3 ½|bm4żĀ|bm5uÉ|bm6sĪ„ˆ{ˆ’’’’ K’’’’W1’’’’’’’’Wž‹What would you like to do?G ž* $€:€v˜Šź¬‚j€‚’What would you like to do?,WŹ) "€€4Š˜š„H€‚’MžŁĀ R§€tŠāš8‚bļLIs³€†"€€‰‚ļ±ż€†"€€‰‚ļō7óø€†"€€‰‚ļ”ÆĄh€†"€€‰‚ļ­ƒFČ€†"€€‰‚ļķ\€†"€€‰‚’ Connect to the spectrum analyzer and verify communication Connect to a spectrum analyzer on a remote host Capture the current spectrum analyzer settings Restore previously stored settings to the spectrum analyzer Edit the name of a saved state setting Remove saved state settingsZŹųÅ XĮ€tŠāš8‚bļÉā5R€†"€€‰‚ļ7ż®Ž€†"€€‰‚ļķćÄ€†"€€‰‚ļ逓H€†"€€‰‚ļņq(8€†"€€‰€‚ļQuT€†"€€‰‚’ Export current spectrum analyzer settings to a PC file Import spectrum analyzer settings from a PC file Get data from the spectrum analyzer Create an Excel graph Start obtaining repeated measurements from the spectrum analyzer Stop obtaining repeated measurements from the spectrum analyzerhIŁ` ‚”€tŠāš8‚bļ3,h€†"€€‰‚ļUü– €†"€€‰‚ļĢźKö€†"€€‰‚ļŪåŪō€†"€€‰‚ļÓ< €†"€€‰‚Ģ+JI(`ESAover.hlp>Main',`Software_Overview')€†"€€‰‚Ģ$JI(`ESAover.hlp',`Troubleshooting')€†"€€‰‚’ Get an image of the spectrum analyzer display Delete the spectrum analyzer toolbar from Excel Restore spectrum analyzer toolbar to Excel Select the toolbar startup options Disconnect from the spectrum analyzer View more help topics View troubleshooting information +ų‹( €€4Š˜š‚€‚’j9`õ1 ’’’’’’’’õfĀDConnect to the spectrum analyzer and verify communicationq>‹f3 6€~€v˜Šź¬‚j€†"€‚’ Connect to the spectrum analyzer and verify communication+õ‘( €€4Š˜š‚€‚’cf * $€Ę€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ‚’1.Make sure that your spectrum analyzer is physically connected to your computer and turned on.|L‘š 0 0€˜€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’2.Click Connect to Spectrum Analyzer on the spectrum analyzer toolbar.¬| F 0 0€ų€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’3.Highlight the address from the Select Instrument Address list for the spectrum analyzer that you want to connect to.4š z , (€€vˆˆŁ€šs‚Ų€‚’Note:õ©F o L f€S€2ˆäš‚d€€€€€€€ė±ż€‰€‚’The instrument addresses listed are for instruments connected to the computer shown under the Select Instrument Address list. Look at the label above the Identify Instruments button. The name will be either "My Computer" or the name or IP address of a remote host. If you want to change the host computer, press the Advanced button and follow the instructions in Connect to a spectrum analyzer on a remote host.]'z Ģ 6 <€N€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚’4.Click Identify Instrument(s).r0o >B R€a€4Šōš‚t€€€€€‚€€€€‚’The instrument type, name, and address appear in the Identified Instruments list on the right. Instruments supported by the PSA/ESA toolbar are in bold type.Tip: You can double-click on the instrument address and the instruments at that address will appear in the Identified Instruments list.™cĢ ×6 <€Ę€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚’5.In the Identified Instruments list, highlight the instrument that you want to connect to.F>0 0€,€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’6.Click Connect.9 ×b@0 .€€4Šōš‚t€‚€€‚’A green icon appears to the left of the instrument that is connected. The corresponding icon on the toolbar also turns green (after you close the dialog box) to indicate the instb@‹rument is connected.Tip: You can double-click on the instrument to connect to it.b9Ä@) "€r€4Š˜š‚€‚‚’If you do not know the address, you have two options:×£b@›A4 6€G€räšf‚d€ƒ€€€‚’·You can select the address that you think may be correct and click the Identify Instrument(s) button to determine the type of instrument at that address. -Ä@ČA( € €2ˆäš‚d€‚’OR^*›A&C4 6€U€räšf‚d€ƒ€€€‚’·You can select more than one address (hold down the Shift key while clicking with the mouse or hold down the CTRL key while dragging the mouse) and click Identify Instrument(s). All the instruments at the selected addresses are listed, with the instruments supported by the toolbar in bold.