Using Git for Your Arcade Game Project

For the arcade game project, you will be doing group development. Therefore, we’ll be asking you to use a source control system called git. You’ve already used git to checkout code/homework from the CSSE220 repo, but for this project you will be managing a repo and also using it to submit your homework.

Step 1: Forking My Repo

This step should only be done by one member of your Arcade Game team.

  1. Go to this URL:

    You’ll have to login with your rose credentials.
  2. Click “fork”
  3. Select your name as the namespace
  4. Go to Settings > General > Permissions
  5. Change the Project Visibility to “Private” and press “Save Changes”
  6. Go to Settings > Members
  7. Invite the other members of your team to your project (they may need to login at so they show up in the list) as Maintainers
  8. Invite the other members of the grading team to your project as Maintainers. The team should be
  9. Find your repo URL. It should appear beneath your project’s name on the main project page. It should look something like this:

    Go to this spreadsheet and set the URL for your team

Step 2: Checking out the Repo

This step should be done by everyone in your team.

  1. In your browser, go to and verify that you have access to your project. Copy the Repo URL.
  2. Open your Eclipse and go to File > Import > Git > Projects from Git
  3. Select “Clone URI”
  4. In the URI field paste the URL you took from the website. Host and repository path should get filled out for you
  5. In Authentication, enter your rose credentials (you might find it convenient to have it save these for you) and hit Next
  6. In branch selection make sure master is checked and click next
  7. In local destination, you can configure anywhere you like except the directories that your existing CSSE220 repos are being checked out to
  8. Select “Import existing eclipse projects” and select next.
  9. You should see “AracadeGameGit” on the list, make sure it’s checked and select next
  10. You should see a folder for ArcadeGameGit in your project browser

Step 3: Test Push and Pull

Have one member of your team make a change and push it. Here’s how:

  1. In eclipse, edit the file (maybe edit the @author? whatever) and save it
  2. Right click on the project folder and select Team > Commit
  3. Verify that appears in your list of “Staged Changes”
  4. Also add the .gitignore to your staged changes by selecting it and clicking +
  5. Add some text in the commit message
  6. Select Commit and push

Have everyone else on your team pull the latest version

  1. Right click on the project folder and select Team > Pull
  2. You might have to enter your credentials
  3. You should get the updated files

Step 4: Cause a Merge Conflict

Have everyone in your team

  1. Edit the same line of code in a different way. Say add your name to the println.
  2. Attempt to commit and push.
  3. The first person who does it should succeed. The rest should get a “rejected non-fast-forward” error.

For one of those those who failed:

  1. Right click on the project folder and select team > Pull
  2. You should see a message about conflict and things will look sort of scary
  3. Look at the edited file. You should see that both versions of the code are there plus some <<<<< ===== >>>> lines
  4. Figure out what the combination of the changes ought to be (probably all your names in the println) and edit the file to be correct, deleting all unnecessary stuff
  5. Test your code and make sure that everything works as expected
  6. Write click on the project folder and select Team > Commit
  7. Manually move all your files into “Staged changes” with the +
  8. Commit and push
  9. Now have the original committer pull and they should have the merged version too
  10. If they are any other members of year team, have them do step 4 onward

Step 5: Let’s do this

You have the basics!

  1. Have the team member who has the latest version of your source code copy all the files into ArcadeGameGit (hint: you can select files in the eclipse package explored and use right click copy and paste)
  2. Test and verify that the game runs in its new project
  3. Stage all the files, and then commit and push them
  4. Have everyone else pull the changes
  5. Verify that everyone has a running up to date game on their eclipse


Good Advice for Minimal Merge Conflicts