This page gives instructions for installing Haskell on Windows or Mac while on campus using a local copy of the Haskell Platform. If you are off-campus or installing on a Linux distro, you probably want to go directly to the the Haskell Platform website. Then come back here and try the steps to verify that your installation is working.
) and follow the instructions.
Follow these steps to verify that your installation is working:
Launch GHCi
. (On Windows, you probably want Windows Menu → GHCi. Mac and Linux user can just type ghci
at a shell prompt.) You should get a prompt like in the figure below.
prompt, enter 6 * 7
and press enter. You should get the answer.
:type "Hello, world"
Note that you must type the leading colon before the word “type”. You should get back "Hello, world" :: [Char]
to exit.
Create a directory to store your Windows ghci configuration file. On Windows 7, the directory you create should be C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\roaming\ghc
(On Windows XP create C:\Documents and Settings\<UserName>\Application Data\ghc
:set editor "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\Notepad++.exe" :cd <full path to the folder where you will put Haskell files>being sure to
You can verify that this worked by quitting and relaunching ghci, then entering the following commands at the prompt:
Prelude> :!chdir should display the path to your working folder Prelude> :edit foo.hs should launch Notepad++ for editing a new file named foo.hs
Note: Launch Notepad++ before you launch ghci, that way ghci won't block waiting for Notepad++ to exit.
to exit GHCi, and enjoy a refreshing beverage.