Name: Box: Date:
Read and perform the lab guide posted on the course website. Answer the questions in the lab guide. Numbers in square brackets (e.g. []) indicate the point value of each question. The annotations in parentheses refer to the list of "general lab requirments" from the lab page.
[3] (Need) Explain what an assembler is needed for in 100 words or less.
[3] (Performance) What are performance concerns for assemblers, how can you tell if one is "efficient"? Answer in 100 words or less.
[3] (Correctness) How do you know your assembler works? How have you verified its behavior? You may consider providing example inputs you used during debugging. Answer in 100 words or less. ("I ran the test cases." is not a valid answer.)
[4] (Iteration) Explain how your instructor can see your iterative approach to implementing the assembler. For example you can point to several git commits that show changes over time and contain messages explaining the changes. Answer in 100 words or less.
[3] What was the biggest challenge in implementing the Assembler? Explain in 100 words or less.
[4] What is the single biggest thing you learned from writing the assembler? Explain in 100 words or less.