CSSE 371 - Schedule, Fall 2013

September 2013














Sep 5

Lecture: Course Intro, Project Intro


Do today in class: Your "My Colorful Portrait" completed Word Sort test and Score Sheet.

Sep 6

Case Study 1: Meetings Bloody Meetings - There is a Moodle dropbox for the post-discussion write-up. Answer the question, "How your opinion changed, as to what's important in meetings?" See Syllabus for further instructions on Case Studies.


05:00p Due - Take “CSSE371 Student Entry Survey” on Moodle.


Note: Steve's 5th hour class will be meeting instead 10th hour on Fridays, to allow for interaction with your client. Same room!



Over the weenend, Chandan and Steve will try to finalize team assignments!

9 Chandan substitutes for Steve

Reading: Chapters 1 - 4 (Requirements Book) Discussions: Introduction to Requirements, Introduction to Teamwork

There is now a quiz to fill out before class and put in the Moodle drop box or bring with you to turn in at the start of class (your choice).


01:30p  Due: CS 1 ("Meetings, Bloody Meetings") Post-Discussion


Reading: Chapter 5 (Pages 43 - 52) (Requirements Book)

HW 1 Assigned

Discussion: Problem Analysis. Quiz - To do before class, and bring with you. Fishbone diagram format - as a reference.


How to start & rubric for Milestone 1!

Meet with your Project Manager ASAP about Team organization, MS1, HW1, and Team Rules.

Post questions to GoogleDocs ASAP so that client can review 24 hrs prior to first meeting!


Reading: Chapter 6,7,8,9, 10 (Requirements Text) and about Personas in agile development and Personas in interaction design.


Discussion 1: Problem Analysis, Continued. Quiz - to do before class, and bring with you. (And please bring back Tuesday's quiz, completed.)


Discussion: Personas and Interviews. Quiz to do before class.


7 AM

Week 1 Weekly summary report due on Moodle, one per team.

Class: Client Meeting Day, and Steve talks to each team as time allows.


HW 2 Assigned

Start Personal Journals - See the Examples under Resources.




Each team turn in your questions and answers, and your team's list of "features" on GoogleDocs. See point 6 in How to start.


Reading: Chapter 12 (Requirements text)

Discussion: Brainstorming. With Quiz.

Class Activity: Brainstorming, Part 1


Discussion: The lists of features every team turned in on GoggleDocs. What's most important, and what's most urgent?



Reference Doc: Brainstorming Techniques.

Quiz - Uses the above file (and says how).

On Storyboarding - Read Ch 13 and the web article.


Class Activity: Brainstorming, Part 2

HW 3 Assigned

Discussion: Storyboards and Quiz


Discussion: "Who'll do what" - team signup for features. We'll have each team meet with each other team!



Due: HW 1

See "Detailing your features" ppt for what's expected for your Fri client meeting.


Steve wil put list out on GoogleDocs, of which teams do what features.


Meet with your team to decide what that list means to you, and what other teams you need to work closely with on these!


Expand on your team's features enough to show what you think they mean! Post to GoogleDocs 24 hrs before Fri client meeting. Show to your PM.


Meet with your PM to review these feature expansions.


Before class -  

Due: Case Study 2 Pre discussion report - See Course Syllabus. Please include 2 good questions to ask during the class discussion!


Case Study: A Baggage System (See reading on Moodle, under Case Studies.)



7 AM

Week 2 Weekly summary report due on Moodle, one per team.

Class: Client Meeting Day, and Steve talks to each team as time allows.


Due: Milestone 1 to Project Manager


Due: HW 2





Reading: Chapters 14, 21 (Requirements Text)

Discussion: Use cases

and quiz . Teamwork pep talk! And a timely preview of prep for Friday's client meeting - see two slide sets shown on Wed in this schedule.

Due: As we may think Extra Credit - See "storyboarding.ppt" last slide for the assignment.

01:30p  Due: CS 1 Post-Discussion

HW3 Assigned




Class Activity: Use Cases. See samples under resources/ExamplesFromPriorClasses, such as "TeamBiohazard_MileStone_2_word.docx", section 3.3. We'll start on the use case to do for your client meeting - see Wed slide set on this.


Things to do for your client meeting this week:


For each team - see the "use case" slides.


For the whole class - see the "throwaway prototype" slides.