ĄiČAęCW ~€Ņ€4Š˜š‚€‚Č$JI(`ESAover.hlp',`Troubleshooting')€‰€‚’See the troubleshooting section of the online help if you still cannot connect to the instrument.5 &CD* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚’See Also§`ęCĀDG ^€Ą€4Š˜š‚ėÓ< €‰€‚ė±ż€‰€‚‚’Disconnect from a spectrum analyzer Connect to a spectrum analyzer on a remote host –eDXE1’’’’’’’’XEźEŅMTo add the address of an instrument connected to a remote computer (Windows NT or Windows 2000 only):’XĀDźE: D€²€v˜Šź¬‚j€†"€€€‚’ Connect to a spectrum analyzer on a remote host(Windows NT or Windows 2000 only)ßµXEÉF* "€k€4Š˜š‚€‚‚’This procedure assumes that you have already installed the PSA/ESA software on the remote host and have a spectrum analyzer connected to the remote computer via GP-IB or RS-232.j:źE3G0 0€t€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’1.Click Connect to Spectrum Analyzer on the toolbar.j4ÉFG6 <€h€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚’2.In the Connect dialog box, click Advanced.S%3GšG. ,€J€4Šōš‚t€€€‚’The Advanced dialog box appears.•kG…H* $€Ö€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ‚’3.Enter the IP address or DNS hostname of the remote computer where the spectrum analyzer is connected.±{šG6I6 <€ö€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚’4.Click Add. The hostname or IP address is now listed in the drop-down box under Select Instrument Address By Host:{Q…H±I* $€¢€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ‚’5.From the drop-down box, select the remote host that you want to connect to.6 6IēI- *€€~˜RŁ€šs‚Ų€‚’Note: ›l±I‚J/ .€Ų€2ˆäš‚d€€€‚’To list only those instruments connected to your computer, select My Computer from the drop-down list.DēIĘJ0 0€(€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’6.Click Close.ūĄ‚JĮK; D€€4Šōš‚t€€€€€€€‚’In the Connect dialog box, the addresses for the remote host appear in the Select Instrument Address list, and the host name or IP address is displayed just above the Advanced button.2ĘJóK* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚’Note:äÆĮK×L5 8€_€4Š˜š‚€€€€€‚’Windows 9x does not support remote instantiation of COM server processes. Visit Microsoft’s Web site and search for the Knowledge Base article #Q165101 for more detail.5 óK M* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚’See Also›L×L§MO n€˜€4Š˜š‚Č JI(`Esaover.hlp',`Enable_DCOM')€‰€‚’Enabling the DCOM server interface in Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 + MŅM( €€4Šōš‚t€‚’M§MN1ė’’’’’’’’NhN:ĆConnect to Spectrum AnalyzerIŅMhN* $€>€v˜Šź¬‚j€‚’Connect to Spectrum Analyzer€WNčN) "€®€4Š˜š‚€‚‚’In this dialog box, you specify the spectrum analyzer to which you want to connect.9hN!O* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚’Prerequisiteˆ`čN©O( €Ą€4Š˜š‚€‚’Make sure that your spectrum analyzer is physically connected to your computer and turned on.6 !OßO* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚’Procedure¬|©O—€0 0€ų€tŠōšßO—€ŅM&‚t€ƒ€€‚’1.Highlight the address from the Select Instrument Address list for the spectrum analyzer that you want to connect to.4ßOĖ€, (€€vˆˆŁ€šs‚Ų€‚’Note:¬v—€w‚6 :€ķ€2ˆäš‚d€€€€€‚’The instrument addresses listed are for instruments connected to the computer shown under the Select Instrument Address list. The name will be either "My Computer" or the name or IP address of a remote host. If you want to change the host computer, press the Advanced button and follow the instructions below under "To connect to an instrument on a remote computer".V&Ė€Ķ‚0 0€L€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’2.Click Identify Instrument(s). k)w‚8„B R€S€4Šōš‚t€€€€€‚€€€€‚’The instrument type, name, and address appear in the Identified Instruments list on the right. Instruments supported by the software are in bold type.Tip: You can double-click on the instrument address and the instruments at that address will appear in the Identified Instruments list.™cĶ‚Ń„6 <€Ę€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚’3.In the Identified Instruments list, highlight the instrument that you want to connect to.F8„…0 0€,€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’4.Click Connect.: фQ†0 .€€4Šōš‚t€‚€€‚’A green icon appears to the left of the instrument that is connected. The corresponding icon on the toolbar also turns green (after you close the dialog box) to indicate the instrument is connected.Tip: You can double-click on the instrument to connect to it.e<…¶†) "€x€4Š˜š‚€‚‚’If you do not know the address of the spectrum analyzer:æ‹Q†u‡4 6€€räšf‚d€ƒ€€€‚’·Select the address you think may be correct and click Identify Instrument(s) to determine the type of instrument at that address. -¶†¢‡( € €2ˆäš‚d€‚’ORV"u‡ųˆ4 6€E€räšf‚d€ƒ€€€‚’·Select more than one address (hold down the Shift key while clicking with the mouse or hold down the CTRL key while dragging the mouse) and click Identify Instrument(s). All the instruments at the selected addresses are listed, with the instruments supported by the toolbar in bold.