Session Details

Week 0, Session 1 — Fri Sep 6


  1. Bookmark this schedule page in your browser.
  2. Read the Syllabus
  3. Email your instructor if you forgot your SVN password (different from your normal Rose-hulman network password)
  4. Review Weiss Ch. 1–6 before Day 4: many pages, mostly review. Carefully read the new stuff and skim the rest: this document may help guide your reading).
  5. Install software for the course:


  1. Nothing today, but lots this week!
  2. Always look at the Major Programs column, too, for the programming assignment of the week.


  1. Course introduction
  2. Growable Array analysis
  3. Week 1:
    On your own: Skim/read review from the book and get back up-to-speed on programming by doing the WarmUpAndStretching assignment
    In class: Algorithm analysis


  1. [10 min] Roll Call, Introductions
  2. [15 min] Getting started, finding course material on the web, schedule
  3. [20 min] Review some math we’ll need
  4. [5 min] Break
  5. [45 min] Growable Array (due at end of class)


  1. Slides
  2. Course materials on the web.
  3. An overview of the review material from Weiss chapters 1-7.

HW Assigned

  1. See Preparation, Due, and Major Programs columns on the main schedule page