
We are concerned with visibility for visual rendering: we want the closest objects to occlude far objects. We also want object outside the view volume to be hidden.

We will use OpenGL to draw the closest objects to our camera viewpoint. OpenGL uses a Z-buffer to determine which object is 'in front'.


Raster images are images on grids. This means that they have samples for each grid point (pixels). So, we only need visibility results at pixels.

Z-buffering solves visibility only for discrete samples.

Z-buffering is simple and doesn't need the objects to be in any special order. It also allows the depth values to be saved for later. However, it can have depth precision issues and cannot handle transparency very well.

Using the Z-buffer

OpenGL will automatically provide a Z-buffer. The user does not need to manage the buffer unless they have a special use case that treats the depth values in an unusual way. The default depth buffer (z-buffer) is created when the OpenGL context is created. Depth precision is set when creating the OpenGL context. Our default context uses floats to record depth.

Some OpenGL Z-buffer commands: