Review of C Programming

Learning Objectives

At the end of this lecture, you should be able to:

  • Define pointers in C and implement basic pointer manipulation operations.
  • Define and manipulate void pointers.
  • Apply the concepts of pointers to functions through the use of function pointers.
  • Apply basic memory management operations through the use of the malloc and free routines.


In this lecture, we will cover the following topics:

  • C pointers.
  • C memory management.


Basics of C Pointers

  • ❓ Let’s say you want to order some pizza, what would you need to give the delivery person other than your order?
  • Definition: A pointer in C is a variable that contains the address of another variable.
    • A pointer is your way for ordering pizza in C programming.
  • To define a pointer in your code, use the * operator in the variable’s declaration.
    • Example, int *p declares a pointer p that points to another variable of an integer type.
      • Note that p can also be a pointer to an array of integers. In actuality, it points to the first element of the array, the rest of the elements can be accessed by offsetting from that pointer.
    • Similarly, double *p2 declares a pointer p2 that points to another variable of type double.
    • Another example would be struct person *p3 declares a pointer p3 that points to a structure of type struct person.
  • Given a variable x, we can use the & operator to obtain the address of x.
    • For example, &x is the address of x in memory, so we could do something like the following to declare a pointer to x:
      int *p = &x;
  • To follow a pointer to go to its address – we refer to this operation as dereferencing a pointer –, we use the * operator.
    • For example, *p when used in an expression returns the variable to which p points to in memory. So we can write something like:
      int *p = &x;
      int y = *p; // now y becomes equal to x
  • To print a pointer (i.e., the actual address), you can use the %p modifier in the printf format specifier as follows:
    printf("%p points to %lf in memory.", p, *p);

Pointers and Types

  • Generally, pointers contain the address of a variable of a certain type, that type is typically the one used when declaring the pointer.
  • However, we can define void pointers, which are pointers that are not associated with a certain data type.
    • In other words, a void pointer can hold the address of a variable of any type.
  • When dereferencing a void pointer, you must typecast it into a specific pointer type.
    • The benefit of using a void pointer is that it can point to different things in memory at different times in the code.
  • To typecast a pointer, it must be cast a pointer of another type.
    • For example,
      void *p = &x;
      int *q = (int *)p;
  • Here is an example of using and casting a void pointer:
    int x = 3;
    double y = 3.14;
    void *p;
    p = &x;
    printf("p = %p, *p = %d\n", p, *(int *)p);
    p = &y;
    printf("p = %p, *p = %lf\n", p, *(double *)p);

Casting C Pointers

  • The gcc compiler will not complain if you cast a pointer into another pointer associated with a different type.
  • For example, given a pointer to an integer int *p, it is completely legal to cast p into a pointer to a character (or anything else actually).
    int *p = &x;
    char *cptr = (char *)p;
    printf("p = %p, cptr = %p\n", p, cptr);
    printf("*p = %d, *cptr = %c\n", *p, *cptr);
    • ❓ Can you guess what the outcome of the above program is?

Pointer Arithmetic

  • Pointers support operations to move around in memory, this is achieved through the use of pointer arithmetic.
    • You can add or subtract pointer addresses to point to different areas in memory.
  • Consider the following array of integers, int array[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};.
    • As a matter of fact, array is nothing but an integer pointer that points to the first integer in the memory area that contains the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4.
    • Therefore, it is legal to define another variable p as int *p = array; and then use p in the same way you would use array.
  • Adding 1 to array (or equivalently, to p) corresponds to moving array to point to the next (or second) integer in the memory area that contains the array.
    • In other words, int *p2 = array + 1 is an integer pointer that points to the second element in the array, which is the constant 2.
  • 🏃 What would the expression (array + 2) == &(array[2]) evaluate to? true of false?

  • Similarly, consider the character array char carray[] = {'a', 'b', 'c'};
    • We can define the character pointer c as char *c = carray;
  • Adding 1 to carray would evaluate to a pointer to the second element (i.e., b) in the original array.

  • 🏃 Assume that we have a pointer p to an array of integers that contains {1, 2, 3, 4}, and let’s assume that p contains the address 0x00000004.
    • Let’s define another pointer p2 as int *p2 = p + 1, what would be the address contained in p2?
  • 🏃 Repeat the previous exercise assuming p is a pointer to an array of characters, what would be the address contained in p + 1?

  • General Rule: Adding 1 to an integer pointer p is equivalent to adding sizeof(int) bytes to the address contained in p.
  • Similarly, adding 1 to a character pointer c is equivalent to adding sizeof(char) bytes to the address contained in c.

C Memory Management

  • 🏃 Consider the following C code:
    int *p;
    printf("p points to the value %d in memory\n", *p);
    • What would happen when we run the above program?

Allocating Memory

  • So we need a way to initialize a pointer.
  • One way to do it is to assign it to the address of an already existing variable as follows:
    int x = 3;
    int *p = &x;
  • But that is very limiting, we need a way to allocate memory (i.e., ask the operating system for some memory) and save the address returned in a pointer.
    • The way to do that is using the malloc function.
  • The signature of the malloc function is as follows:
    void *malloc(size_t size);
    • where size is the number of bytes you would like the operating system to allocate for you.
  • Using your terminal, type man malloc to check the documentation for the malloc function.

Deallocating Memory

  • When we are done using a piece of memory, we must return this piece of memory to the OS so that it can allocate it to someone else.
  • Therefore, given an allocated pointer p, use free(p) to free the memory area that p points to and return it to the OS.
  • The signature of the free function is as follows:
    void free(void *ptr);
  • Using your terminal, type man free to check the documentation for the free function.

  • 🏃 Why is it bad to do the following:
    int x = 3;
    int *p = &x;
  • NOTE: We are abusing notation a bit here by saying that malloc and free are handled by the operating system. In fact, memory management happens in user-space and is supported by OS-provided system calls.
    • You will implement a memory manager in the second xv6 assignment.

The C Memory Commandments

  • Whoever malloc’eth shall free’th what they have malloced.
    • In other words, don’t free someone else’s memory.
  • Check malloc’s return value, you might be out of memory.
  • malloc returns a chunk of memory that contains garbage.
    • Do not make any assumptions about its content!
  • Freed memory should never be accessed again.
  • Double freeing memory is not good.
    • This is not the place for charity.

Function Pointers

  • Similar to variables, functions in C have addresses in memory.
  • So we can define pointers to functions the same way we can define pointers to variables.
  • A function pointer is a variable that contains the address of a function in your code.
  • To define a function pointer, we can use the following syntax:
    return_type (*function_ptr_name)(arguments);
  • For example, the following piece of code defines a function pointer foo that points to a function that returns an int and accepts three int arguments.
    int (*foo)(int, int, int);
  • To assign a function pointer to an already existing function, you can equivalently use the & operator or simply assign it to the function’s name.
    int bar(int a, int b, int c)
      return a + b + c;
    int (*foo)(int, int, int);
    /* The following two statements are equivalent */
    foo = &bar;
    foo = bar;
  • To call the function that foo points to, we simply dereference the pointer and pass the arguments to it.
    int r = (*foo)(1, 2, 3);