CSSE 230
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis
Homework 9
- 50 points
To Be Turned In
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(10 points) Weiss Exercise 8.9. This should be fairly easy if
you followed the derivation of the quicksort average case
runtime that we did in class.
(10 points) Weiss Exercise 8.14[8.14]. You don't need exact
Java code, but explain your algorithm in enough detail to
convince us it works in O(Log N) time. This will require some
insight - don't leave it to the last minute!
- (10 points) Weiss Exercise 19.8 (ignore the "with proof" part).
(We hope this looks familiar to you - do you recall which EditorTrees
JUnit test this was?)
(20 points)
In this
problem, we consider completely full binary trees with N nodes and
height H
(so that N = 2H+1 – 1 )
(a) (5 points) Show that the sum of the heights of all of the nodes
of such a tree can be expressed as
(b) (15 points) Prove by induction
on H that the above sum of the heights of the nodes is N - H - 1.
You may base your proof on the summation from part (a) (so
you don't need to refer to trees at all),
or you may do our "standard" binary tree induction based on
the subtrees (using the definition that a non-empty binary
tree has a root plus left and right subtrees). We find the tree
approach more straightforward, but you may use the summation if you