Ąi¢‡ø‰W ~€Ņ€4Š˜š‚€‚Č$JI(`ESAover.hlp',`Troubleshooting')€‰€‚’See the troubleshooting section of the online help if you still cannot connect to the instrument.S*ųˆ Š) "€T€6˜˜š‚€‚’To disconnect from a spectrum analyzer:Ē˜ø‰ŅŠ/ ,€1€4Š˜š‚€€€‚’If you are currently connected to a spectrum analyzer, the Disconnect button will be available. If you are not connected, the button is grayed out.I Š‹0 0€2€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’1.Click Disconnect.b:ŅŠ}‹( €t€4Šōš‚t€‚’The current spectrum analyzer connection is terminated.V‹ü‹) "€¬€6˜˜š‚€‚’To connect to an instrument on a remote computer (Windows NT or Windows 2000 only):įø}‹ŻŒ) €q€4Š˜š‚€‚’This procedure assumes that you have already installed the PSA/ESA software on the remote computer and have a spectrum analyzer connected to the remote computer via GP-IB or RS-232.Gü‹$0 0€.€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’1.Click Advanced.S%ŻŒw. ,€J€4Šōš‚t€€€‚’The Advanced dialog box appears.lB$ć* $€„€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ‚’2.Enter the IP address or DNS hostname of the remote computer.±{w”Ž6 <€ö€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚’3.Click Add. The hostname or IP address is now listed in the drop-down box under Select Instrument Address By Host:{Q捏* $€¢€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ‚’4.From the drop-down box, select the remote host that you want to connect to.5”ŽD- *€€~˜RŁ€šs‚Ų€‚’Note:›lß/ .€Ų€2ˆäš‚d€€€‚’To list only those instruments connected to your computer, select My Computer from the drop-down list.DD/Ą0 0€(€tŠōšß/ĄŅM&‚t€ƒ€€‚’5.Click Close.ūĄß*Į; D€€4Šōš‚t€€€€€€€‚’In the Connect dialog box, the addresses for the remote host appear in the Select Instrument Address list, and the host name or IP address is displayed just above the Advanced button.2/Ą\Į* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚’Note:äÆ*Į@Ā5 8€_€4Š˜š‚€€€€€‚’Windows 9x does not support remote instantiation of COM server processes. Visit Microsoft’s Web site and search for the Knowledge Base article #Q165101 for more detail.5 \ĮuĀ* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚’See AlsošK@ĀĆO n€–€4Š˜š‚Č JI(`Esaover.hlp',`Enable_DCOM')€‰€‚’Enabling the DCOM server interface in Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000+uĀ:Ć( €€4Šōš‚t€‚’T#ƎĆ1]’’’’’’’’ŽĆėĆČDisconnect from a spectrum analyzer]*:ĆėĆ3 6€V€v˜Šź¬‚j€†"€‚’ Disconnect from the spectrum analyzer1ŽĆÅ1 0€€4Š˜š‚€‚€€‚‚’On many computers, the COM port is alternately shared by several peripheral devices. The Disconnect feature allows you to terminate your current connection to a spectrum analyzer without exiting the PSA/ESA E/L/EMC software, freeing up the COM port.j:ėƆÅ0 0€t€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’1.Click Connect to Spectrum Analyzer on the toolbar.Ē˜ÅMĘ/ ,€1€4Šōš‚t€€€‚’If you are currently connected to a spectrum analyzer, the Disconnect button will be available. If you are not connected, the button is grayed out.wA†ÅÄĘ6 <€‚€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚’2.Click the Disconnect button in the Connect dialog box..b:MĘ&Ē( €t€4Šōš‚t€‚’The current spectrum analyzer connection is terminated.2ÄĘXĒ* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚’Note:æ–&ĒČ) €-€4Š˜š‚€‚’Connecting to a different spectrum analyzer will disconnect you from the current instrument. You can be connected to only one instrument at a time.T#XĒkČ1h’’’’’’’’kČĘČżĪGet data from the spectrum analyzer[(ČĘČ3 6€R€v˜Šź¬‚j€†"€‚’ Get data from the spectrum analyzer+kČńČ( €€4Š˜š‚€‚’h8ĘČYÉ0 0€p€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’1.Click Get Data on the spectrum analyzer toolbar.xHńČŃÉ0 0€€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’2.In the Labels list, select the desired annotations for the data.ĖšYɜŹ1 0€5€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’3.Click the Make Excel Graph checkbox if you want to automatically create a graph of the data, in addition to collecting the data in tabular format.