4/12/2011: added current choice 3 and made it so that you can choose any 4 of 5.
Do any 4 of the following 5 problems (15 pts each)Also, to take a cube root of x in Maple, use surd(x,3), or iroot().
Submit a printout of your program (or a transcript of your Matlab/Maple session) and your results, along with any explanations of your work.
A person, using public keys
e= 14171
n = 47175870329407903885361746834641431178447600689579923010018954106190773045495123647160120041508873811309337286850351982107411134611
sends the message
Decode the message. You may use any software you write or download to factor this number.
A person, using public keys
e= 65537
n = 5179882962680223701492090545890640814585072653798871836048552437290684109327634426002180977320762762353246168450504471871488000000000059
sends the message
Decode the message. You may use any software you write or download to factor this number.
Thanks to Dr Rickert for problem #3.