Euchre Server Turnin Instructions Place all of the following in the ServerTurnin folder in your team's folder online by 12:30 PM on Tuesday, Feb 3: 1. All of the Java source code and data files used by your server. If you created any packages, the source files for classes within those packages should be in the appropriate subfolder(s). If you have a separate program to serve as a client for the purpose of testing the server, its source code should be there also. 2. A README file that tells how to compile and run the server and test program. 2a. Instructions for compiling your code. If "javac *.java" works, you do not need to give any instructions. If I need to compile a specific file, or if I need something (like the Weiss classes) in my class path, say so. 2b. Instructions for running the server. It may be that all you need to do. is simply give the name of the class that contains the server's main() method, if "java ThatClassName" works. 2c. Instructions for running the program used to test your server. Perhaps that is a program that you wrote; perhaps it is simply Telnet. 3. A TESTING file (or folder) that details how you tested your server. If you have a GUI-based client program that you use for testing, detail some sequences of actions that demonstrate the server's capabilitites. If you test it by using text commands, show the command sequences, so that the testing teams can copy those commands and paste them when they test your server. 4. A KnownErrors file or folder that describes the server errors (Or non-implemented functionality) that you know about. The teams who test your code will be given a bonus (and you will be given a penalty if they find errors that you did not list). In addition, this file should save the testers time, since they will not even need to try the things that you list as non-working. NOTES Be sure that your server uses port 100XX, where XX is your team number.