™iŃÉ5Ė0 0€Ņ€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’4.Click the Include Engineering Units checkbox if you want to display data using engineering units..÷œŹcĢ7 <€ļ€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚’5.In the Start Cell box, enter the starting cell where you want the information to be placed. If you leave this box blank, the default starting cell will be where your cursor was placed when you selected the Get Data button on the toolbar.÷ŗ5ĖZĶ= H€u€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€ćņq(8€‰€‚’6.If you want to get repeated measurements of the data, click the Get Repeated Measurements checkbox. Then see Start obtaining repeated measurements from the spectrum analyzer.m=cĢĒĶ0 0€z€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’7.Click Get Data when you are ready to obtain the data.5 ZĶüĶ* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚’See Also~ĒĶżĪƒ րü€4Š˜š‚Č5JI(`Esaover.hlp',`Waveform_data_plotted_from_Excel')€‰€‚ćņq(8€‰€‚ė逓H€‰€‚‚’How data is collected Start obtaining repeated measurements from the spectrum analyzer Create an Excel graph h7üĶeĻ1Ÿ ’’’’’’’’eĻŻĻO Obtain repeated measurements from the spectrum analyzerxEżĪŻĻ3 6€Œ€v˜Šź¬‚j€†"€‚’ Start obtaining repeated measurements from the spectrum analyzer+eĻ( €€4Š˜š‚ŻĻżĪ€‚’h8ŻĻ|0 0€p€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’1.Click Get Data on the spectrum analyzer toolbar.xHō0 0€€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’2.In the Labels list, select the desired annotations for the data.m|‘0 0€Ś€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’3.Uncheck the Make Excel Graph checkbox if you do not want to automatically create a graph of the data.™iō*0 0€Ņ€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’4.Click the Include Engineering Units checkbox if you want to display data using engineering units.4ż‘^7 <€ū€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚’5.In the Start Cell box, enter the starting cell where you want the information to be placed. If you leave this box blank, the default starting cell will be where your Excel cursor was placed when you selected the Get Data button on the toolbar.f6*Ä0 0€l€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’6.Click the Get Repeated Measurements checkbox. a1^%0 0€b€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’7.Click the Repeated Measurements…. button.`2Ä…. ,€d€4Šōš‚t€€€‚’The Repeated Measurements dialog box appears.–f%0 0€Ģ€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’8.In the Repeated Measurements dialog box, specify the time you want the measurements to start. Š…'< F€”€4Šōš‚t€€€‚€€€€‚’Click Immediately if you want the measurements to start right away.Click At set time to specify a time to start. If you chose At set time, enter the date and time you want the measurements to start.żŅ$+ $€„€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ‚’9.Specify the time interval at which you want the data collected. For example, if you want to collect data every 1 ½ hours, enter 1 in the hours box, 30 in the minutes box, and leave the seconds box blank.Ō£'ų1 0€G€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’10.To have the collection last for a specified length of time, click Duration and enter the hours, minutes, and seconds that you want the collection to last.Ü«$Ō1 0€W€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’11.Alternatively, to have the collection last for a specific number of measurements, click Number of measurements and enter the number of measurements that you want.X(ų, 0 0€P€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’12.Click OK when you are finished.›mŌĒ . ,€Ś€4Šōš‚t€€€‚’The Get Data dialog box now shows the conditions that you have set for collecting repeated measurements.