CSSE 332 Operating Systems

Welcome to CSSE 332, Operating Systems.


  • You can find the official syllabus here or on the top right.
  • We strongly suggest that you read the unofficial syllabus here.
  • Instructor information can be found here.

Before coming to the first class

Before coming to the first class, please make sure to read the syllabus* and the unofficial syllabus.

After you have read the syllabus, please make sure to look at the following steps:

  1. Set yourself up with a working Linux distribution. If you are on a Windows machine, you can follow these instructions to install WSL2.

    Note: Although MacOS is a Unix-based distribution, there are significant differences in behavior that we have observed between current version of Linux and mac. Therefore, please make sure you are on a Linux machine to d your work locally.

  2. Create your private repository that will host your solutions for the labs in this class, by following the instructions here.

  3. Re-familiarize yourself with terminal-based editors, as you will have to use it for taking the exam (No IDEs allowed!). In the resources page, we provide you with a useful vim configuration file and some tips and tricks for using vim to write your code.

* This offering of CSSE332 includes several major changes from previous offerings, so please make sure you read the syllabus carefully.