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Look at the label above the Identify Instruments button. The name will be either "My Computer" or the name or IP address of a remote host. If you want to change the host computer, press the Advanced button and follow the instructions in Connect to a spectrum analyzer on a remote host.U%0 { 0 0€J€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ4.Click Identify Instrument(s).k)& æ B R€S€4Šôš‚t€€€€€‚€€€€‚ÿThe instrument type, name, and address appear in the Identified Instruments list on the right. Instruments supported by the software are in bold type.Tip: You can double-click on the instrument address and the instruments at that address will appear in the Identified Instruments list.™c{  6 <€Æ€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚ÿ5.In the Identified Instruments list, highlight the instrument that you want to connect to.Fæ Å 0 0€,€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ6.Click Connect.9  þ0 .€€4Šôš‚t€‚€€‚ÿA green icon appears to the left of the instrument that is connected. The corresponding icon on the toolbar also turns green (after you close the dialog box) to indicate the instrument is connected.Tip: You can double-click on the instrument to connect to it.b9Å `) "€r€4Š˜š‚€‚‚ÿIf you do not know the address, you have two options:×£þC@4 6€G€räšf‚d€ƒ€€€‚ÿ·You can select the address that you think may be correct and click the Identify Instrument(s) button t`C@Ao determine the type of instrument at that address. .`q@) "€ €6ˆäš‚d€‚ÿOR^*C@ÏA4 6€U€räšf‚d€ƒ€€€‚ÿ·You can select more than one address (hold down the Shift key while clicking with the mouse or hold down the CTRL key while dragging the mouse) and click Identify Instrument(s). All the instruments at the selected addresses are listed, with the instruments supported by the toolbar in bold.Àiq@BW ~€Ò€4Š˜š‚€‚È$JI(`ESAover.hlp',`Troubleshooting')€‰€‚ÿSee the troubleshooting section of the online help if you still cannot connect to the instrument.5 ÏAÄB* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚ÿSee Also§`BkCG ^€À€4Š˜š‚ëÓ< €‰€‚ë±ý€‰€‚‚ÿDisconnect from a spectrum analyzer Connect to a spectrum analyzer on a remote host –eÄBD1ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿDD|LTo add the address of an instrument connected to a remote computer (Windows NT or Windows 2000 only):ŽWkCD7 >€°€v˜Šê¬‚j€†"€€‚ÿ Connect to a spectrum analyzer on a remote host(Windows NT or Windows 2000 only)ã¹DrE* "€s€4Š˜š‚€‚‚ÿThis procedure assumes that you have already installed the PSA/ESA software on the remote computer and have a spectrum analyzer connected to the remote computer via GP-IB or RS-232.j:DÜE0 0€t€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ1.Click Connect to Spectrum Analyzer on the toolbar.j4rEFF6 <€h€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚ÿ2.In the Connect dialog box, click Advanced.S%ÜE™F. ,€J€4Šôš‚t€€€‚ÿThe Advanced dialog box appears.•kFF.G* $€Ö€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ‚ÿ3.Enter the IP address or DNS hostname of the remote computer where the spectrum analyzer is connected.