Practical 8 Pipelined Memory, Branches, Jumps


This section is not a list of tasks for you to do. It is a list of skills you will have or things you will know after you complete the practical.

Following completion of this practical you should be able to:


Your Tasks

Follow this sequence of instructions to complete the practical. This practical will all be done in your D-group repository

1 Add lw and sw to your processor

  1. Trace on dp diagram
  2. Add any new traced wires to verilog datapath
    • And connect to "B" ports of the memory module instead of making a second memory
  3. Add control (or connect it)
    • You'll need a mux in WB for memory or ALUOut
  4. Run our tests (tb_Pipe.v)

2 Add lui to your datapath

  1. Trace on dp diagram (add any new wires)
  2. Add any new traced or drawn wires to verilog datapath
    • specifically watch out for what goes back into the register file
  3. Add control (or connect it)
    • You'll need to edit your mux in WB for memory or ALUOut to also include the immediate
  4. Write tests (add to tb_Pipe.v and create code, assemble it with your assembler, use it)

3 Add Branches

  1. trace beq on the datapath
  2. Implement
    • hint: need a mux as input to the PC
  3. Add control
  4. Run beq test we gave you
  5. implement bne, blt, and bge (hint: similar modifications to single-cycle)
  6. Run other branch tests we gave you

4 Add jal

  1. Trace
  2. Implement DP + control
    • hint: datapath is a little like lui
    • hint: input to PC is same as branch
    • hint: linking is a bit hard, might need to keep newPC in your pipeline stage register until WB.
  3. Test (run tests we gave you)

5 Add jalr

  1. Trace
  2. Implement DP + control
    • hint: addr calculation is just like lw/sw
    • need to add to the PC input mux (new source)
  3. Test (run tests we gave you)

6 Write and run a bigger test

TODO: tell them to write a test with no hazards and all the instructions.

  1. On the worksheet, answer the question to explain why the tests in this practical have no dependencies.

Turn It In

Grading Rubric

General Requirements for all Practicals:

  1. fits the need
  2. discuss performance
  3. tests for correctness
  4. iteration and documentation

Fill out the Practical Worksheet

In the worksheet, explain how you satisfy each of these items. Some guidelines:

Practical 8 Rubric items Possible Points
Practical Worksheet 20
Memory insts and tests 15
LUI and tests 10
SB-Types 20
JAL 10
Custom Tests 10
Extra points 5
Total out of 100

For extra points, you could:

  1. Submit your completed Practical Worksheet to gradescope.

  2. Practical code will be submitted to your D git repository as new files and committed modifications to the repo we provided you. You must include your name and your teammates' names in a comment at the top of all files you submit.