/* ============================================================================ Name : ArraysAndStructures.c Author : Matt Boutell, David Mutchler and YOUR-NAME-HERE Description : An exercise to introduce structures and dynamic arrays. ============================================================================ */ #include #include typedef struct { int key; float* data; // Pretend that the data was bigger and more meaningful, // thus justifying using a pointer to the data here. } KeyDataPair; getArraySizeFromUser(); // TODO Student: fix args and return type. constructArray(); // TODO Student: fix args and return type. fillArrayWithRandomNumbers(); // TODO Student: fix args and return type. selectionSort(); // TODO Student: fix args and return type. printArrayKeys(); // TODO Student: fix args and return type. destructArray(); // TODO Student: fix args and return type. int main(void) { // Declare a dynamic array, along with other variables as needed. while (1) { // Run until user enters a negative number for the array size. // Ask the user for the size of the array and return the response, // storing it for further use. getArraySizeFromUser(); // TODO Student: fix args and/or returned value. // Return EXIT_SUCCESS if returned value from getArraySizeFromUser // is negative, otherwise just continue the loop. // TODO Student: write code here per above comment. // Construct the array with the requested size // and return a pointer to the allocated space. // Students: What should you do with the returned result? constructArray(); // TODO Student: fix args and/or returned value. // Fill the array with random numbers between 0 and 100. fillArrayWithRandomNumbers(); // TODO Student: fix args and/or returned value. // Sort the array. selectionSort(); // TODO Student: fix args and/or returned value. // Print the keys of the array (now be in ascending order) // all on the same line. printArrayKeys(); // TODO Student: fix args and/or returned value. // Deallocate the memory allocated to the array. destructArray(); // TODO Student: fix args and/or returned value. } } // Asks the user for the size of the array and returns the response. // Does NOT do any error-checking for valid input. getArraySizeFromUser() { // TODO Student: fix args and return type. // TODO Student: implement this function per above comment. } // Constructs an array with the requested size // and returns a pointer to the allocated space. constructArray() { // TODO Student: fix args and return type. // TODO Student: implement this function per above comment. } // Fill the array with random numbers between 0 and 100. fillArrayWithRandomNumbers() { // TODO Student: fix args and return type. // TODO Student: implement this function per above comment. } // Given an array of int's and the array's size, sort the array. selectionSort() { // TODO Student: fix args and return type. // TODO Student: implement this function per above comment. } // Print the keys of the array (now be in ascending order) // all on the same line. printArrayKeys() { // TODO Student: fix args and return type. // TODO Student: implement this function per above comment. } // Deallocate memory that was allocated for this array. destructArray() { // TODO Student: fix args and return type. // TODO Student: implement this function per above comment. }