±{™FßG6 <€ö€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚ÿ4.Click Add. The hostname or IP address is now listed in the drop-down box under Select Instrument Address By Host:}S.G\H* $€¦€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ‚ÿ5.From the drop-down list, select the remote host that you want to connect to. 5ßG‘H- *€€~˜RÙ€šs‚Ø€‚ÿNote:œl\H-I0 0€Ø€6ˆäš‚d€€€‚ÿTo list only those instruments connected to your computer, select My Computer from the drop-down list.D‘HqI0 0€(€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ6.Click Close.ûÀ-IlJ; D€€4Šôš‚t€€€€€€€‚ÿIn the Connect dialog box, the addresses for the remote host appear in the Select Instrument Address list, and the host name or IP address is displayed just above the Advanced button.2qIžJ* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚ÿNote:ä¯lJ‚K5 8€_€4Š˜š‚€€€€€‚ÿWindows 9x does not support remote instantiation of COM server processes. Visit Microsoft’s Web site and search for the Knowledge Base article #Q165101 for more detail.5 žJ·K* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚ÿSee AlsošK‚KQLO n€–€4Š˜š‚È JI(`Esaover.hlp',`Enable_DCOM')€‰€‚ÿEnabling the DCOM server interface in Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000+·K|L( €€4Šôš‚t€‚ÿMQLÉL1ÄÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÉLM¿ÁConnect to Spectrum AnalyzerI|LM* $€>€v˜Šê¬‚j€‚ÿConnect to Spectrum Analyzer€WÉL’M) "€®€4Š˜š‚€‚‚ÿIn this dialog box, you specify the spectrum analyzer to which you want to connect.9MËM* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚ÿPrerequisiteˆ`’MSN( €À€4Š˜š‚€‚ÿMake sure that your spectrum analyzer is physically connected to your computer and turned on.6 ËM‰N* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚ÿProcedure¬|SN5O0 0€ø€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ1.Highlight the address from the Select Instrument Address list for the spectrum analyzer that you want to connect to.4‰NiO, (€€vˆˆÙ€šs‚Ø€‚ÿNote:­v5O"7 <€í€6ˆäš‚d€€€€€‚ÿThe instrument addresses listed are for instruments connected to the computer shown under the iO"|LSelect Instrument Address list. The name will be either "My Computer" or the name or IP address of a remote host. If you want to change the host computer, press the Advanced button and follow the instructions below under "To connect to an instrument on a remote computer".V&iOx0 0€L€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ2.Click Identify Instrument(s). k)"ã‚B R€S€4Šôš‚t€€€€€‚€€€€‚ÿThe instrument type, name, and address appear in the Identified Instruments list on the right. Instruments supported by the software are in bold type.Tip: You can double-click on the instrument address and the instruments at that address will appear in the Identified Instruments list.™cx|ƒ6 <€Æ€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚ÿ3.In the Identified Instruments list, highlight the instrument that you want to connect to.Fゃ0 0€,€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ4.Click Connect.9 |ƒû„0 .€€4Šôš‚t€‚€€‚ÿA green icon appears to the left of the instrument that is connected. The corresponding icon on the toolbar also turns green (after you close the dialog box) to indicate the instrument is connected.Tip: You can double-click on the instrument to connect to it.e<ƒ`…) "€x€4Š˜š‚€‚‚ÿIf you do not know the address of the spectrum analyzer:¿‹û„†4 6€€räšf‚d€ƒ€€€‚ÿ·Select the address you think may be correct and click Identify Instrument(s) to determine the type of instrument at that address. .`…M†) "€ €6ˆäš‚d€‚ÿORV"†£‡4 6€E€räšf‚d€ƒ€€€‚ÿ·Select more than one address (hold down the Shift key while clicking with the mouse or hold down the CTRL key while dragging the mouse) and click Identify Instrument(s). All the instruments at the selected addresses are listed, with the instruments supported by the toolbar in bold.ÀiM†cˆW ~€Ò€4Š˜š‚€‚È$JI(`ESAover.hlp',`Troubleshooting')€‰€‚ÿSee the troubleshooting section of the online help if you still cannot connect to the instrument.U*£‡¸ˆ+ &€T€v˜‹€š‚Š€‚ÿTo disconnect from a spectrum analyzer:ǘcˆ‰/ ,€1€4Š˜š‚€€€‚ÿIf you are currently connected to a spectrum analyzer, the Disconnect button will be available. If you are not connected, the button is grayed out.I¸ˆÈ‰0 0€2€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ1.Click Disconnect.b:‰*Š( €t€4Šôš‚t€‚ÿThe current spectrum analyzer connection is terminated.Vȉ©Š) "€¬€6˜˜š‚€‚ÿTo connect to an instrument on a remote computer (Windows NT or Windows 2000 only):á¸*ŠŠ‹) €q€4Š˜š‚€‚ÿThis procedure assumes that you have already installed the PSA/ESA software on the remote computer and have a spectrum analyzer connected to the remote computer via GP-IB or RS-232.G©ŠÑ‹0 0€.€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ1.Click Advanced.S%Š‹$Œ. ,€J€4Šôš‚t€€€‚ÿThe Advanced dialog box appears.lBÑ‹Œ* $€„€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ‚ÿ2.Enter the IP address or DNS hostname of the remote computer.±{$ŒA6 <€ö€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚ÿ3.Click Add. The hostname or IP address is now listed in the drop-down box under Select Instrument Address By Host:{QŒ¼* $€¢€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ‚ÿ4.From the drop-down box, select the remote host that you want to connect to.5Añ- *€€~˜RÙ€šs‚Ø€‚ÿNote:œl¼Ž0 0€Ø€6ˆäš‚d€€€‚ÿTo list only those instruments connected to your computer, select My Computer from the drop-down list.DñÑŽ0 0€(€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ5.Click Close.ûÀŽÌ; D€€4Šôš‚t€€€€€€€‚ÿIn the Connect dialog box, the addresses for the remote host appear in the Select Instrument Address list, and the host name or IP address is displayed just above the Advanced button.2ÑŽ À* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚ÿNote:Ì À|Lä¯ÌðÀ5 8€_€4Š˜š‚€€€€€‚ÿWindows 9x does not support remote instantiation of COM server processes. Visit Microsoft’s Web site and search for the Knowledge Base article #Q165101 for more detail.5 À%Á* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚ÿSee AlsošKðÀ¿ÁO n€–€4Š˜š‚È JI(`Esaover.hlp',`Enable_DCOM')€‰€‚ÿEnabling the DCOM server interface in Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000T#%ÁÂ1\ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÂn™ÆDisconnect from a spectrum analyzer[(¿ÁnÂ3 6€R€v˜Šê¬‚j€†"€‚ÿ Disconnect from a spectrum analyzer1ŸÃ1 0€€4Š˜š‚€‚€€‚‚ÿOn many computers, the COM port is alternately shared by several peripheral devices. The Disconnect feature allows you to terminate your current connection to a spectrum analyzer without exiting the PSA/ESA E/L/EMC software, freeing up the COM port.j:n Ä0 0€t€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ1.Click Connect to Spectrum Analyzer on the toolbar.