`0, ' 0 0€`€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’13.Click Get Data to start the collection.2Ē Y * $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚’Note:é“' B 5 8€i€4Š˜š‚€€€€€‚’Once you have started collecting repeated measurements, the other functions of the PSA/ESA toolbar become inactive, with the exception of the Stop Repeated Measurements button. You must stop collecting repeated measurements before you can perform any other functions from the toolbar. If you press the Stop Repeated Measurements button while data is being transferred, the transfer will not stop until the worksheet is complete.5 Y w * $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚’See AlsoŲbB O v ¼€Ä€4Š˜š‚ėQuT€‰€‚Č5JI(`Esaover.hlp',`Waveform_data_plotted_from_Excel')€‰€‚‚’Stop obtaining repeated measurements from the spectrum analyzer How data is collected Jw ™ 1ī’’’’’’’’™ ųAStop repeated measurementwDO 3 6€Š€v˜Šź¬‚j€†"€‚’ Stop obtaining repeated measurements from the spectrum analyzerU,™ e) "€X€4Š˜š‚€‚‚’To stop obtaining repeated measurements:zJß0 0€”€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’1.Click Stop Repeated Measurements on the spectrum analyzer toolbar.|Te[( €Ø€4Šōš‚t€‚’If this button is unavailable, there are no repeated measurements being obtained.2ߍ* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚’Note:„U[A/ ,€«€4Š˜š‚€€€‚’You can click Stop Repeated Measurements at any time while repeatAO ed measurements are being gathered. If you click this button between collection intervals, the data transfer will stop immediately. If you click this button while data is being gathered, the data transfer will not stop until the worksheet in progress has been completed. ,IA) "€€4Š˜š„<€‚’5 A~A* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚’See AlsozHIAųA2 4€€4Š˜š‚ćņq(8€‰€‚‚’Start obtaining repeated measurements from the spectrum analyzer F~A>B1\’’’’’’’’>B‹B¶DCreate an Excel graphMųA‹B3 6€6€v˜Šź¬‚j€†"€‚’ Create an Excel graph¹Ž>BDC+ $€€4Š˜š‚€‚‚‚’If you have previously collected data in a tabular format in a worksheet and now want to turn that data into a graph, follow these steps:{Q‹BæC* $€¢€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ‚’1.In your worksheet, select the cells that you want to use to create a graph.h8DC'D0 0€p€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’2.In the Excel toolbar, click on the Chart Wizard.d4æC‹D0 0€h€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’3.Follow the instructions in the Chart Wizard.+'D¶D( €€4Š˜š‚€‚’f5‹DE1g’’’’’’’’ E‚EøISave the current spectrum analyzer settings to a filef3¶D‚E3 6€h€v˜Šź¬‚j€†"€‚’ Capture the current spectrum analyzer settings+E­E( €€4Š˜š‚€‚’ŠZ‚E7F0 0€“€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’1.Click Capture/Restore Spectrum Analyzer Settings on the spectrum analyzer toolbar.…U­E¼F0 0€Ŗ€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’2.Click Capture New … to capture the current spectrum analyzer state settings. \.7FG. ,€\€4Šōš‚t€€€‚’The Capture New State dialog box appears.T*¼FlG* $€T€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ‚’3.Enter a name for the state settings.O%G»G* $€J€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ‚’4.Enter a description (optional).™clGTH6 <€Ę€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚’5.Click OK. The information appears in the list in the Capture/Restore Settings dialog box.oC»GĆH, (€†€4Š˜š‚€‚€‚’Note: The instrument state settings are saved in the document.5 THųH* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚’See AlsoĄyĆHøIG ^€ņ€4Š˜š‚ė”ÆĄh€‰€‚ėÉā5R€‰€‚‚’Restore previously captured settings to the spectrum analyzer Export spectrum analyzer settings to a PC file m<ųH%J1ž’’’’’’’’ %JšJgODownload previously stored settings to the spectrum analyzeruBøIšJ3 6€†€v˜Šź¬‚j€†"€‚’ Restore previously captured settings to the spectrum analyzer+%JÅJ( €€4Š˜š‚€‚’ŠZšJOK0 0€“€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’1.Click Capture/Restore Spectrum Analyzer Settings on the spectrum analyzer toolbar.¬|ÅJūK0 0€ų€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’2.From the list in the Capture/Restore dialog box, select the name of the state settings that you previously captured.FOKAL0 0€,€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’3.Click Restore.„ZūKÅL* $€“€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ‚’4.Check the screen on the spectrum analyzer to verify that the settings were restored.įALÕM/ ,€Ć€>˜R˜š‚€€‚‚’State settings are not tracked between work sessions. Therefore, when you exit this work session and start the software again, the state settings that you restored in this work session will no longer be in effect.Note: ¬ƒÅLN) €€4Š˜š‚€‚’You cannot restore state settings to a different model of spectrum analyzer than was used to create the original settings file. 5 ÕM¶N* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚’See Also±kNgOF \€Ö€4Š˜š‚ėō7óø€‰€‚ė7ż®Ž€‰€‚’Capture the current spectrum analyzer settings Import spectrum analyzer settings from a PC file ?¶N¦O1r’’’’’’’’ ¦O€Z„Export to Filej4gO€6 <€j€v˜Šź¬‚j€ †"€€‚’ Export spectrum analyzer setting¦O€gOs to a PC file+¦OG€( €€4Š˜š‚€‚’ŠZ€р0 0€“€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’1.Click Capture/Restore Spectrum Analyzer Settings on the spectrum analyzer toolbar.¬|G€}0 0€ų€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’2.From the list in the Capture/Restore dialog box, select the name of the state settings that you previously captured.EрĀ0 0€*€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’3.Click Export.‘g}S‚* $€Ī€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ‚’4.Navigate to the desired directory on your PC and enter a file name, with the file extension .sta.U%Ā؂0 0€J€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’5.Click Save to store the file.ďS‚lƒ5 8€€4Š˜š‚€€€€€‚’The file is now saved outside of the toolbar program. Settings are saved automatically within the document by using the capture feature.5 ؂”ƒ* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚’See Also¹rlƒZ„G ^€ä€4Š˜š‚ė7ż®Ž€‰€‚ėō7óø€‰€‚‚’Import spectrum analyzer settings from a PC file Capture the current spectrum analyzer state settings U$”ƒƄ1@’’’’’’’’ Ƅ…&ŠImport state settings from a PC fileh5Z„…3 6€l€v˜Šź¬‚j€†"€‚’ Import spectrum analyzer settings from a PC file+ƄB…( €€4Š˜š‚€‚’ŠZ…Ģ…0 0€“€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’1.Click Capture/Restore Spectrum Analyzer Settings on the spectrum analyzer toolbar.EB…†0 0€*€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’2.Click Import.Ø~Ģ…¹†* $€ü€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ‚’3.Navigate to the desired directory on your PC and select the previously stored state setting file (.sta file extension). Ž^†G‡0 0€¼€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’4.Click Open to open the file and download the stored settings to the spectrum analyzer.™i¹†ą‡0 0€Ņ€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’5.From the list in the Capture/Restore dialog box, select the state setting that you just imported.`0G‡@ˆ0 0€`€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’6.Click Restore to restore these settings.3 ą‡sˆ* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚’Note: ź@ˆ‡‰* "€Õ€4Š˜š‚€‚‚’You cannot import the settings to a different model of spectrum analyzer than was used to create the original settings file.You can import files generated with the Agilent Technologies IntuiLink Spectrum Analyzer product (E4444A).5 sˆ¼‰* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚’See Alsoj5‡‰&Š5 :€j€4Š˜š‚ėÉā5R€‰€‚’Export spectrum analyzer settings to a PC file L¼‰rŠ1Ü’’’’’’’’ rŠŊpDelete saved state settingsS &ŠŊ3 6€B€v˜Šź¬‚j€†"€‚’ Remove saved state settings+rŠšŠ( €€4Š˜š‚€‚’ŠZŊz‹0 0€“€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’1.Click Capture/Restore Spectrum Analyzer Settings on the spectrum analyzer toolbar.­}šŠ'Œ0 0€ś€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’2.From the list in the Capture/Restore dialog box, select the name of the saved state settings that you want to remove.Ez‹lŒ0 0€*€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’3.Click Remove.f>'ŒŅŒ( €|€4Š˜š‚€‚’The state settings are deleted and are no longer available.5 lŒ* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚’See Alsoi4ŅŒp5 :€h€4Š˜š‚ėÉā5R€‰€‚’Export spectrum analyzer settings to a PC fileW&Ē1 ’’’’’’’’Ē%Ž ĮEdit the name of a saved state setting^+p%Ž3 6€X€v˜Šź¬‚j€†"€‚’ Edit the name of a saved state setting+ĒPŽ( €€4Š˜š‚€‚’ŠZ%ŽŚŽ0 0€“€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’1.Click Capture/Restore Spectrum Analyzer Settings on the spectrum analyzer toolbar.