CSSE 230
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

Homework 9  - 36 points

To Be Turned In

Upload your solution to the Moodle assignment.

  1. (16 points) For this problem, consider the two main ways of implementing a graph: adjacency lists, or adjacency matrix.
    1. Of the two implementations, which would be more efficient at removing an edge from the graph? Explain your answer by describing what must be done in each of the two implementations, and giving the asymptotic running times.
    2. Of the two implementations, which would be more efficient at removing an vertex from the graph? Explain your answer by describing what must be done in each of the two implementations, and giving the asymptotic running times.
  2. (20 points) In this problem, we consider completely full binary trees with N nodes and height H 
                      (so that N = 2H+1 – 1 )
    (a) (5 points) Show that the sum of the heights of all of the nodes of such a tree can be expressed as   

    (b) (15 points) Prove by induction on H that the above sum of the heights of the nodes is N - H - 1.  You may base your proof on the summation from part (a) (so you don't need to refer to trees at all), or you may do our "standard" binary tree induction based on the subtrees (using the definition that a non-empty binary tree has a root plus left and right subtrees). We find the tree approach more straightforward, but you may use the summation if you prefer.