Operations on Processes

Learning Objectives

At the end of this lecture, you should be able to:

  • Identify how a process is created using fork and exec family of calls.
  • Implement code that uses fork and wait to create a child process.
  • Define the genealogical relationship between all processes in a running operating system.


In this lecture, we will cover the following topics:

  • Process creation using fork and exec.
  • The wait routine.
  • Patterns for creating child processes.



  • Imagine you are in a spot where you have so much to do, so many chores, and so much homework.
    • ❓ What would be a great (even if unrealistic) solution to this problem?
    • Does this picture help ring any bells?


  • What if you had the ability to create clones of yourself, with all your knowledge and abilities, and then task those clones with specific tasks to do?
  • That would be amazing, right?
  • But what if, you want those clones to have another set of knowledge and skills, maybe give them some autonomy?
    • What would you want to do with those clones?
  • ❓ Now that we can do all of that, let’s be a bit pessimists, what can go wrong with those clones?

Creating a child process using fork

  • Recall that each process has a unique ID that we refer to as the PID.
    • You can use the getpid() call to obtain a process’s PID.
      pid_t pid = getpid();
  • fork is a system call that allows a user process to create a copy of itself.
    • The calling process is referred to as the parent.
    • The created process is referred to as the child.
    • For documentation, from you terminal, you can use man fork.
  • All processes in your system are children (or grandchildren) of the same initialization process.
    • That process is often referred to as init (or in Ubuntu, it is systemd).
  • Here’s an example of running the pstree command on my system:
    $ pstree --color=age
              │          ├─sshd───sshd───bash─┬─sh───node─┬─node───10*[{node}]
              │          │                                │                   ├─node─┬─cpptools───24*[{cpptools}]
              │          │                                │                   │          ├─node───7*[{node}]
              │          │                                │                   │          ├─python3───{python3}
              │          │                                │                   │          └─11*[{node}]
              │          │                                │                   ├─node───12*[{node}]
              │          │                                │                   └─10*[{node}]
              │          │                                └─sleep
              │          ├─sshd───sshd───bash───sleep
              │          └─sshd───sshd───zsh───pstree
              │          ├─sssd_nss
              │          └─sssd_pam
              │             ├─dbus-daemon
              │             └─gnome-keyring-d───3*[{gnome-keyring-d}]
              ├─tmux: server───12*[zsh]
  • fork creates a clone, or a copy, of the parent process.
    • In other words, the child process contains a snapshot of the parent process’s state.
  • The child process will duplicate its parent’s memory address space, which means that the child process contains copies of
    • all variables,
    • all structures,
    • all global variables,
    • all pointers,
    • all dynamically allocated memory, etc.
  • The child process will also contain its own copy of its parent’s file descriptors, however these file descriptors reference the same underlying objects.
    • In other words, if you open a file in the parent using fd = open(...) and then fork a child process, then the child process will contain a copy of fd but it points to the same file.
      • So if the child changes the file content, the parent will also see those changes.

fork returning

  • You must keep in mind that fork virtually returns twice:
    1. Once in the parent process, with a return value that is equal to the child’s PID.
    2. Once in the child process, with a return value of 0.
  • ❓ So how would we differentiate between the code that is in the parent and that is in the child?
    • Remember that we have copied the entire .text section of the process’s code, so the code has to be exactly the same.
      int pid = fork();
      if(pid == 0) {
        printf("I am the child\n");
      printf("I am the parent\n");
  • 🏃 What does this code do?
      for(int i=0; i < 10; i++)

Being a good parent using wait

  • Forking a child is very much like giving birth to a child and then letting them go to play in the park.
  • ❓ That is great and all, but as a good parent, what do you need to do?

  • For a parent to reclaim its child, it needs to call the wait(int *) system call.
    • As with all relevant function, you can check man 2 wait for more information.
  • Here’s the breakdown of the wait(&status) call:
    1. The parent will stop execution and wait until the child is done executing.
    2. The parent will store the child’s exit status in the status pointer passed to the wait system call.
      • The status integer will then contain the child’s exit status (i.e., the one passed to the exit call or through main’s return statement).


int status = -1;
pid_t pid;

pid = fork();
if(pid == 0) {
	printf("I am the child and I am done playing\n");
} else {
	printf("I am the parent and I am waiting for my child\n");
	/* This will block until the child returns */
  /* Use the WEXITSTATUS macro to read the child's return code. */
	printf("The child is back and it returned %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(status));


  • Unfortunately, not all parents are great.
  • Sometimes, a parent might return (or maybe crash) without waiting for its children.
  • In that case, the children are referred to as orphan children.
  • Luckily, the operating system will adopt all orphan children and they will become direct children of init (or systemd).


  • Sometimes, parents might get busy and forget to wait for their children.
  • In that case, if a child is done playing but its parent is not waiting for it, that child is referred to as a zombie child.
  • In OS terminology, a zombie process is one that is done (and is ready to die), but cannot really die because it still has some information to pass to its parent.
    • Thus the name zombie.
    • The process would have terminated but it would still occupy OS resources until its parent waits for it.

Replacing a child using exec

  • Sometimes, we want our children not to be exact copies of their parents.
  • We would like to replace a child’s code section with another.
  • To achieve that, we can use the exec family of system calls.
  • exec replaces the process with a completely different process with a different address space.
    • Note that open file descriptors are preserved in the new process.
    • Becomes relevant when we talk about pipe.

The versions of exec

  • There are two main versions of the exec call that we care about in this class:
    • execv where v stands for vector.
    • execl where l stands for ellipsis, which means a variable number of arguments.
  • The syntax that corresponds to each is as follows:
    • execv(<absolute path>, array of arguments, NULL);
    • execl(<absolute path>, argument0, argument1, argument2, ..., NULL);
  • Another variant that is sometimes more useful:
    • execvp(<relative path>, array of arguments, NULL);
    • execlp(<relative path>, argument0, argument1, argument2, ..., NULL);
  • Remember that in both cases, the first argument in the vector (or list) of arguments is always the name of the program being executed.

The line after exec

  • One important thing to note about the exec call, is that it does not return, except when there is an error in the call.
    • In other words, if exec returns, then something bad has happened.