«{PŽ…0 0€ö€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’2.From the list in the Capture/Restore dialog box, select the name of the saved state settings that you want to edit.HŚŽĶ0 0€0€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’3.Click Edit Name.a7…:Ą* $€n€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ‚’4.Type Ķ:Ąpin the new name for the saved state setting.5 ĶoĄ* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚’See Also›U:Ą ĮF \€Ŗ€4Š˜š‚ėÉā5R€‰€‚ėķ\€‰€‚’Export spectrum analyzer settings to a PC fileRemove saved state settings q@oĄ{Į1k’’’’’’’’{ĮąĮĒInsert an image of the spectrum analyzer display in the documente2 ĮąĮ3 6€f€v˜Šź¬‚j€†"€‚’ Get an image of the spectrum analyzer display+{Į Ā( €€4Š˜š‚€‚’~TąĮ‰Ā* $€Ø€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ‚’1.Place your cursor in the spreadsheet where you want the image to be displayed.h8 ĀńĀ0 0€p€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’2.Click Get Screen Image on the spectrum analyzer.Œ[‰Ā}Ä1 0€·€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’3.Click Place in Active Document at cursor (the default) to place the image in the current document. An image of the current spectrum analyzer display is placed in the spreadsheet in the active cell. If the active cell is not available (for example, your cursor is in a cell that has data in it) the image will be placed starting at cell A1.h9ńĀåÄ/ .€r€4Šōš‚t€‚€€‚’ORClick Save to File to save the image to a file. ›_}Ä€Å< H€¾€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€€€€€‚’4.If you Save to File, navigate to the directory in which you want to place the file.sIåÄóÅ* $€’€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ‚’5.Specify a file format, either .bmp, .wmf, .gif, jpg, .emf, or .tif.C€Å6Ę0 0€&€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’6.Click Save.3 óÅiĘ* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚’Note: ±ˆ6ĘĒ) €€4Š˜š‚€‚’Depending on the type of instrument connection, there may be up to a 10 second delay while the picture transfers from the instrument.`/iĘzĒ1ż’’’’’’’’zĒÖĒ¢ĢDelete the spectrum analyzer toolbar from Excel\2ĒÖĒ* $€d€v˜Šź¬‚j€‚’Delete the spectrum analyzer toolbar from Excel›qzĒqČ* $€ā€4Š˜š‚€‚‚‚’If you want to delete the spectrum analyzer toolbar from the current Excel session, follow these directions.m7ÖĒŽČ6 <€n€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚’1.From the Tools menu in Excel, select Add-Ins.›kqČyÉ0 0€Ö€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’2.Clear the check box next to 'ESA Spectrum Analyzer Add-in’. Make sure that the box is not checked.W'ŽČŠÉ0 0€N€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’3.Click OK to delete the toolbar.Z1yÉ*Ź) "€b€4Š˜š‚€‚‚’Alternatively, you can just hide the toolbar.m7ŠÉ—Ź6 <€n€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚’1.From the View menu in Excel, select Toolbars.p:*ŹĖ6 <€t€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚’2.Uncheck the box next to ‘ESA Spectrum Analyzer’.4 —Ź;Ė* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚’Note: ”yĖÜĖ( €ņ€4Š˜š‚€‚’When you first install the software, the spectrum analyzer toolbar is automatically loaded each time you start Excel. 5 ;ĖĢ* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚’See Also‘MÜĖ¢ĢD X€š€4Š˜š‚ėĢźKö€‰€‚ćŪåŪō€‰€‚‚‚’Restore the toolbar to Excel Select the toolbar startup options MĢļĢ1Ū’’’’’’’’ļĢJĶėRestore the toolbar to Excel[1¢ĢJĶ* $€b€v˜Šź¬‚j€‚’Restore the spectrum analyzer toolbar to ExcelšpļĢäĶ* $€ą€4Š˜š‚€‚‚‚’If you want to restore the spectrum analyzer toolbar to the current Excel session, follow these directions.m7JĶQĪ6 <€n€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚’1.From the Tools menu in Excel, select Add-Ins.m=äĶ¾Ī0 0€z€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’2.Check the box next to 'ESA Spectrum Analyzer Add-in’.X(QĪĻ0 0€P€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’3.Click OK to restore the toolbar.T+¾ĪjĻ) "€V€4Š˜š‚€‚‚’Or if you have just hidden the toolbar:m7Ļ×Ļ6 <€n€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚’1.From the View menu in Excel, select Toolbars.n8jĻQ6 <€p€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€×ĻQ¢Ģ€€€‚’2.Check the box next to ‘ESA Spectrum Analyzer’.4 ×Ļ…* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚’Note: ”yQ&( €ņ€4Š˜š‚€‚’When you first install the software, the spectrum analyzer toolbar is automatically loaded each time you start Excel. 