Introduction to Multi-Threading

Learning Objectives

At the end of this lecture, you should be able to:

  • Clearly define the difference between multi-threading and multi-processing.
  • Explain the advantages of multi-threading over multi-processing and identify when each approach would be most suitable.
  • Implement multi-threaded code using the pthreads library.


In this lecture, we will cover the following topics:

  • Multi-threading and multi-processing.
  • The pthreads library.
  • Introduction to concurrency issues.



  • Let’s go back to our previous example of the CSSE332 shop
  • Let’s say you are getting way too many students and it is now time to expand
  • Even worse, the annoying student Robert is back with his friends, Sid and Sriram, and they have tons of questions
  • What would you do in that case? How would you scale up to maintain a good business and make more profit?
    • One thing to do is to clone the shop and use the separate clone as a completely separate process, with its own memory, its own books, and so on
    • This also has a high cost in high maintenance (keep separate books, coordinate between branches, inter-branch communication, …)
    • The other option, which is probably better to do initially, is to hire more instructors that use the shared space available in the same shop
    • Each instructor will have their own mind, their own students to work with, but they will share the shop, the books, and so on.

Multi-threading vs. multi-processing

  • What we have been doing so far and until exam 1 is multi-processing
  • We use fork to clone the current process and create one with a separate address space, separate registers, separate code, data, heap, and stack regions
  • That is expensive since every time we create a process, we incur the penalty of cloning the address space, the code, the data, and the heap segments of memory
  • Another approach is to use multi-threading
  • Decompose one process into multiple threads of control (or threads of execution) that
    1. Share the Code, Data, and Heap sections
    2. Have their stack and their own registers
  • The same process will now have multiple threads of control, i.e., multiple points of execution and thus multiple program counters!


  • Each process initially has one thread of control, but we can create many more for the same process


  • Can you think of examples where you’d want to use this approach over multi-processing?
    • Think of video games, web servers, database servers, etc.
  • For example, in a webserver, there is a thread that waits for incoming requests.
    • Once a request arrives, the waiting thread accepts it and assign the customer to a specific thread of execution
    • The assigned thread of control will take care of that specific customer instead of blocking the waiting thread
    • The waiting thread can then go back to waiting for other customers to come in.
  • This results in kind of like tree structure of light-weight threads compared to full blown processes.
  • So the benefits of multi-threading can be summed up in two principles:
    • Easy and light-weight parallelism
    • Avoid blocking a program due to slow I/O

Introduction to pthreads

  • pthreads is an implementation of the POSIX standard for multi-threading
  • POSIX specifies a set of interfaces and header file for creating and managing threads
  • Threads share global memory (data and heap)
  • Each thread has its own stack and registers

Thread creation

  • Each thread is associate with some code that it must execute
    • However, note that code for all threads resides in the same Code region in memory.
  • How can we achieve that in C?
    • Yes, function pointers
  • Example:
void *function(void *arg) {
	int tid = *(int *)arg;
	printf("Hello from thread %d\n", tid);
	return NULL;

pthread_t thread;
int i = 7;
pthread_create(&thread, NULL, function, &i);
  • Be very careful what you pass to the thread creation function
  • For example, this is very very very bad
pthread_t threads[7];
for(int i = 0;i < 7; i++) {
	pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, function, &i); // why is this bad?
  • Never forget about the main thread, this is what refer to as the parent or the main thread, which is the one that created the threads.
  • For example, if I use pthread_create once, I end up with two threads:
    • The main thread that called pthread_create
    • The new thread that will execute the function

Thread joining

  • When we create threads, we need a way for us to wait for them to complete execution and then free up the resources that they are using
  • Think of this in a similar wait to fork and wait in multi-processing
  • To achieve that end, we call the process of waiting for threads to complete execution is the process of thread joining.
int *result = malloc(sizeof(int));
pthread_join(thread, (void**)&result);

  • Wait what is this result? Well what if the thread wanted to return something to us?
  • How did we do that in the case of multi-processing? Yes, using the exit status and pipes
  • In multi-threading, you can fill any data structure that is on the heap and return the address of it to the parent
  • Be aware not to return the address of something on the thread’s stack, why?

Thread functions and returns

  • To return from a thread function, we can do one of two things:
return NULL;
  • or
  • In this class, we’re almost always not returning anything from the thread functions, all communication will happen through the shared memory between the parent thread and its children.



  • Let’s start off with an example and take a look inside thread_example.c
  • What are we trying to achieve in this case?
  • Observe that each thread will have its own address of i, so each thread will print a different address
  • Each thread is trying to add 1 max times to a counter variable.
  • Let’s try to run this several times and see what we get
  • Notice that once we get to a large number, the result of our addition deviates from the expected answer. Why?
  • Let’s take a closer look and examine what is happening
  • The code counter = counter + 1 results in the following instructions in assembly (assuming MIPS):
la    $t0, counter
lw    $t1, 0($t0)
addi  $t1, $t1, 1
sw    $t1, 0($t0)
  • There is no guarantee that whenever any of these instructions execute, the thread will be preempted by the schedule and the other thread will start execution
  • When is the absolute worst time for the scheduler to preempt us?
    • It will most likely preempt us at that time!
  • We’ll talk more about this on Thursday


  • In this example, we are going to try and benchmark the runtime of a program as we run sequentially, using multiple processes, and using multiple threads.
  • Your job is to change the code so that it run two pthreads in parallel to accomplish the given task