ǘŸÃÐÄ/ ,€1€4Šôš‚t€€€‚ÿIf you are currently connected to a spectrum analyzer, the Disconnect button will be available. If you are not connected, the button is grayed out.v@ ÄFÅ6 <€€€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚ÿ2.Click the Disconnect button in the Connect dialog box.b:ÐĨÅ( €t€4Šôš‚t€‚ÿThe current spectrum analyzer connection is terminated.2FÅÚÅ* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚ÿNote:¿–¨Å™Æ) €-€4Š˜š‚€‚ÿConnecting to a different spectrum analyzer will disconnect you from the current instrument. You can be connected to only one instrument at a time.f5ÚÅÿÆ1gÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÆeÇ›ËSave the current spectrum analyzer settings to a filef3™ÆeÇ3 6€h€v˜Šê¬‚j€†"€‚ÿ Capture the current spectrum analyzer settings+ÿÆÇ( €€4Š˜š‚€‚ÿŠZeÇÈ0 0€´€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ1.Click Capture/Restore Spectrum Analyzer Settings on the spectrum analyzer toolbar.…UÇŸÈ0 0€ª€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ2.Click Capture New … to capture the current spectrum analyzer state settings. \.ÈûÈ. ,€\€4Šôš‚t€€€‚ÿThe Capture New State dialog box appears.T*ŸÈOÉ* $€T€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ‚ÿ3.Enter a name for the state settings.O%ûÈžÉ* $€J€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ‚ÿ4.Enter a description (optional).™cOÉ7Ê6 <€Æ€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚ÿ5.Click OK. The information appears in the list in the Capture/Restore Settings dialog box.oCžÉ¦Ê, (€†€4Š˜š‚€‚€‚ÿNote: The instrument state settings are saved in the document.5 7ÊÛÊ* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚ÿSee AlsoÀy¦Ê›ËG ^€ò€4Š˜š‚딯Àh€‰€‚ëÉâ5R€‰€‚‚ÿRestore previously captured settings to the spectrum analyzer Export spectrum analyzer settings to a PC file m<ÛÊÌ1zÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÌ}Ì{Download previously stored settings to the spectrum analyzeruB›Ë}Ì3 6€†€v˜Šê¬‚j€†"€‚ÿ Restore previously captured settings to the spectrum analyzer+̨Ì( €€4Š˜š‚€‚ÿŠZ}Ì2Í0 0€´€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ1.Click Capture/Restore Spectrum Analyzer Settings on the spectrum analyzer toolbar.¬|¨ÌÞÍ0 0€ø€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ2.From the list in the Capture/Restore dialog box, select the name of the state settings that you previously captured.F2Í$Î0 0€,€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ3.Click Restore.„ZÞͨÎ* $€´€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ‚ÿ4.Check the screen on the spectrum analyzer to verify that the settings were restored.Ø$ΩÏ) €±€4Š˜š‚€‚ÿState settings are not tracked between work sessions. Therefore, when you exit this work session and start the software again, the state settings that you restored in this work session will no longer be in effect.4 ¨ÎÝÏ* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚ÿNote: ¬ƒ©Ï•) €€4Š˜š‚ÝÏ•›Ë€‚ÿYou cannot restore state settings to a different model of spectrum analyzer than was used to create the original settings file. 5 ÝÏÊ* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚ÿSee Also±k•{F \€Ö€4Š˜š‚ëô7󸀉€‚ë7ý®Ž€‰€‚ÿCapture the current spectrum analyzer settings Import spectrum analyzer settings from a PC file ?ʺ1oÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿº$bExport to Filej4{$6 <€j€v˜Šê¬‚j€ †"€€‚ÿ Export spectrum analyzer settings to a PC file+ºO( €€4Š˜š‚€‚ÿŠZ$Ù0 0€´€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ1.Click Capture/Restore Spectrum Analyzer Settings on the spectrum analyzer toolbar.¬|O…0 0€ø€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ2.From the list in the Capture/Restore dialog box, select the name of the state settings that you previously captured.EÙÊ0 0€*€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ3.Click Export.