Reading: Chapters 7 & 11(ID Book)

Discussions: Data Gathering - an ID Perspective, with Quiz and ID Prototyping, with Quiz


Due: HW 3


HW 4 Assigned


7 AM

Week 3 Weekly summary report due on Moodle, one per team.

Class: Client Meeting Day - Steve will be out of town, Chandan will be presiding.




HW 5 Assigned



Due: Milestone 1 with Personal Journal (in separate drop box) and a copy of your "Team Rules" so I can review those.





Reading: Chapters 20, 22 (Requirements Text)

Discussion: Supplementary Specification, with quiz to do before class, as usual. See also template, under Resources here. And examples of non-use-case functional specs in this document.

Oct 1

Reading: Chapter 8 (ID Book)

Discussion: Data Analysis, with quiz.

HW 5 Assigned



Due: HW 4


New "GUI team" - Post rules to Google Groups by 11:55 pm! See the "Wednesday lecture" for details.

Do paper prototype to show to client on Fri. Get PM feedback. See this week's instructions for the Friday meeting, "The GuI Challenge." See also the revised MS2 description.

Mike McDonald lecture on GitHub, GM room - 9th hour!


Exam 1 - Chandan will be proctoring. Steve's at Purdue today.

Last year's Exam 1 Key. The key for this year's exam is now here.


7 AM

Week 4 Weekly summary report due on Moodle, one per team.

Class: Client Meeting Day, showing off paper prototypes.


Due: Milestone 2 to Project Manager, except for the GUI to backend connections!



October 2013, cntd












Domain modeling, with quiz! See also additional reference for answers to a couple quiz questions.

Assigned: HW 6

Get exams back


Due: HW 5 Put in Steve's box lid if turning in on paper after class.



Reading: Chapters 23, 24 (Requirements Text)

Discussion: Ambiguity in Requirements, with Quiz and -

Reading: Chapters 25, 26 (Requirements Text)

Discussion: Requirements to Implmentation, with Quiz

Slide 7 has extra credit assignment for this week!



Due: Project Team Member Evaluation - turn-in this form on Moodle,


Do this survey:

Midterm Plus Delta on Moodle - under Surveys (an opportunity to get in on course adjustments) - before Wed 8 AM


HW 7 Assigned




Work on the GUI to backend connections for client demo Friday.


Additional client meeting item - Domain modeling.


See Week 5 slides for details on both topics.


Put finishing touches on MS2 to turn in to me Friday. See MS2 description for both of these.


Reading: Chapters 15 - 19 (Requirements Text)

Discussion: Organizing Requirements , with Quiz

System Sequence Diagrams (SSD's), with Quiz



Due: HW 6



7 AM

Week 5 Weekly summary report due on Moodle, one per team. Add risks section. See "Starting in Week 5" in syllabus.

Class: Client Meeting Day, showing off GUI to backend connections! Plus discuss domain model with client(s).



Due: Milestone 2 from team, and your personal journals (in separate dropboxes)








Reading: Chapters 27 - 29 (Requirements Text)

Discussion: Managing Change and Quality , with quiz. Extra credit this week - see last slide.

Plus Delta feedback. Alternatives for Team Peer Feedback.



Due: Week 5 extra credit assignment.


Reading: Chapter 1 (ID Book)

Discussion: What is Interaction Design? with quiz


Due: HW 7 - but bring test case printout to class for discussion if you can!



Due Milestone 3 - paper part to Project Manager - This is all but the implementation Requirement. You should now also be using GitHub for task management (the Project Management Requirement). For Section 2 - See special instructions in MS3 Rubrics.


Fall Break



Fall Break

No weekly report due!

fall break





HW 8 Assigned - It's INDIVIDUAL.


Introduction of MS4 and the Final Deliverables.


Time to work on implementation to show PM and to show client and me on Friday.


GUI cross-team, reviews standards for your usability prototype!



Due: Extra Credit Week 6 (See last Monday's slides)


Reading: Chapter 12, 13, 14 (ID Book)

Discussion: Evaluate and Decide , with quiz

Discussion: Usability Testing , with quiz

Team extra credit assignment - See the ID Ch 12-13 ppt, slide 12!


Assigned: Do Team Consent Form for Friday's class. See example on pp 465-7 in ID book. And we'll discuss in class with your client.




