CSSE 230
HardyPart2 Programming Assignment - 100 Points
In the WarmupAndStretching programming assignment,
you found all Hardy numbers less than a given number.
In this assignment, you are to write the nthHardyNumber method which efficiently finds the nth Hardy number (counting 1729 as the 1st Hardy number;
i.e. nthHardyNumber(1) returns 1729, and nthHardyNumber(10)
returns 65728).
Starting code will be in the HardyPart2 project in your pair's
csse230-date-hardyxx repository (info about your partner and your value of xx
will be given to you in class or on the course webpage). Commit your working code to the
Suggestion: Get a working version of nthHardyNumber
very soon, so you have a few days to work on efficiency improvements.
Most of the credit for this problem is based on efficiency.
Efficiency note: A simple
approach is to start with 1 and check each number to see if it can be
written as the sum of cubes in more than one way. But it is highly
unlikely that this will be efficient enough to earn many points
for this assignment, so I suggest that you consider other approaches.
Your choice of data structure(s) may be the key efficiency ingredient.Objectives
Choose data structures to make an algorithm efficient.
Make intelligent space vs. time tradeoffs
Experiment with various algorithms.
Detailed specifications
In this assignment you
will most likely want to select and adapt data structure(s) from the Java Collections Framework,
rather than implement a new data structure. This problem focuses on the
interplay between data structures and efficient algorithms. You will also need to deal with space vs. time tradeoffs, as you have to
solve this problem using a fixed amount of heap space. The bottom
line is that you should write your code so it maximizes the largest
value of n for which you can compute nthHardyNumber(n)
in less than one
minute using at most 900 megabytes of heap space.
In 201610, we will run it on a Lenovo W530 - there may be slight
differences between machines, but as you know, efficiency of the code
is the most important factor.
The JUnit test cases will
start with small values of n, and gradually increase until your program
produces an incorrect answer or runs out of memory. The
correctness part of your
grade for this project will be based entirely on the largest n for which you get
the correct answer within the given space and time constraints.
How the tests will run: Each JUnit test is assigned
a certain number of points, based on getting the correct answer within
one minute. It also prints to the console some additional
information that you may find useful. The total number of points
that your program earns before it fails a test or takes more than a a
minute to run is your score for the correctness part of this assignment.
If a test fails for one value of n, it is extremely unlikely that the
test for a higher value of n will succeed, so in order to make testing
your program faster, we will not run it for higher values of n. Note that the tests do not time out until 90
seconds; this will give you an opportunity to see whether you
almost succeeded, so that you can know whether a minor improvement
might perhaps get you under a minute for this value of n. Also, if a test takes only slightly
more than minute, we will rerun it to see if it will finish in under a
minute next time, because there is some variability based on what else
the computer is doing at the time.
84 points will be considered "full credit" for the correctness part of this
problem; if the JUnit tests yield more points for your program, those
points will be extra credit.
Follow the directions in IncreasingJavaMemoryInEclipse.pdf to get Eclipse to
allocate the correct amount of heap space for the Java virtual machine. If you don't do this, you might earn fewer points when I run the tests.
Hardy Commandments
Your code for nthHardyNumber must not assume that it will there
is a maximum value of n that it has to handle, except for the
limitations of the long data type. You should write the code in
such a way that, if you ran it with enough heap space and gave it
enough time, it would compute the answer for any n that is small enough
so that your program does not have to deal with numbers greater than the
largest long integer (Long.MAX_VALUE, which is about 9 quintillion). So
you may not allocate an array or other structure that is "just large
enough" to handle the values of n that your program can run in under a
minute. You may not even allocate a data structure whose size is
a function of n,
unless you can rigorously prove (not just from observation) that it is
guaranteed to be large enough. I've only had one student (a senior
science major) who satisfied me with such a proof, so don't take this
Commentary: Your program is not allowed to do its
calculations in a
way that requires knowing in advance the largest possible a, b, c, and d
that you need to check. Nor can it store the already-computed values in
an array whose size is determined before the value of nthHardyNumber's
parameter n is known.
Hint (you are not required to do it this way): You can’t know in advance how large the a and b
(for a3 + b3 = nth HardyNumber) will be. But if you
first generate n different Hardy numbers, you can use the information you get from them
to calculate an upper bound for the a and b. Then use that maximum to finish the
calculation of the nth Hardy number. (It's hard to describe
this clearly without too many "spoilers").
You must not cache any calculation results between calls to nthHardyNumber;
this means that the timing tests will be based on computing the nth
number "from scratch". If you declare any fields (as opposed
to local variables of a method) that are/contain arrays or collections,
you must re-initialize those structures at the beginning of each call to nthHardyNumber.
See the grading checklist which the graders will use.
Answers to student questions
I have collected my answers to some student questions from the past.
I may add some new questions and answers as this term's students work on
this problem.