‘g…[* $€Î€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ‚ÿ4.Navigate to the desired directory on your PC and enter a file name, with the file extension .sta.U%Ê°0 0€J€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ5.Click Save to store the file.Ä[t5 8€€4Š˜š‚€€€€€‚ÿThe file is now saved outside of the toolbar program. Settings are saved automatically within the document by using the capture feature.5 °©* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚ÿSee Also¹rtbG ^€ä€4Š˜š‚ë7ý®Ž€‰€‚ëô7󸀉€‚‚ÿImport spectrum analyzer settings from a PC file Capture the current spectrum analyzer state settings U$©·1Bÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ·0 Import state settings from a PC fileh5b3 6€l€v˜Šê¬‚j€†"€‚ÿ Import spectrum analyzer settings from a PC file+·J( €€4Š˜š‚€‚ÿŒ\Ö0 0€¸€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ1.Click Capture/Restore Spectrum Analyzer Settings from the spectrum analyzer toolbar.EJ0 0€*€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ2.Click Import.¨~ÖÃ* $€ü€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ‚ÿ3.Navigate to the desired directory on your PC and select the previously stored state setting file (.sta file extension). Ž^Q 0 0€¼€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ4.Click Open to open the file and download the stored settings to the spectrum analyzer.™iÃê 0 0€Ò€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ5.From the list in the Capture/Restore dialog box, select the state setting that you just imported.`0Q J 0 0€`€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ6.Click Restore to restore these settings.3 ê } * $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚ÿNote: êJ ‘ * "€Õ€4Š˜š‚€‚‚ÿYou cannot import the settings to a different model of spectrum analyzer than was used to create the original settings file.You can import files generated with the Agilent Technologies IntuiLink Spectrum Analyzer product (E4444A).5 } Æ * $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚ÿSee Alsoj5‘ 0 5 :€j€4Š˜š‚ëÉâ5R€‰€‚ÿExport spectrum analyzer settings to a PC file LÆ | 1Üÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ | Ï zDelete saved state settingsS 0 Ï 3 6€B€v˜Šê¬‚j€†"€‚ÿ Remove saved state settings+| ú ( €€4Š˜š‚€‚ÿŠZÏ „ 0 0€´€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ1.Click Capture/Restore Spectrum Analyzer Settings on the spectrum analyzer toolbar.­}ú 10 0€ú€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ2.From the list in the Capture/Restore dialog box, select the name of the saved state settings that you want to remove.E„ v0 0€*€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ3.Click Remove.f>1Ü( €|€4Š˜š‚€‚ÿThe state settings are deleted and are no longer available.5 v* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚ÿSee Alsoi4Üz5 :€h€4Š˜š‚ëÉâ5R€‰€‚ÿExport spectrum analyzer settings to a PC fileW&Ñ1 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ Ñ;@CEdit the name of a saved state setting^+z;@3 6€X€v˜Šê¬‚j€†"€Ñ;@z‚ÿ Edit the name of a saved state setting+Ñf@( €€4Š˜š‚€‚ÿŠZ;@ð@0 0€´€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ1.Click Capture/Restore Spectrum Analyzer Settings on the spectrum analyzer toolbar.