Programming Assignment:
Warm Up and Stretching

Grading Rubric

70 points total


61 points
— one-and-a-half points for each JUnit test passed for Anagram, SortedLinkedList, and PriorityQueue
   (not including DoublyLinkedList tests, since you did not write the code that they test)
— no points for the TaxicabNumber JUnit tests (since you did not write the code that they test)
— two points for each JUnit test passed  in
— ten points total for the ComparingShapes unit tests
— ten points for a working adding calculator


2 points — no errors or warnings according to the standard CSSE preferences file

3 points — appropriate variable and method names, sufficiently self-explanatory, follow Java naming conventions

2 points — appropriate Javadocs and other comments

2 points — concise code, for example

    return x > 0;

rather than

    if (x > 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;