(50 pts) In preparation for your term project select, download, and install a a Java Virtual Machine on your system. Here are some guidelines to help you select a JVM for your project.
Examine the list of free, open source JVMs listed on the course's index page. You are not limited to those JVMs. If you discover others as you do your exploration, you can forward that information to me.
Select a JVM with a large active community of developers and users that supports it.
Select a JVM with a community that uses a mailing list to offer support to both users and developers.
Select a JVM that's written with a language in which you are comfortable programming.
Select a JVM whose design is simple, modular, and easy to use for implementing memory management algorithms (It should contain instructions on how to add, change garbage collectors; an example or two would make it attractive)
(20 points)Write a one to two page report highlighting the following questions:
Which JVMs did you consider and which did you pick?
What motivated you to select this JVM?
What are its strengths, its weaknesses?
Does it have an active community that you can receive support from should you encounter difficulties.
Discuss your installation experience with your selected JVM. In your discussion describe whether the process was straight forward.
Did you encounter problems?
How did you address them?
Were you required to install additional software?
What were they and how did you install them?
What is the status of your installation?
Can you run the JVM on your machine?
Give an example of how you used the JVM to run a Java application.
Instructions on how to submit your solutions to questions 2 and 3:
Demonstrate to your instructor that you have installed the JVM you selected and are able to use it to run a Java program.
Submit your report in a drop box on the course Angel page. The drop box is located under Lessons → Homework → Homework 8 → HW8 Drop Box.