CSSE 220 – Object-Oriented Software Development

Big Rational


Practice with interfaces and implementing them. Practice pair programming.


BigRational: This exercise is about writing code to meet a specification. The specification is given by a provided interface.

Complete the TODO items in bigRational's BigRational class, in the order that they are numbered.

  1. Background research: (Questions here are just for you to think about. You don’t need to provide written answers.)
  2. Implementing the interface: Commit your code to SVN often, say after you get each method to work. That way you’ll have a backup of each phase of your work.

Remember, in all your code:


Each test case is worth 0.5 points, up to a max of 50 points, minus usual stuff for style.

Turn-in Instructions

Turn in your programming work by committing it to your SVN repository.