5 …[* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚’See AlsoM&ėC V€š€4Š˜š‚ėUü– €‰€‚ćŪåŪō€‰€‚‚’Delete the toolbar from Excel Select the toolbar startup options \+[G1‡’’’’’’’’G–ģSelect the toolbar startup options in ExcelO%ė–* $€J€v˜Šź¬‚j€‚’Select the toolbar startup options£zG9) "€ō€4Š˜š‚€‚‚’When you first install the software, the spectrum analyzer toolbar is automatically loaded each time you start Excel. F–* $€8€>˜R˜š‚€‚’Remove toolbar at startupiA9č( €‚€4Š˜š‚€‚’To prevent the toolbar from loading each time you start Excel:Ŗy’1 2€ņ€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’1.Locate the file named 'ESA.xla' in the following directory:\ Program Files \ Microsoft Office \ Office \ Startup„Tč0 0€Ø€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’2.Select the above file, click the right mouse button, and then select Delete.G’]* $€:€>˜R˜š‚€‚’Restore toolbar at startup xż( €š€4Š˜š‚€‚’If you have disabled automatic loading of the toolbar and now want to re-enable the feature, follow the steps below: Ŗy]§1 2€ņ€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’1.Locate the shortcut file named 'ESA.xla' in the following directory:\ Program Files \ Agilent \ IntuiLink \ ESA‰Yż00 0€²€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’2.Select the above file, click the right mouse button, then select Create Shortcut.¼‰§ģ3 4€€tŠōš&‚t€ƒ€€‚’3.Move the shortcut copy of the file to the Microsoft Office Startup folder:\ Program Files \ Microsoft Office \ Office \ Startup101^’’’’’’’’’’’’J-ģJ* $€€v˜Šź¬‚j€‚’1’’’’1’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ ØTimes New RomanArialCourier NewSymbolWingdingsTahomaTimes New Roman CETimes New Roman CyrTimes New Roman GreekTimes New Roman TurTimes New Roman (Hebrew)Times New Roman (Arabic)Times New Roman Baltic€ €£š„Ö ‰ V€ ²‡0 ˆ`€ L„߂ †Š& æę„cŪė†¹°ß‚&V€ę„ę„„Ö„ŠL„c²‡²‡ę„V€V€†† ‰&0  ‰ ‰0 ė†æL„`€`€L„L„恆²‡Ö²‡†0 „ė†„ė†Ū/ & ;)F24’’)’’Connecting to a remote hostConnecting to spectrum analyzerCreating an Excel graphData Data,getting from spectrum analyzerDeletingDeleting,saved settingsDeleting,toolbarDisconnecting from a spectrum analyzer Downloading settings to spectrum analyzer$Editing the name of a saved state setting(Exporting,Exporting,state settings0Getting data from spectrum analyzer4Graph8Graph,creating from captured data<Importing@Importing,state settingsDObtaining repeated measurementsHRemote interfaceLRepeated measurementPRepeated measurement,obtainingXRepeated measurement,stopping\Restoring the toolbar to Excel`Saving spectrum analyzer settingdSending settings to spectrum analyzerhSpectrum analyzer imagelSpectrum analyzer image,inserting into documentpSpectrum analyzer settingstSpectrum analyzer settings,downloadingx“ ’’Spectrum analyzer settings,saving|State settings€State settings,deleting savedˆState settings,exporting to fileŒState settings,importing from fileStopping repeated measurement”Toolbar˜Toolbar,deleting from Excel Toolbar,restoring to Excel¤Toolbar,startup optionsØWhat would you like to do?¬(Exporting,Exporting,state settings0Getting data from spectrum analyzer4Graph8Graph,creating from captured data<Importing@Importing,state settingsDObtaining repeated measurementsHRemote interfaceLRepeated measurementPRepeated measurement,obtainingXRepeated measurement,stopping\Restoring the toolbar to Excel`Saving spectrum analyzer settingdSending settings to spectrum analyzerhSpectrum analyzer imagelSpectrum analyzer image,inserting into documentpSpectrum analyzer settingstSpectrum analyzer settings,downloadingxÖSpectrum analyzer settings,saving/&;)Lz’’v’’’’What would you like to do?&Connect to the spectrum analyzer and verify communication߂To add the address of an instrument connected to a remote computer (Windows NT or Windows 2000 only):ˆConnect to Spectrum AnalyzerŠDisconnect from a spectrum analyzerę„Get data from the spectrum analyzer ‰Obtain repeated measurements from the spectrum analyzer0 Stop repeated measurementV€Create an Excel graphæSave the current spectrum analyzer settings to a fileL„Download previously stored settings to the spectrum analyzer²‡Export to File†Import state settings from a PC fileÖDelete saved state settingscEdit the name of a saved state setting`€Insert an image of the spectrum analyzer display in the document„Delete the spectrum analyzer toolbar from Excelė†Restore the toolbar to ExcelŪSelect the toolbar startup options in Excel”—/&;)L4’’h’’’’&߂Šę„ ‰0 V€æL„²‡†Öc`€„ė†Ū/&;)L4’’`’’’’±żß‚7ż®Ž†2¬ź–Ó< ŠLIs³&ō7óøæķćÄę„­ƒFČcŪåŪōŪĢźKöė†Uü– „ķ\Öņq(8 ‰逓HV€Éā5R²‡QuT0 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