:Base ESAwtool.HLP :Title PSA/ESA E/L/EMC-series Spectrum Analyzer Toolbar in Word 1 PSA/ESA E/L/EMC-series Spectrum Analyzer Toolbar in Word 2 What would you like to do?=what_would_you_like_to_do@ESAwtool.hlp 2 Connect to the spectrum analyzer and verify communication=Configure_I_O@ESAwtool.hlp>Second 2 Connect to a spectrum analyzer on a remote host=remote_address@ESAwtool.hlp>Second 2 Capture the current spectrum analyzer settings=Save_setting@ESAwtool.hlp>Second 2 Restore previously saved settings to the spectrum analyzer=Download_settings@ESAwtool.hlp>Second 2 Edit the name of a saved state setting=Edit_state_setting@ESAwtool.hlp>Second 2 Remove saved state settings=Delete_Settings@ESAwtool.hlp>Second 2 Export spectrum analyzer settings to a PC file=Export_to_File@ESAwtool.hlp>Second 2 Import spectrum analyzer settings from a PC file=Import_state_settings@ESAwtool.hlp>Second 2 Get an image of the spectrum analyzer display=Insert_image@ESAwtool.hlp>Second 2 Delete the spectrum analyzer toolbar from Word=Delete_Toolbar@ESAwtool.hlp>Second 2 Restore the spectrum analyzer toolbar to Word=Restore_toolbar@ESAwtool.hlp>Second 2 Select the toolbar startup options=Startup_Toolbar@ESAwtool.hlp>Second 2 Disconnect from a spectrum analyzer=Disconnect@ESAwtool.hlp>Second