CSSE 220: Object-Oriented Software Development

You will do this exercise by yourself.


This exercise will let you practice designing recursive algorithms.

Grading rubric

Total possible: 64 points.

The problems themselves are already reasonably documented --- don't worry about writing Javadocs on this program but do keep your code clean, well formatted, and understandable.

The Problems

The specification of each of the problems is in the RecursionPractice project you download from SVN.

If you have questions, consider posting to Piazza (just be sure not to reveal any solutions there) --- instructors and other students can answer your questions there. You can also visit the Learning Center of Percopo Hall during scheduled hours or stop by your instructor's office to get help.

All the problems have unit tests which can run to ensure your solution works as expected. Do run the unit tests to help check yourself. However, the unit tests are not designed to be exhaustive - your code has to be correct for all inputs, even ones not specified in the unit tests.

Turn-In Instructions

Commit your project to your individual repository when you are done.