package editortrees; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; public class EditTreeTest { static int points = 0; // Feel free to use these strings in your test cases, or not. static String s1 = "short string", s2 = "a moderately short string", s3 = "This string is not as short as the others", s4 = "This is a great, big, juicy, longer-than-the-others, string", s5 = "You can't always get the strings you want, " + "but if you try sometimes, you just might find you get the strings you need."; /** The variables whose first two digits are your team number are available * for your team's test cases to use. If you want to intiialize them once and for all instead of in individual test cases, * put that code in setUpXY, where XY is your team number. * You may use other variables, of course, but they should be local to your methods. */ EditTree t110, t111, t112, t113, t114, t115, t116, t117, t118, t119; EditTree t120, t121, t122, t123, t124, t125, t126, t127, t128, t129; EditTree t130, t131, t132, t133, t134, t135, t136, t137, t138, t139; EditTree t140, t141, t142, t143, t144, t145, t146, t147, t148, t149; EditTree t150, t151, t152, t153, t154, t155, t156, t157, t158, t159; EditTree t160, t161, t162, t163, t164, t165, t166, t167, t168, t169; EditTree t210, t211, t212, t213, t214, t215, t216, t217, t218, t219; EditTree t220, t221, t222, t223, t224, t225, t226, t227, t228, t229; EditTree t230, t231, t232, t233, t234, t235, t236, t237, t238, t239; EditTree t240, t241, t242, t243, t244, t245, t246, t247, t248, t249; EditTree t250, t251, t252, t253, t254, t255, t256, t257, t258, t259; EditTree t260, t261, t262, t263, t264, t265, t266, t267, t268, t269; EditTree ti0, ti1, ti2, ti3, ti4, ti5, ti6, ti7, ti8, ti9; // Do not modify this method @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { try { setUpInstructors(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in setUpInstructors:"); e.printStackTrace(); } try { setUp11(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in setUp11:"); e.printStackTrace(); } try { setUp12(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in setUp12:"); e.printStackTrace(); } try { setUp13(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in setUp13:"); e.printStackTrace(); } try { setUp14(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in setUp14:"); e.printStackTrace(); } try { setUp15(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in setUp15:"); e.printStackTrace(); } try { setUp16(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in setUp16:"); e.printStackTrace(); } try { setUp21(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in setUp21:"); e.printStackTrace(); } try { setUp22(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in setUp22:"); e.printStackTrace(); } try { setUp23(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in setUp23:"); e.printStackTrace(); } try { setUp24(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in setUp24:"); e.printStackTrace(); } try { setUp25(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in setUp25:"); e.printStackTrace(); } try { setUp26(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in setUp26:"); e.printStackTrace(); } } public void setUpInstructors() throws Exception { } public void setUp11() throws Exception { } public void setUp12() throws Exception { } public void setUp13() throws Exception { } public void setUp14() throws Exception { } public void setUp15() throws Exception { } public void setUp16() throws Exception { } public void setUp21() throws Exception { } public void setUp22() throws Exception { } public void setUp23() throws Exception { } public void setUp24() throws Exception { } public void setUp25() throws Exception { } public void setUp26() throws Exception { } // The name of each of your team's tests should end with an underscore // followed by your team number, // for example, testSize3_13 if you are on team 13. // Make sure that each of your tests has a timeout. // The timeout should be 1 or 2 seconds unless your // test involves VERY complicated operations. // Each of your tests should be worth one point. // A sample test to remind you of the format: @Test(timeout=1000) // one second public void testSize3_i() { // i is for instructor ti3 = new EditTree(s1); assertEquals(12, ti3.size()); points += 1; // only incremented if test passes. } public void testEmptyConstruct_i(){ ti0=new EditTree(""); assertEquals(0,ti0.size()); assertEquals(-1,ti0.height()); points+=1; } public void testAdd_i(){ ti1=new EditTree(""); try{ ti1.add('a',1); return; }catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e){ assertEquals(0,ti1.size()); assertEquals(-1,ti1.height()); points+=1; } ti1.add('a'); assertEquals(1,ti1.size()); assertEquals(0,ti1.height()); points+=1; } public void testDelete_i(){ ti2=new EditTree("01234567890123456789"); ti2.delete(5); assertEquals("0123467890123456789",ti2.toString()); assertTrue(4<=ti2.height()&&ti2.height()<=5&&ti2.isHeightBalanced()); points+=1; } public void testSplit_i(){ ti3=new EditTree('a'); ti4=ti3.split(1); assertEquals(1,ti3.size()); assertEquals(0,ti4.size()); ti5=ti3.split(0); assertEquals(0,ti3.size()); assertEquals(1,ti5.size()); points+=1; } public void testConcatenate_i(){ ti6=new EditTree(); ti6.concatenate(new EditTree()); assertEquals(0,ti6.size()); ti6.concatenate(new EditTree('a')); assertEquals(1,ti6.size()); ti6.concatenate(new EditTree()); assertEquals(1,ti6.size()); points+=1; } }