«{f@›A0 0€ö€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ2.From the list in the Capture/Restore dialog box, select the name of the saved state settings that you want to edit.Hð@ãA0 0€0€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ3.Click Edit Name.a7›ADB* $€n€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ‚ÿ4.Type in the new name for the saved state setting.5 ãAyB* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚ÿSee Also›UDBCF \€ª€4Š˜š‚ëÉâ5R€‰€‚ëí\€‰€‚ÿExport spectrum analyzer settings to a PC fileRemove saved state settings q@yB…C1œÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ …CêCUHInsert an image of the spectrum analyzer display in the documente2CêC3 6€f€v˜Šê¬‚j€†"€‚ÿ Get an image of the spectrum analyzer display+…CD( €€4Š˜š‚€‚ÿ€VêC•D* $€¬€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ‚ÿ1.Place your cursor in the Word document where you want the image to be displayed.h8DýD0 0€p€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ2.Click Get Screen Image on the spectrum analyzer.è·•DåE1 0€o€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ3.Click Place in Active Document at Cursor (the default) to place the image in the current document. An image of the current spectrum analyzer display is placed in the document.h9ýDMF/ .€r€4Šôš‚t€‚€€‚ÿORClick Save to File to save the image to a file. nDåE»F* $€ˆ€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ‚ÿ4.Navigate to the directory in which you want to place the file.sIMF.G* $€’€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ‚ÿ5.Specify a file format, either .bmp, .wmf, .gif, jpg, .emf, or .tif.C»FqG0 0€&€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ6.Click Save.3 .G¤G* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚ÿNote: ±ˆqGUH) €€4Š˜š‚€‚ÿDepending on the type of instrument connection, there may be up to a 10 second delay while the picture transfers from the instrument._.¤G´H1óÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ´HIÑMDelete the spectrum analyzer toolbar from Word[1UHI* $€b€v˜Šê¬‚j€‚ÿDelete the spectrum analyzer toolbar from Wordšp´H©I* $€à€4Š˜š‚€‚‚‚ÿIf you want to delete the spectrum analyzer toolbar from the current Word session, follow these directions.zDI#J6 <€ˆ€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚ÿ1.From the Tools menu in Word, select Templates and Add-Ins.†V©I©J0 0€¬€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ2.Clear the check box next to 'ESA.dot’. Make sure that the box is not checked.W'#JK0 0€N€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ3.Click OK to delete the toolbar.Z1©JZK) "€b€4Š˜š‚€‚‚ÿAlternatively, you can just hide the toolbar.l6KÆK6 <€l€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚ÿ1.From the View menu in Word, select Toolbars.p:ZK6L6 <€t€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚ÿ2.Uncheck the box next to ‘ESA Spectrum Analyzer’.4 ÆKjL* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚ÿNote:  x6L M( €ð€4Š˜š‚€‚ÿWhen you first install the software, the spectrum analyzer toolbar is automatically loaded each time you start Word. 5 jL?M* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚ÿSee Also’K MÑMG ^€–€4Š˜š‚ëÌêKö€‰€‚ëÛåÛô€‰€‚‚ÿRestore the toolbar to Word Select the toolbar startup options L?MN1Ëÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ NwN-ƒRestore the toolbar to WordZ0ÑMwN* $€`€v˜Šê¬‚j€‚ÿRestore the spectrum analyzer toolbar to Word›qNO* $€â€4Š˜š‚€‚‚‚ÿIf you want to restore the spectrum analyzer toolbar from the current Word session, follow these directions.zDwNŒO6 <€ˆ€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚ÿ1.From the Tools menu in Word, select Templates and Add-Ins.X(O €0 0€P€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ2.Check the box next to 'ESA.dot’.