Implementing Design 1


Write code to represent either your design (you should have gotten Design Problems 1 back) or any alternative you might prefer (perhaps based on the solution we presented in class?)

Total possible: 30 points.

To receive full credit you must demonstrate functionality using main to call each required handle* case listed in the UML and problem description.

The problem

In an online quiz system, teachers write quizzes and students take them. The same quiz question can appear in multiple quizzes. If a teacher updates a quiz question, it’s important that all quizzes reflect that change.

Additional Instructions: each question should have both an identification number and data. The data should be the actual question being asked, stored as a String. i.e. “What is the capital of Egypt?” When displaying a quiz, the id of the quiz should be shown, in addition to the id of each question and the text data it stores. See the sample output section below to see one way to do this.

Sample Output

There is sample output of a working solution in example_output.txt that you can use as a model for display. You do not have to match this exactly, but try to make it look roughly the same.