CSSE230: Euchre Server Evaluation instructions


In your team folder in AFS (/class/csse/CSSE230/teams/<your team number>) you'll find the ServerEvaluation folder. Under that are two subfolders, X_evaluated_by_A and Y_evaluated_by_A, where A is your team number and X and Y are the numbers of the teams whose servers you are to evaluate.


In each of those folders you will find a copy of the EuchreServerEvaluation.doc file that should be electronically filled out with your team's comments about that server. To find the other teams' servers, go to the /class/csse/csse230/assignments/EuchreProject/servers folder and look in the appropriately numbered folders. You will have probably have to copy your "reviewee" teams' folders to some place (such as your laptop) where you have write permission.


Note that not every team named their README, TESTING, and KnownErrors documents exactly as prescribed.  A few teams seem to have omitted one or more of them altogether.  Look hard for each document, but if one or more is not there, do your best to proceed with testing (but no heroic effort is required).


The completed reviews must be placed back in the same folders by Thursday at noon. At that time I will run a script them to copy your reviews to a place where everyone can read them.  If you have trouble running a team's server, please try to contact them to resolve the problem.  The list of teams is in the EuchreProject directory.


For each team's server, your team  should do at least the following tests:

  1. The tests detailed in their TESTING document (if they have a LOT of tests

     there, you can run a small sample of them).

  2. The tests that you ran on your own server.

  3. Anything else you can think of that might uncover errors that are not in

     the team's KnownErrors  documents.


A major part of your score for this activity (and also the reviewed team's score) will be for finding errors that are not listed in the team's KnownErrors file.  This will show me how well they tested their server, and also it should help them to fix things that are wrong with their server.


If you have any questions about the review process, please don't hesitate to ask.