ŒO €ÑMX(ŒOd€0 0€P€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ3.Click OK to restore the toolbar.T+ €¸€) "€V€4Š˜š‚€‚‚ÿOr if you have just hidden the toolbar:l6d€$6 <€l€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚ÿ1.From the View menu in Word, select Toolbars.n8¸€’6 <€p€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€€€‚ÿ2.Check the box next to ‘ESA Spectrum Analyzer’.4 $Æ* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚ÿNote:  x’f‚( €ð€4Š˜š‚€‚ÿWhen you first install the software, the spectrum analyzer toolbar is automatically loaded each time you start Word. 5 Æ›‚* $€€>˜R˜š‚€‚ÿSee Also’Kf‚-ƒG ^€–€4Š˜š‚ëUü– €‰€‚ëÛåÛô€‰€‚‚ÿDelete the toolbar from WordSelect the toolbar startup options [*›‚ˆƒ1…ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿˆƒ׃+‰Select the toolbar startup options in WordO%-ƒ׃* $€J€v˜Šê¬‚j€‚ÿSelect the toolbar startup options¢yˆƒy„) "€ò€4Š˜š‚€‚‚ÿWhen you first install the software, the spectrum analyzer toolbar is automatically loaded each time you start Word. F׃¿„* $€8€>˜R˜š‚€‚ÿRemove toolbar at startuph@y„'…( €€€4Š˜š‚€‚ÿTo prevent the toolbar from loading each time you start Word:ªy¿„Ñ…1 2€ò€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ1.Locate the file named 'ESA.dot' in the following directory:\ Program Files \ Microsoft Office \ Office \ Startup„T'…U†0 0€¨€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ2.Select the above file, click the right mouse button, and then select Delete.GÑ…œ†* $€:€>˜R˜š‚€‚ÿRestore toolbar at startupŸwU†;‡( €î€4Š˜š‚€‚ÿIf you have disabled automatic loading of the toolbar and now want to re-enable the feature, follow the steps below:«zœ†æ‡1 2€ô€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ1. Locate the shortcut file named 'ESA.dot' in the following directory:\ Program Files \ Agilent \ IntuiLink \ ESA‰Y;‡oˆ0 0€²€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ2.Select the above file, click the right mouse button, then select Create Shortcut.¼‰æ‡+‰3 4€€tŠôš&‚t€ƒ€€‚ÿ3.Move the shortcut copy of the file to the Microsoft Office Startup folder:\ Program Files \ Microsoft Office \ Office \ Startup1oˆ\‰1‹ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ\‰¶‰-+‰‰‰) "€€6°Œ˜š‚€ ‚ÿ -\‰¶‰) "€€4Š˜š‚€‚‚ÿ1‰‰ÿÿÿÿ1ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ*! ¨Times New RomanArialCourier NewSymbolWingdingsTahomaTimes New Roman CETimes New Roman CyrTimes New Roman GreekTimes New Roman TurTimes New Roman (Hebrew)Times New Roman (Arabic)Times New Roman Baltic€ €ƒz l„ ƒv8‡ ‡¥†‚ 1D„ ™G‡‰€‚Dl„ƒl„¥†vv11DG‡„¥†‡‡¥†¥†„1vƒv1G‡l„l„G‡™/&;)F24ÿÿÿÿÿÿConnecting to a remote hostConnecting to spectrum analyzerDeletingDeleting,saved settings Deleting:toolbarDisconnecting from a spectrum analyzerDownloading settings to spectrum analyzerEditing the name of a saved state settingExporting Exporting,state settings$Importing(Importing,state settings,Remote interface0Restoring the toolbar to Word4Saving spectrum analyzer setting8Sending settings to spectrum analyzer<Spectrum analyzer image@Spectrum analyzer image,inserting into documentDSpectrum analyzer settingsHSpectrum analyzer settings,downloadingLSpectrum analyzer settings,savingPState settingsTState settings,deleting saved\State settings,exporting to file`State settings,importing from filedToolbarhToolbar:deleting from WordpToolbar:restoring to WordtToolbar:startup optionsxWhat would you like to do?