MS 3 - Show your PM the implementation part of MS3, and have them review your code and task management on GitHub.


Due Milestone 3 - paper part to

me, along with your personal journal.



Case Study: The CONFIRM Failure


Also discuss - Usability studies and getting subjects! Includes

reviewing your team's consent form.


Before class:

Due: CS 3 Pre Discussion Report



7 AM

Week 7 Weekly summary report due on Moodle, one per team.

Class: Client Meeting Day. Show the Implementation part of Milestone 3 to your client, and discuss MS3 design work you did.


Usability study: Bring Your Team's Consent Form to Class (see slide 18 from Tuesday), to show your client.


Sign up with Lynn Degler for times for your team to do your usability testing in the Usability Lab.


Review the Usability Lab Instructions,V1.

Over the weekend, try out the Lab and give feedback on the how it went, Monday.



HW 9 Assigned





Usability Prototype: Your team's should be ready to use for testing on Monday, and you should have a Prototype Usability Testing Script and Steps. You should also have your subjects lined up to do the tests (especially if they are not in our class).




Review over the weekend usability lab work.

Bring your team's Prototype Usability Testing script to class.


We'll identify a new cross-team to start building the final version of requirements. See the FinalDeliverables rubric.


Work on Milestone 4 in class (test cases, etc.).


Likely - We'll do Usability Studies in class. And, one or two teams will have the lab to use.

11:55 pm Due: CS 3 Post Discussion Report



Likely - We'll do Usability Studies in class, and time to work on Milestone 4. And, one or two teams will have the lab to use.



Due : HW 8 - It's INDIVIDUAL.




More usabilitiy studies, work on Milestone 4.


More Usability Studies in class. And, one or two teams will have the lab to use.



Due: HW 9

Note: Anything on paper (like actual ballots) you can turn in, in class, on Friday.

Nov 1

7 AM

Week 8 Weekly summary report due on Moodle, one per team.

Class: Client Meeting Day. A likely target - One team - use your client(s) as a subject for a usability study today!














November 2013












Reading: Chapter 15 (ID Book)

Discussion: Analytical Evaluation , with Quiz


Reading: Chapter 2, and Chapter 3 sec 3.1 and 3.2 (ID Book)

Discussion: Conceptual Modeling with Quiz

Discussion: Cognition , with Quiz

We'll discuss some additional material on Personality Theory in class - it's also in the slides.

Discussion: Exam 2 Review (in class)


Exam 2 (over material since Exam 1)


Last year's Exam 2 Key

This year's

Exam 2 Key



7 AM

Week 9 Weekly summary report due on Moodle, one per team.

Class: Client Meeting Day. Likely topic - review close to final set of requirements with client.



Due: Milestone 4 to Project Manager


Sign up by 11:55 pm if you want to take the Exam 2 Makeup Mon at 9am or 9:55am





Exam 2 Makeup - 9 AM or 9:55 AM in ECE Conference Rm (D-212), if you got a confirmation from me on Sunday!



Project work time.


Get back "My Colorful Portrait" and analyze it yourself!


Talk about teams for 374 next term, and development goals. See discussion sheet.


Each team do peer evaluations your own way by Friday!


Do course evaluations at end of class!


Project work time

Last chance to do field studies in class(Hint!)



Due: Milestone 4, with personal journals. Show your presentation to your project manager. Show them where you are on your Final Deliverables.


Team extra credit for with this milestone - see slides for week 7, day 2!



Project work time.


One more extra credit, by end of class today - How to set Steve's clock. (Give me a set of instructions for how to set the time, and how to turn alarms on and off.)



No Weekly summary report due on Moodle!

Class: Likely Client Meeting Day with In-Class Presentations - See Final Deliverables.



Due: Written part of Final Deliverables - including consolidated Requirements and a copy of your Presentation (without videos) in Moodle drop box.


Due Team Member Evaluation: Here is the default Team Member Evaluation Form . However, you can turn in whatever your team decides they want to use. (You must do something!)





We have no final exam in 371!






Break week        

Thanksgiving Day!

Rockwell Thanksgiving




Image of fall break from http://www.pensieve.me/2010/10/fall-break-vacation.html.

Image of Thanksgiving is a painting by Norman Rockwell. From http://www.counter-currents.com/tag/thanksgiving/.