/* ============================================================================ Name : Structures.c Author : Matt Boutell, David Mutchler and YOUR-NAME-HERE Description : An exercise to introduce structures. ============================================================================ */ #include #include int main(void) { Dog dog1; Dog* dog2; dog1 = constructRandomDog1(); dog2 = constructRandomDog2(); printDog1(dog1); printDog2(dog2); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } char randomLetter() { return 'a' + (char) (rand() % 26); } // Constructs a random Dog and returns a pointer to the Dog. Dog* constructRandomDog1() { } // Constructs a random Dog and returns the Dog itself (not as a pointer). Dog constructRandomDog2() { } // Prints a random Dog. void printDog1(Dog* dog) { } // Prints a random Dog. void printDog2(Dog dog) { }