Here are some resources that you can refer to while doing this assignment.
To check out a repository:
- Create a folder in My Documents to hold your working copy.
- From within this folder, right-click and choose "SVN Checkout..."
- In the next window, enter as a URL:, where XX is
the 2-digit number given to your group.
- When prompted, enter your username and password given to you. [This password will be used repeatedly this term, so don't lose it.]
- It should create the repository. Each folder in the repository will contain a .svn folder and possibly some content.
To update your local copy:
- Choose the folder you want to update. Right-click on it and choose "SVN Update"
A dialog box will tell you which files have been changed since you last updated your copy.
To commit changes to the repository:
- Choose the folder containing the changes you want to commit. Right-click on it and choose "SVN Commit..."
- Note: it is quickest to choose the deepest folder containing the changed files.
However, if you have made changes to multiple folders, you may select the deepest folder containing
both those folders and commit both changes in a single step.
- In the dialog box, enter a brief comment about the changes you made. If you ever need to roll back to a previous version
(a benefit of version control), this will help you find which copy to use.
- If changes were made to more than one file, and you don't want to commit all the files, you may unselect ones as needed.
- Click OK.
A dialog box will tell you which files were committed.