|/&;)LzÿÿÿÿÿÿWhat would you like to do?DConnect to the spectrum analyzer and verify communication‚To add the address of an instrument connected to a remote computer (Windows NT or Windows 2000 only):8‡Connect to Spectrum AnalyzerDisconnect from a spectrum analyzer„Save the current spectrum analyzer settings to a file¥†Download previously stored settings to the spectrum analyzervExport to File1Import state settings from a PC fileƒDelete saved state settingsEdit the name of a saved state setting‡Insert an image of the spectrum analyzer display in the documentl„Delete the spectrum analyzer toolbar from WordG‡Restore the toolbar to Word™Select the toolbar startup options in WordPX/&;)L4ÿÿˆÿÿÿÿD‚„¥†v1ƒ‡l„G‡™/&;)L4ÿÿ€ÿÿÿÿ±ý‚7ý®Ž12¬ê–Ó< LIs³Dô7󸄭ƒFÈÛåÛô™ÌêKöG‡Uü– l„í\ƒÉâ5Rv—5òU8‡3,h‡”¯Àh¥†¿¶lp ¤\€€€€€€€€€€€€ÀÀÀÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿw‚ˆƒ‡ˆ«‡ˆˆˆ‡ˆ€€‡ˆˆˆ‡ˆ€€‡ˆˆˆ‡ˆƒ‡ˆƒ‡ÿ‚÷ˆûlp02,® ²»¼º‚¹¹¿ƒ¾½½¸¿ÍŒËËÊËËÉËËÉÊÊÉÊÌǹ»¼µ¾½¼½¼Ž»»Â¿¿¹Â¼ÄÄÊÆÆÅ’¤¤£°°±°°Å¯¯Ê³³»ÄÄÁÀµÅȼ¾µ¾»½ ¾‘»»ÉÔÔu‹‹››äðð„   -Ó¾µ¾»½¿¾•À¾¾¿ººµááÞ22Ÿ55iÓÓàßßÇÊÊÅÊÊ$ËË ÆÆ 66]X‚Ѿµ¾»½ªÃ¾¾ËÓÓ¶ÝÝ–ììæMMó—MMlØØŸ QPKJJ JJHHC' 0#×Á¾µ¾»½³Ä¿¿¹ÌÌZ¶¶ß77ëBBõÿù½;:JjoEELLFFKK^^3'';"×Á¾µ¾»¶½»»¿Ë˽ÅŪãHHÝnnò""þý 䌋]y† ¥¤¶¶¥¥  ËËqbbŒ ÔÁ¾µ¾»¶¾ººµÏÏÀ²²ÿ²Â†ööåIIù ѱ±«úù^\b‰‰zzvv¢¢[LLs!ÕÁ¾µ¾»¶¿¹¹¸Ì̸¼¼ÿ¿­­«ååæEEÏ||­úúÏ¿¾`]`yyppkk  UQQw!ÕÁ¾µ¾¹¼ºº¼Â®ØØ°ÆÆÿ¶¹¹«àà·ââ¸ÚÚÊÇÇÃÁÀ^^a--0/••/‰‰/ŒŒ-®®pFFbÓ¾µ•¾¼¼ºÆƽ¾¾¼¶¶¸°°ÿ¼¦¦»›¹¶¶µÃÃÒÍÍ«¬¬xxvÐÐÒÔÔÖÍÍÖÌÌÕÙ†ÈÈÔ99<"Ó¾µ¡¿ºº°ááÒ}}û öÿ÷÷‘44y°°ßØØ­]s’jjnkjojjnllqttumml„¾¼¼ºÃòÑÑËý ÿùŽFFƒ¦¦ÅËËľ¾¿½½ºµµ»¶¶ºµµ»¶¶»ºº»»º½ÃÅÁ¾µ½³¾µµÀÚÚÃôôß³³ý—rr˜ééÖ÷÷ÞõõÑòò×ööÞööÝ÷÷ÞõõÜôôÎÝÝÅÃÃÆü½¿µ¹¼¹¹ÇÚÚ²’’~66†QQµc&&>>Ÿ//&&‘//„00x""…22x x%%²™™È××¾»»¿½¼½¿µ¼¼¶¶Îçç«xxRE,,7PJCB,,K…--¬ssi¬tth£wwÐÝݽººÀ¿¿¾¼½¿µ¼»¶¶Ïåå¥uupÃää¼áá»àà»ââºààÂêê }}t##¬||vª||r""«‚‚ÏÝݽººÀ¿¿¾¼½¿µŒ»¶¶Ñææ”ll~þÿžÝ§§O˜@@r”@@k­„„ÏÝݽººÀ¿¿¾¼½¿µ¼»¶¶Ðææ›oolݺºÞÁÁݾ¾Ý¾¾Ü½½àÃò``l00Äžžs##Äžžs..¥zzÐÝݽººÀ¿¿¾¼½¿µ¹¼¸¸Êß߬ŠŠca[[[[\hsrrqg®ÌÛÛ¼ºº¾¼½¿µ¼½¼¼¾¿¿ÃËËÉÆÆÉÄÄÊÅÅÊÅÅÊÅÅÊÅÅÉÃÃËÊÊËÐÐÉÈÈÌÐÐÉÈÈÇÆÆÃÍͽÀÀ¼»»¼½½¼½¾¿µ¾­½¼¼½¿¿ÀÆÆÀÄÄÀÄÄÀÄÄÀÄÄÀÅÅÀÄÄÀÄÄÀÄÄÀÄÄÀÄÄÀÄÄÀÅžƒ½¼¼ ½¾¿þõlp024¢ K¿K¿ ¿¼ÄÚÛ!ÚÝÕ¿¾ ¿¿¼’ÐÑÑÁ¾¾n``j[[pkkfhhWZjp n‹ccn]]f^^~€€¾Á ¿¿ÅŒ½»»jpp‚ ƒ ¾Å ¿¿Ûƒobb‹ƒƒ˜˜O<<åÅ' ‹ii££<<&¾Å ¿¿Ûƒpdd‹––M;;áÂ& ‹gg  ;;&¾Å ¿¿Úƒrff‹~~““WEEþÛ+ ‹ee99&¾Å ¿¿Úƒrff”~~••)whhfXX ‹bbžž99&¾Å ¿¿Úƒrff¬~~ŽŽOO ##++((&&((mm™™99&¾Å ¿¿Úƒrff¬~~ƒƒ}}{{||||||||||||||}}99&¾Å ¿¿Úƒrffˆ~~žž44‹ZZ““77(¾Å ¿¿Úrff~~,,iffÉ¡°ÒÒ°ÍÍ°ÍÍ°ÓÓ°¾¾°  °¨¨¶öö¨ìì6HH¾Å ¿¿Ú‰rff~~ƒ¬ªªÿŽÿŸŸÿ££ÿuuÿ··ÿˆ©©ÿÑÑRrr¾Å ¿¿Ú‰rff~~•˜¶¶ÿ®®ÿÿÿÿÿŸŸÿŽŸŸÿú66€xx=WW¾ƒÃ ¿¿Ú‰rff~~’˜±±ÿ¾¾ÿÿÿÿ””ÿ¡ÑÑÿþÿõ==ÌÕÕ¾ÁÁ¾¿¿¾ÀÀ¾ÀÀ¿¾¾¿Ú‰rff~~•˜±±ÿ¿¿ÿÿÿÿÿÿžééþÿÿí77ºË˼ÅżÇÇ»ÈÈ¿½½¿Ú‰rdd ‘‘˜´ÐÐÿ´´úþººÿ ÿÿÿ‚‚ÿ›ööþ%%ÿÿí33¹ÐÐØrrãSS¹Ðпރhbb‚ ‰±ttÿººÿÉÉÿÿýþuuýÿ•44ÿÿäPPþï//µÚÚ¿Ð’ŽŽ2--B//FBB h{{ÿèªÿÿ䣣ôÿþÿaaôÿÿàÛÛè))þÿÿäPP¶×׿»ÇÖÓÔØÈ´·ª´´¯ããÏ’’ÿÿÿÍpp­ááÐÿÿÿæJJ¶×׿¾¿ ¾§ÀÀ¹ÎÎЊŠÿЉ‰°éé×ttÿÿÿÿæHH¶ØØ%¿§½½¼ÇÇ¿»»Í’’¿»»¹ÎÎƨ¨Ò……Í’’Í““ÏŒŒÇ¤¤½ÄÄ(¿½¡ÃøÒÒ½ÃÃÀºº¼ÆÆ·ÕÕ¸ÒÒ¸ÒÒ·ÕÕºÊÊ¿¼¼K¿K¿õìlp02.K¿K¿K¿¿½ÀËÖËÀ½¿ ¿¾¿Å ËÎÇ¢t¢ÇÎ ËÅ¿¾¿ ¿¾³£¥¯•FF•¯¥£³¾ ¿ ¿Æ¶f )Ç) f¶Æ¿ ¿Ô}_g&²”²&g_}Ô¿ ¿Ùi‘š*Ÿ¦v¦Ÿ*š‘iÙ¿ ¿×o„Œ||xÊÊØ__w€kÑz„o׿ ¿×p~†hhsÛÛ³––O}}‚€rÇn†~p׿ ¿×n™ ŽFFi÷÷zïïvv‡~~¹W ™n׿ ¿×eýÿ1‰ll`ÙÙÄttvuÏf1ÿýe׿ ¿×a# ÿƒMMKƒ\\gÕaL ÿ#a׿ ¿Ûesp‚'<'‚pseÛ¿ ¿ÎŸ! ; g ; !ŸÎ¿ ¿»Ö¸"¯ÝM7ñ7Mݯ"¸Ö»¿ ¿¾ÀÆÇÀÇ·^^·ÇÀÇÆÀ¾ ¿ ¿¾¿Á¿À¿² ²¿À¿ÂÁ¿¾ ¿¿¾¿ÅËÅ¿¾¿K¿K¿K¿